How to Have Fun when You're Bored at Home

Being stuck at home can get boring. With nowhere else to go, it can be tough to keep busy or do something interesting. Don't worry—there are plenty of things you can do to fight boredom when you are stuck at home. You can try things like playing games with your family, watching a movie, making a snack, or even building your own pillow fort. You've got plenty of fun options to make a boring day more exciting.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Chilling Out

  1. English: Step 1 Screen-share your favorite movies with online friends.
    Watching a movie can be a great way to pass the time, but it can be super boring when you’re by yourself. Get some friends together online and use a screen sharing program to watch different videos and movies together. Programs like Netflix Party, Gaze, Watch2gether, and Twoseven can help you stay connected from the comfort of your own home![1]
    • If you don’t want to use a screen share program, you can always watch movies simultaneously with your friends. Pick a time to watch, then text each other while you enjoy the movie!
  2. English: Step 2 Enjoy some funny videos on YouTube.
    If you’re feeling bored or down in the dumps, browse YouTube for content that interests you. Look for meme videos, video game play-throughs, reaction videos, or any other type of content that brings a smile to your face.
    • Twitter and Facebook are also great places to find funny videos.
    • You may also enjoy watching funny videos or memes on video sharing sites like Tik Tok.
    • This is a great activity to do by yourself.
  3. English: Step 3 Rock out to your favorite songs if you’re alone at home.
    Use programs like Spotify or SoundCloud to make a variety of fun playlists for different occasions. If you’re in the mood for new music, use Spotify’s “Start Playlist Radio” feature by clicking the triple dot button next to your playlist. You can also share your favorite songs with friends and family by using the share feature![2]
    • Try exploring new styles of music or different artists that you might not have tried before.
    • Build some playlists of your own. Try making a playlist for relaxing, working out, or reading.
    • This is a great opportunity to hone your air guitar and lip syncing skills.
  4. English: Step 4 Try a new video game to change things up.
    Video games can be the perfect way to make a boring day way more exciting. There are games for everyone, from high paced shooting to find-the-hidden-object style games. Whatever type of video game you're into, playing your favorite game can be the perfect way to put an end to a boring day at home. It's also a fun way to spend time with friends online when you can't leave the house.
    • If you’re into sandbox-style games where you create your own world, try playing something like Minecraft, the Sims, or something from the Animal Crossing franchise.
    • If you like rhythm games, you can try osu!, a free-to-play game for the PC. You may also enjoy titles from the Just Dance franchise.
    • Search online video game libraries like Steam to see if they have any free-to-play games.
    • If you’re into multiplayer online games, try titles like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Smite, or Dota 2.
  5. English: Step 5 Share some stories with your friends and family.
    Being stuck at home can be a great time to sit down with your family and have a fun chat. Sharing exciting or funny stories with your family can help keep everyone from feeling bored. You can share stories of your own or ones that you heard from somewhere else. Feel free to talk about whatever you and your family find interesting to make the day more amusing.
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Learning New Things

  1. English: Step 1 Expand your horizons by learning a language online.
    Download an app like Duolingo to your phone, which lets you learn and practice a new language in fun, bite-sized exercises. For an extra challenge, invite your friends and family to learn a new language too, so you can all practice together![3]
    • If you want extra practice, there are some websites that can connect you with other language learners from other countries. Programs like HelloTalk, Tandem Language Exchange and Conversation Exchange are great places to start!
  2. English: Step 2 Take a personality test to learn more about yourself.
    Search online for a free personality test, like the MBTI or Enneagram. While these tests can take a few minutes to complete, you can learn a lot about yourself once you get the results. For extra fun, ask your family and friends to take the tests and see which results they get.
  3. 3
    Sign up for free online classes with your friends. Search some well-known university sites to see if they offer any online courses. You may be able to enroll in basic programming classes or other courses that pique your interest. To get the full classroom experience, invite some friends to sign up for online classes with you so you can compare notes.[4]
  4. 4
    Study coding online for free. Visit a free code-learning website like Codecademy, Free Code Camp, Codewars, HackerRank, and CodeFights. Try out different lessons, activities, and challenges each day so you can become an accomplished coder. You can also invite friends to join you on your code journey, if you want![5]
    • You can also learn coding for free on sites like edX, Upskill, MIT OpenCourseware, and Khan Academy.
  5. 5
    Take advantage of free educational resources online. Look for websites or games that match your grade or learning level, then give them a try! Experiment with different math, writing, and science games to give yourself an educational boost while you’re bored at home. The websites are especially useful if you’re stuck at home for a long time.[6]
    • If you’re in grade school, sites like Adventure Academy or ABCmouse Early Learning Academy may be a great option.
    • If you’re in middle or high school, go on sites like GameSalad, Albert, or iCulture.

