require ('strict');--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D   D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------each of these counts against the Lua upvalue limit]]local validation;-- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validationlocal utilities;-- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilitieslocal z = {};-- table of tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilitieslocal identifiers;-- functions and tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Identifierslocal metadata;-- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/COinSlocal cfg = {};-- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configurationlocal whitelist = {};-- table of tables listing valid template parameter names; defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist--[[------------------< P A G E   S C O P E   V A R I A B L E S >---------------declare variables here that have page-wide scope that are not brought in fromother modules; that are created here and used here]]local added_deprecated_cat;-- Boolean flag so that the category is added only oncelocal added_vanc_errs;-- Boolean flag so we only emit one Vancouver error / categorylocal added_generic_name_errs;-- Boolean flag so we only emit one generic name error / category and stop testing names once an error is encounteredlocal added_numeric_name_errs;-- Boolean flag so we only emit one numeric name error / category and stop testing names once an error is encounteredlocal added_numeric_name_maint;-- Boolean flag so we only emit one numeric name maint category and stop testing names once a category has been emittedlocal Frame;-- holds the module's frame tablelocal is_preview_mode;-- true when article is in preview mode; false when using 'Preview page with this template' (previewing the module)local is_sandbox;-- true when using sandbox modules to render citation--#Addedlocal wikidatacite = false;--[[--------------------------< F I R S T _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------Locates and returns the first set value in a table of values where the order established in the table,left-to-right (or top-to-bottom), is the order in which the values are evaluated.  Returns nil if none are set.This version replaces the original 'for _, val in pairs do' and a similar version that used ipairs.  With the pairsversion the order of evaluation could not be guaranteed.  With the ipairs version, a nil value would terminatethe for-loop before it reached the actual end of the list.]]local function first_set (list, count)local i = 1;while i <= count do-- loop through all items in listif utilities.is_set( list[i] ) thenreturn list[i];-- return the first set list memberendi = i + 1;-- point to nextendend--[[--------------------------< A D D _ V A N C _ E R R O R >----------------------------------------------------Adds a single Vancouver system error message to the template's output regardless of how many error actually exist.To prevent duplication, added_vanc_errs is nil until an error message is emitted.added_vanc_errs is a Boolean declared in page scope variables above]]local function add_vanc_error (source, position)if added_vanc_errs then return endadded_vanc_errs = true;-- note that we've added this categoryutilities.set_message ('err_vancouver', {source, position});end--[[--------------------------< I S _ S C H E M E >------------------------------------------------------------does this thing that purports to be a URI scheme seem to be a valid scheme?  The scheme is checked to see if itis in agreement with which says:Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters beginning with a   letter and followed by any combination of letters, digits, plus   ("+"), period ("."), or hyphen ("-").returns true if it does, else false]]local function is_scheme (scheme)return scheme and scheme:match ('^%a[%a%d%+%.%-]*:');-- true if scheme is set and matches the patternend--[=[-------------------------< I S _ D O M A I N _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------------Does this thing that purports to be a domain name seem to be a valid domain name?Syntax defined here: defined here: character names are generally reserved; see;see also [[Single-letter second-level domain]]list of TLDs: 952 (modified by RFC 1123) requires the first and last character of a hostname to be a letter or a digit.  Betweenthe first and last characters the name may use letters, digits, and the hyphen.Also allowed are IPv4 addresses. IPv6 not supporteddomain is expected to be stripped of any path so that the last character in the last character of the TLD.  tldis two or more alpha characters.  Any preceding '//' (from splitting a URL with a scheme) will be strippedhere.  Perhaps not necessary but retained in case it is necessary for IPv4 dot decimal.There are several tests:the first character of the whole domain name including subdomains must be a letter or a digitinternationalized domain name (ASCII characters with .xn-- ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) prefix xn-- in the TLD) see second-level domains in the .org, .cash, and .today TLDsq, x, and z SL domains in the .com TLDi and q SL domains in the .net TLDsingle-letter SL domains in the ccTLDs (where the ccTLD is two letters)two-character SL domains in gTLDs (where the gTLD is two or more letters)three-plus-character SL domains in gTLDs (where the gTLD is two or more letters)IPv4 dot-decimal address format; TLD not allowedreturns true if domain appears to be a proper name and TLD or IPv4 address, else false]=]local function is_domain_name (domain)if not domain thenreturn false;-- if not set, abandonenddomain = domain:gsub ('^//', '');-- strip '//' from domain name if present; done here so we only have to do it onceif not domain:match ('^[%w]') then-- first character must be letter or digitreturn false;endif domain:match ('^%a+:') then-- hack to detect things that look like s:Page:Title where Page: is namespace at Wikisourcereturn false;endlocal patterns = {-- patterns that look like URLs'%f[%w][%w][%w%-]+[%w]%.