How to Start a Gaming Group in Your Library

There has been much debate about the positive and negative aspects of gaming in education. While video games can be addicting and have been associated with antisocial behavior in children and teens,[1] studies have shown there are benefits as well, including improving flexibility in thinking and problem solving.[2]

Focusing on the benefits of gamesmanship, the American Library Association (ALA), has determined that developing a collection of games, including board, video, and card games, are consistent with the mission of public libraries to provide materials supplementing cultural, recreational, and entertainment materials to the community. To encourage libraries to support gaming and connect with gamers around the world, it has designated the first week of November as International Gaming Week.

Method 1
Method 1 of 6:

Developing a Video Game Collection

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    Create a collection development policy. There are many things to consider when purchasing video games. Having a policy in place can save time and frustration. Some things to consider include:[3]
    • Circulation policy. You will need to decide whether to only allow patrons to play the games in house or allow them to circulate outside the library. If you do decide to allow the games to circulate, you will need to decide the length of the borrowing period, and whether to charge a rental fee.
    • Audience. While video games are usually associated with teens, interest in playing has increased among older demographics. According to a recent study,[4] the average age of a gamer is 35, and roughly 25% of all gamers are over 50.
    • Game Ratings. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rates the age appropriateness of games from E (Everyone) to AO (Adults Only) according to their content.[5] Your library will need to decide what ratings it will stock, and to whom it will lend its games.
    • Game Platforms. There are a number of consoles available, ranging in price from less than $150 to over $500.[6] To choose the best console for your library's purposes, you will need to consider your patron demographics, which games you want to stock, and your library's budget.
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    Select genres for purchase. According to, games genres can be organized according to several characteristics including gameplay characteristics, objective type (e.g. build a city), and subject type (e.g. sports). Examples of game genres include:
    • Action games. This is currently the most popular genre. Action games are centered around weapon-based combat, and can be further defined as First Person Shooter (FPS) and Third Person Shooter (TPS).
    • Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). In MOBA games the player is part of a team whose objective is to defeat opposing teams and overcome obstacles generated by the game. In most MOBA games the player assumes a specific role within their team with a specific set of skills.
    • Real Time Strategy (RTS). In RTS games the main objective is for the player to acquire assets to achieve a goal. As the game progresses the player must complete tasks of increasing complexity to reach their goal.
    • Role Playing Games (RPG). In role playing games the player becomes a character in an otherworldly universe, usually a fantasy or science fiction scenario. The object of the game is to achieve a goal through the completion of a number of quests.
    • Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO). As the name implies, MMOs are games played online with thousands of players on the same server. These games require some form of internet access such as a mobile phone, computer, or game console with internet capabilities. MMOs can cross many different types of genres.
    • Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG). MMORPGs are role playing games played online in a virtual world with large numbers of players in different locations. Players assume the identity of a specific character and can collaborate or compete with other characters in the game's universe.
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    Review games for purchase. Once you have determined which game genres will work best in your library, you will want to select the best games available. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you to decide which games to choose.
    • Online reviews. Video reviews specifically geared for libraries include and You can also check the American Library Association Video Game Roundtable[7] for video game news.
    • Video game stores. If you can connect with your local game store, you may be able to learn the latest happening in the gaming world, and may be able to acquire games an a discount.
    • Ask your patrons. Keep in mind that gamers can be all ages and demographics. Find out what they would like to have available in the library.
Method 2
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Developing a Board Game Collection