    Tip: During the COVID-19 outbreak, a lot of online companies and sites are offering discounts or free trials on their subscriptions. For instance, programs like Adobe, Mango Languages, and Quizlet are offering discounts or free trials.[7]

Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Trying Creative Activities

  1. English: Step 1 Whip up a fun, tasty snack.
    If you are bored and stuck at home, you might try asking someone to help you make a tasty treat. Spend some time together making something you both enjoy to help fight feeling bored.
    • You might both enjoy baking cookies, a cake or brownies.
    • You can try making s'mores on the stove-top.
    • Blend up some fruit and enjoy a smoothie together.
  2. English: Step 2 Paint or draw to let your creative juices flow.
    Don't worry, you don't have to be a trained painter or artist to create your own works of art. Painting or drawing a picture can be a good way to express yourself and fight boredom. If you are bored and stuck at home, make the day a lot more fun by creating some interesting art.
    • It’s okay if you don’t get the hang of it right away! One person’s stick figure is another person’s masterpiece.
    • If you're already an artist, set yourself a challenge, such as painting a river rock or learning to draw a horse.
    • There are plenty of other arts and crafts to try as well, from wet chalk drawing to sculpting. Have you ever made an infinity mirror or galaxy jar?
    • Art is a great activity to do by yourself.
  3. English: Step 3 Write songs, poetry, or stories.
    Spend some time journaling or jot down song lyrics to express yourself. If you prefer a different format, write some poems, create a short story, or even start a novel. Let your creativity flow onto the page to fight boredom while home alone.
    • Journaling is a great way to stay in touch with your own thoughts and feelings.
    • If you have other friends who like making music, consider making a song together! Invite them to send you recorded files of them singing or playing music, then mix all of your files together into a great track.
  4. English: Step 4 Give your home a fun makeover.
    Redecorating a part of your home or room can be a fun way to fight feeling bored. Changing up the decor can also make your room or home feel brand new and exciting. You can redecorate as much or as little as you like, making your space one that you enjoy.
    • You might move your furniture around to change how the space feels.
    • Try taking things from one room and seeing how they look in another.
    • You can also try making something fun, like a pillow or blanket fort.
    • You could paint a picture and hang it up to give a room a new look.
  5. English: Step 5 Surprise your friends and family with a homemade treat.
    Look in your kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, or pantry to see what kinds of foods you have lying around. Don't settle for something pre-made or boring that you can heat and serve quickly—instead, try making something with multiple ingredients, like cookies, muffins, cupcakes, or a savory dish. When your friends and family aren’t around, prepare the dish so it’s ready to eat by the time they get back!
    • Just looking for something easy and delicious? Recipes like nachos and spaghetti are easy to make, and are big crowd-pleasers.
    • Do you have a lot of general ingredients, like flour, eggs, sugar, and other produce? Find recipes tailor-made to the ingredients you have on hand by using websites like SuperCook. Check it out here:
  6. English: Step 6 Plan your dream vacation with some friends.
    Sit down with someone else and talk about your dream vacation spots. Discuss where you would like to go and what you might want to do there. Feel free to imagine whatever kinds of adventures you would both like to go on.
    • Talk about what you both think your adventure would be like.
    • Discuss some of your favorite things about the places you want to visit.
    • You can get out some maps and have fun drawing your travel routes on them.
    • It can be fun to use Google Street View to go on virtual walks of places you want to visit.
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Getting Active