%a%a+$',-- three or more character hostname.hostname or hostname.tld'%f[%w][%w][%w%-]+[%w]%.xn%-%-[%w]+$',-- internationalized domain name with ACE prefix'%f[%a][qxz]$',-- assigned one character .com hostname ( times out 2015-12-10)'%f[%a][iq]$',-- assigned one character .net hostname ( registered but not active 2015-12-10)'%f[%w][%w]%.%a%a$',-- one character hostname and ccTLD (2 chars)'%f[%w][%w][%w]%.%a%a+$',-- two character hostname and TLD'^%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?',-- IPv4 address}for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do-- loop through the patterns listif domain:match (pattern) thenreturn true;-- if a match then we think that this thing that purports to be a URL is a URLendendfor _, d in ipairs (cfg.single_letter_2nd_lvl_domains_t) do-- look for single letter second level domain names for these top level domainsif domain:match ('%f[%w][%w]%.' .. d) thenreturn trueendendreturn false;-- no matches, we don't know what this thing isend--[[--------------------------< I S _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------------returns true if the scheme and domain parts of a URL appear to be a valid URL; else false.This function is the last step in the validation process.  This function is separate because there are cases thatare not covered by split_url(), for example is_parameter_ext_wikilink() which is looking for bracketted externalwikilinks.]]local function is_url (scheme, domain)if utilities.is_set (scheme) then-- if scheme is set check it and domainreturn is_scheme (scheme) and is_domain_name (domain);elsereturn is_domain_name (domain);-- scheme not set when URL is protocol-relativeendend--[[--------------------------< S P L I T _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------Split a URL into a scheme, authority indicator, and domain.First remove Fully Qualified Domain Name terminator (a dot following TLD) (if any) and any path(/), query(?) or fragment(#).If protocol-relative URL, return nil scheme and domain else return nil for both scheme and domain.When not protocol-relative, get scheme, authority indicator, and domain.  If there is an authority indicator (oneor more '/' characters immediately following the scheme's colon), make sure that there are only 2.Any URL that does not have news: scheme must have authority indicator (//).  TODO: are there other common schemeslike news: that don't use authority indicator?Strip off any port and path;]]local function split_url (url_str)local scheme, authority, domain;url_str = url_str:gsub ('([%a%d])%.?[/%?#].*$', '%1');-- strip FQDN terminator and path(/), query(?), fragment (#) (the capture prevents false replacement of '//')if url_str:match ('^//%S*') then-- if there is what appears to be a protocol-relative URLdomain = url_str:match ('^//(%S*)')elseif url_str:match ('%S-:/*%S+') then-- if there is what appears to be a scheme, optional authority indicator, and domain namescheme, authority, domain = url_str:match ('(%S-:)(/*)(%S+)');-- extract the scheme, authority indicator, and domain portionsif utilities.is_set (authority) thenauthority = authority:gsub ('//', '', 1);-- replace place 1 pair of '/' with nothing;if utilities.is_set(authority) then-- if anything left (1 or 3+ '/' where authority should be) thenreturn scheme;-- return scheme only making domain nil which will cause an error messageendelseif not scheme:match ('^news:') then-- except for news:..., MediaWiki won't link URLs that do not have authority indicator; TODO: a better way to do this test?return scheme;-- return scheme only making domain nil which will cause an error messageendenddomain = domain:gsub ('(%a):%d+', '%1');-- strip port number if presentendreturn scheme, domain;end--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ P A R A M _ O K >---------------------------------------------------checks the content of |title-link=, |series-link=, |author-link=, etc. for properly formatted content: no wikilinks, no URLsLink parameters are to hold the title of a Wikipedia article, so none of the WP:TITLESPECIALCHARACTERS are allowed:# < > [ ] | { } _except the underscore which is used as a space in wiki URLs and # which is used for section linksreturns false when the value contains any of these characters.When there are no illegal characters, this function returns TRUE if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid URL (the|<param>-link= parameter is ok); else false when value appears to be a valid URL (the |<param>-link= parameter is NOT ok).]]local function link_param_ok (value)local scheme, domain;if value:find ('[<>%[%]|{}]') then-- if any prohibited charactersreturn false;endscheme, domain = split_url (value);-- get scheme or nil and domain or nil from URL; return not is_url (scheme, domain);-- return true if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid URLend--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ T I T L E _ O K >---------------------------------------------------Use link_param_ok() to validate |<param>-link= value and its matching |<title>= value.|<title>= may be wiki-linked but not when |<param>-link= has a value.  This function emits an error message whenthat condition existscheck <link> for inter-language interwiki-link prefix.  