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    Become familiar with the types of board games available. According to the American Library Association, board games are the only medium in a library's collection specifically designed to encourage social interaction.[8] identifies 10 main types of board games:
    • Roll and Move Games. The object of classic games like Monopoly is to move a game piece a certain number of spaces determined by the roll of one or more dice. Since Roll and Move Games depend more on the luck of the roll than strategy, they can be an effective way to introduce non-gamers to the world of gaming.
    • Worker Placement Games. In this type of game, the object is to occupy territory on the board when there are a limited number of spaces available. The on the board are used to accomplish an objective such as building a city or establishing a farm. Examples of Worker Placement Games include Agricola and Keydom.
    • Cooperative Games. As the name states, Cooperative Games emphasize teamwork rather than competition. The players all work as a team to achieve a specific objective, and each player has a specific role. Games such as Pandemic and Mole Rats in Space are examples of Cooperative games.
    • Deck Building Games. In Deck Building Games players start with a set number of cards or other token that grow, change, or upgrade throughout the game. Players focus on building and upgrading their decks and devising a strategy to use them. Deck Games include Dominion, Roll for the Galaxy, and Concordia.
    • Area Control Games. The object of Area Control Games is simple: To take as much of the board as you can. The strategy can be quite complex, however. In the classic game Risk, players can form and dissolve alliances, and determine how to move their armies to the best advantage. The game Twilight Struggle involves political intrigue from the Cold War era, and has the added risk of a nuclear attack abruptly ending the game for all players.
    • Combat Games. Combat games have much in common with Area Control Games in that the object is to defeat an opponent and control the game. Players typically start out with a specified amount of resources such as weapons and troops, and try to inflict harm on the other players until their is one player is left standing, or completely dominates the game. Examples of Combat Games include chess, Risk, and Stratego.
    • Secret Identity Games. Secret Identity Games rely on the principle of "things are not what they seem." The object of these games is to deduce who is on your side and who is your enemy. A unique feature of Secret Identity Games is their incorporation of technology such as phone apps. Examples of Secret Identity Games include Mafia and Battlestar Galactica.
    • Legacy Games. A relatively new genre, Legacy Games have an ongoing narrative that can change the rules, the board, and even the playing pieces. Any decision by a player can have a permanent impact on future games. A Legacy Game played properly will result in cards being torn up, the game board being indelibly marked up, and characters being changed irrevocably. Examples of Legacy Games include Pandemic Legacy, and Charterstone, which includes a one-player option.
    • Party Games. Party Games are noted for the simplicity of their rules and ease of understanding. These games are ideal for people new to gaming or as a way to pass a rainy day. Popular Party Games include Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity.
    • Puzzle Games. Puzzle Games are based on skills such as problem solving and pattern recognition. A Puzzle Game may involve solving a series of riddles, completing math problems, or as in the classic jigsaw puzzle, put together a picture from pieces. Escape rooms are a popular offshoot of the Puzzle Game Genre.
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    Create your collection. Choosing from hundreds of games with a limited budget can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are a large number of resources to help you decide which games best fit in your collection. A good place to start doing research is on the ALA Games and Gaming Round Table.[9]
    • Set up a starter collection. BoardgameGeek, a popular online gaming forum, has a list of 23 games recommended for a startup collection.[10]
    • Contact your local game store. Game shops can tell you which board games are popular in your area, and may give you discounts on purchases. It never hurts to ask.
    • Contact the game manufacturers. Sometimes manufacturers will donate or discount games they plan to discontinue, or lend demo games.
    • Consult with your patrons. Your target audience can give you loads of advice on what games they like to play and when they would like to get together. Remember, gamers come in all ages!
    • Inventory the playing pieces of a new game. Let's face it, board games will suffer a lot of wear and tear. It's best to know what's missing when a game is borrowed and returned.
    • Have a list of sources to buy replacement pieces. BoardGame Geek has a list of online suppliers of gaming pieces.[11] You can also try to contact the game manufacturer directly.
Method 3
Method 3 of 6:

Creating Gaming Groups According to Interests

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    Your school-age patrons can give you a good idea of what games they like to play.
    • Host different groups based on age and level of proficiency. Different age groups will have different interests. You may also want to organize based on other criteria such as gender.
    • Make sure there is adequate supervision. No matter how carefully planned an event is, problems can and do arise. A staff member or volunteer supervising the group can prevent problems from getting out of hand.
    • Decide whether to provide refreshments. You might want to provide snacks like pretzels and chips and bottled water. This is completely optional if cleanup would be a problem.
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    Start an adult gaming group. According to a study by the Pew Foundation, over 50% of adults 18 and over play video games.[12] This has led to a trend to create games that explore more complex ideas than simply trying to defeat an enemy. Board and card games are also very popular in this age group, as well as digitized classic games like Monopoly.
    • Select games that are schedule friendly. For this age group, time is a main constraint. Games that can be completed in two hours or less include: The Stanley Parable, Gone Home, and Inside.[13]
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    Start a senior gaming group. According to[14], gaming has a number of benefits for people ages 50 and up, including improving eye and hand coordination and physical fitness.
    • Games such as Minecraft have proven popular with seniors through their online communities and their relaxing atmosphere. They also offer flexible scenarios that allows seniors to leave and return to the game according to their schedule.
    • Gaming platforms such as Wii Fit provide a fun way to get exercise and keep active.
Method 4
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Hosting Gaming Events in Your Library

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    Host a family game night. Game nights can attract a diverse group of gamers of all ages and skill levels. The Programming Librarian offers some tips to ensure your patrons have an enjoyable experience.[15]
    • Enlist staff or volunteers to help you host the program. See if there is a local gaming group who would be willing to help.
    • Be prepared to teach the game your group will be playing. You may want to start with entry-level games like Ticket to Ride that are easy for newcomers to learn and still be interesting to experienced gamers. It is recommended you have multiple copies on hand.
    • Play in open areas. If possible, host the game night in an open area to encourage walk-ins to participate, and to leave if they wish.
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    Host an International Games Week Event. The American Library Association (ALA) has designated the first week in November as International Games Week. Working in conjunction with its international counterparts, International Games Week (IGW) is an initiative run by volunteers from around the world to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational, and social value of all types of games.[16] You can apply for donated games from the IGW sponsors by following these procedures:
Method 5
Method 5 of 6:

Creating a Video Game Design Group

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    Design games from Scratch.[17] Scratch is a programming language developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for ages eight through sixteen to teach how to develop interactive stories, games, and animation and share in their online community. Although geared for children and teens, it is popular with users of all ages.
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    Obtain game design resources online. There are many tutorials and software available online for all levels of expertise from beginner to advanced.
    • Get tips from the experts. Websites like and offer tips on game design and courses from universities such as University of Michigan. Some courses are free while others charge a fee.
    • Download game design software. lists some of the top free software packages available online.
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    Host a Game Design contest. Award prizes for top games in different age groups, best graphics, and other criteria.
Method 6
Method 6 of 6:

Creating a Board Game Design Group

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    Design a file folder game. Kids from preschool to elementary school can design their own portable file folder game that's both fun and educational.
    • Plan the game subject matter. For a child just learning the alphabet, you can make game pieces out of letters and have them match them up to pictures starting with that letter. For older kids, they can create games on more complex subjects like arithmetic and science.
      • Gamers can find ideas on websites like, or use their own creativity to come up with ideas.
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    Design a tabletop game. There are many ways to get started on designing your game, and no right or wrong way. The advantage of a design group is you can brainstorm with your fellow gamers for ideas.
    • Decide on a theme. Do you want your game to be based on Science Fiction? Or maybe a Whodunit? While you are working out your theme, be sure to keep records of your ideas. This could be important if you decide to market the game.
    • Create a prototype game. This doesn't need to be pretty, just a rough draft of a game board and some playing pieces.
    • Play the game. Gather your gaming group and play the game you designed. You may need to make a few changes to the rules and the layout. Make sure to document your changes and start to create the player's manual as you play.
    • Create a playable game. This is where those with artistic expertise in your group can make a significant contribution. Design a graphic and print it on sticker paper, and add the game pieces you will need.
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    Host a game tournament. What better way to celebrate International Gaming Week than having a community game event using locally created games?

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      About this article English: Kim Gillingham, MA
      Co-authored by:
      Retired Library and Information Specialist
      This article was co-authored by Kim Gillingham, MA. Kim Gillingham is a retired library and information specialist with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Library Science from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, and she managed the audiovisual department of the district library center in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for 12 years. She continues to do volunteer work for various libraries and lending library projects in her local community. This article has been viewed 15,259 times.
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      Updated: March 16, 2024
      Views: 15,259
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