  1. English: Step 1 Get up and dance around your home.
    Dancing is a simple way that you can get in some exercise and have fun. Find some of your favorite songs, turn up the volume, and get moving. You don't need to know the moves—just dance however you want!
    • You might want to create a playlist of your favorite dance songs.
    • Come up with your own dance moves or learn the moves to a new style of dancing.
    • You can dance by yourself, or with friends!
  2. English: Step 2 Kick things up with a fun exercise routine.
    Just because you are home alone all day doesn't mean that you can't get in some exercise. Many workouts don't require any equipment, requiring only your own bodyweight or movements. Try getting in a good workout during your day at home to help fight boredom.
    • There are many free workout videos available on-line.
    • Doing things like push-ups or squats can strengthen your muscles, without using any weights.
    • Doing things like jumping jacks can be a good way to get in some cardio.
  3. English: Step 3 Chill out with some stretching or yoga.
    Whether you work out or not, it can be a good idea to get in some stretching during your time home alone. Stretching can help you relax mentally and improve your body's range of motion and flexibility. When you’re stuck at home, try getting in some light stretching to help keep you active and fight boredom.
    • Always move gently into stretches to avoid injury. Stop the stretch if you feel any pain during the movement.
    • There are many free yoga videos that you can find online.
  4. 4
    Train for a 5K with your friends. Create a rough training schedule for yourself so you can stay in shape. Invite your friends to train with you, which may help you stay motivated. You can exercise inside or outside, depending on where you live. Once you feel confident enough in your running skills, you can register for an official race![8]
    • For instance, you can run for 30 minutes on Monday and Wednesday, walk for 30 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday, run or walk for 3 miles (4.8 km) on Saturday, and spend the rest of the week resting.
Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Engaging Your Brain

  1. English: Step 1 Challenge yourself with a logic puzzle.
    Pick up a puzzle book or look online for some logic puzzles. These brain teasers give you a chart along with some vague clues, leaving you to fill in the blanks. Try an easier puzzle to start with, or look for a trickier challenge![9]
  2. English: Step 2 Solve a really hard jigsaw puzzle with some friends.
    Dig out an old puzzle from your basement or closet, or purchase a new one online to get the fun started. Find a large, flat surface where you can get to work, and start putting the pieces together. Once you finish the puzzle, you’ll have a huge sense of accomplishment, productivity, and pride.[10]
    • You can always start with a smaller, 500-piece puzzle and work your way up to something bigger!
    • If you’re feeling “puzzled,” feel free to take a break! There’s no time limit for solving a puzzle, and you can always go back to it later.
  3. English: Step 3 Break out the board games with your friends and family.
    Board games have long been a favorite when it comes to passing the time and fighting boredom. Try asking your family if they want to play a board game with you. Most board games are designed for multiple players and they can help everyone stay entertained.
    • Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry!, and Settlers of Catan are great party games to try.
  4. English: Step 4 Learn Origami to pass the time if you’re by yourself.
    Learn a new paper-folding skill to pass the time. Start with simple figures like a fortune teller and advance to more complicated figures like a Ninja Star.

    Try taking's Beginner Origami Course. Learn how to fold 8 origami figures including the Paper Heart, Fortune Teller, Paper Crane, Origami Butterfly, Origami Turtle, Flying Bird, Ninja Star, and Origami Lily.


Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I want to do something crafty, but I'm not a good drawer. What can I do? English: Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are many crafty things you can do aside from drawing. If you search up "crafts" on this site, you will find all kinds of different projects with instructions. You can also find tutorials to help you get better at drawing, if you want to do that.
  • Question
    Why do I always get bored at home? English: Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you have a certain routine every day until you get home, that could be why. Or if you get tired of doing the same thing at home in that certain routine, that could also be why. Sometimes when you've done everything there is to do, you feel bored. Being bored is not so bad though, it has an evolutionary purpose, which is to spur you on to find something else to do, to force you to be creative and learn to deal with monotonous situations.
  • Question
    What if I love YouTube but nobody's uploading new videos? English: Hudha94
    Community Answer
    Check out some YouTubers that you have never seen before. There are new ones every day, and this may introduce you to a new YouTuber. You could even start your own YouTube channel where you could create vlogs or videos of yourself doing cool tricks or DIYs.
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      • Although it may not sound as fun, cleaning can be a good way to pass the time. If you tidy up your room, you’ll feel a lot more productive afterwards!

      About this article English: Janice Tieperman
      Co-authored by: Staff Writer
      This article was co-authored by staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Janice is a professional and creative writer who has worked at since 2019. With both a B.A. and M.A. in English from East Stroudsburg University, she has a passion for writing a wide variety of content for anyone and everyone. In her free time, you can find her working on a new crochet pattern, listening to true crime podcasts, or tackling a new creative writing project. This article has been viewed 309,907 times.
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      Co-authors: 41
      Updated: April 8, 2020
      Views: 309,907
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