prefix must be a MediaWiki-recognized languagecode and must begin with a colon.]]local function link_title_ok (link, lorig, title, torig)local orig;if utilities.is_set (link) then -- don't bother if <param>-link doesn't have a valueif not link_param_ok (link) then-- check |<param>-link= markuporig = lorig;-- identify the failing link parameterelseif title:find ('%[%[') then-- check |title= for wikilink markuporig = torig;-- identify the failing |title= parameterelseif link:match ('^%a+:') then-- if the link is what looks like an interwikilocal prefix = link:match ('^(%a+):'):lower();-- get the interwiki prefixif cfg.inter_wiki_map[prefix] then-- if prefix is in the map, must have preceding colonorig = lorig;-- flag as errorendendendif utilities.is_set (orig) thenlink = '';-- unsetutilities.set_message ('err_bad_paramlink', orig);-- URL or wikilink in |title= with |title-link=;endreturn link;-- link if ok, empty string elseend--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------Determines whether a URL string appears to be valid.First we test for space characters.  If any are found, return false.  Then split the URL into scheme and domainportions, or for protocol-relative (// URLs, just the domain.  Use is_url() to validate the twoportions of the URL.  If both are valid, or for protocol-relative if domain is valid, return true, else false.Because it is different from a standard URL, and because this module used external_link() to make external linksthat work for standard and news: links, we validate newsgroup names here.  The specification for a newsgroup nameis at]]local function check_url( url_str )if nil == url_str:match ("^%S+$") then-- if there are any spaces in |url=value it can't be a proper URLreturn false;endlocal scheme, domain;scheme, domain = split_url (url_str);-- get scheme or nil and domain or nil from URL;if 'news:' == scheme then-- special case for newsgroupsreturn domain:match('^[%a%d%+%-_]+%.[%a%d%+%-_%.]*[%a%d%+%-_]$');endreturn is_url (scheme, domain);-- return true if value appears to be a valid URLend--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P A R A M E T E R _ E X T _ W I K I L I N K >----------------------------Return true if a parameter value has a string that begins and ends with square brackets [ and ] and the firstnon-space characters following the opening bracket appear to be a URL.  The test will also find external wikilinksthat use protocol-relative URLs. Also finds bare URLs.The frontier pattern prevents a match on interwiki-links which are similar to scheme:path URLs.  The tests thatfind bracketed URLs are required because the parameters that call this test (currently |title=, |chapter=, |work=,and |publisher=) may have wikilinks and there are articles or redirects like '//Hus' so, while uncommon, |title=[[//Hus]]is possible as might be [[en://Hus]].]=]local function is_parameter_ext_wikilink (value)local scheme, domain;if value:match ('%f[%[]%[%a%S*:%S+.*%]') then-- if ext. wikilink with scheme and domain: [xxxx://yyyyy.zzz]scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('%f[%[]%[(%a%S*:%S+).*%]'));elseif value:match ('%f[%[]%[//%S+.*%]') then-- if protocol-relative ext. wikilink: [//yyyyy.zzz]scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('%f[%[]%[(//%S+).*%]'));elseif value:match ('%a%S*:%S+') then-- if bare URL with scheme; may have leading or trailing plain textscheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('(%a%S*:%S+)'));elseif value:match ('//%S+') then-- if protocol-relative bare URL: //yyyyy.zzz; may have leading or trailing plain textscheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('(//%S+)'));-- what is left should be the domainelsereturn false;-- didn't find anything that is obviously a URLendreturn is_url (scheme, domain);-- return true if value appears to be a valid URLend--[[-------------------------< C H E C K _ F O R _ U R L >-----------------------------------------------------loop through a list of parameters and their values.  Look at the value and if it has an external link, emit an error message.]]local function check_for_url (parameter_list, error_list)for k, v in pairs (parameter_list) do-- for each parameter in the listif is_parameter_ext_wikilink (v) then-- look at the value; if there is a URL add an error messagetable.insert (error_list, utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', k));endendend--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ F O R _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------Escape sequences for content that will be used for URL descriptions]]local function safe_for_url( str )if str:match( "%[%[.-%]%]" ) ~= nil then utilities.set_message ('err_wikilink_in_url', {});endreturn str:gsub( '[%[%]\n]', {['['] = '&#91;',[']'] = '&#93;',['\n'] = ' ' } );end--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K >----------------------------------------------------Format an external link with error checking]]local function external_link (URL, label, source, access)local err_msg = '';local domain;local path;local base_url;if not utilities.is_set (label) thenlabel = URL;if utilities.is_set(source) then--#Modifiedutilities.set_message (wikidatacite and 'err_wikidata_bare_url_missing_title' or 'err_bare_url_missing_title', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', source)});elseerror (cfg.messages["bare_url_no_origin"]);-- programmer error; valid parameter name does not have matching meta-parameterendendif not check_url (URL) thenutilities.set_message ('err_bad_url', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', source)});enddomain, path = URL:match ('^([/%.%-%+:%a%d]+)([/%?#].*)$');-- split the URL into scheme plus domain and pathif path then-- if there is a path portionpath = path:gsub ('[%[%]]', {['['] = '%5b', [']'] = '%5d'});-- replace '[' and ']' with their percent-encoded valuesURL = table.concat ({domain, path});-- and reassembleendbase_url = table.concat ({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url (label), "]" });-- assemble a wiki-markup URLif utilities.is_set (access) then-- access level (subscription, registration, limited)base_url = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['ext-link-access-signal'], {cfg.presentation[access].class, cfg.presentation[access].title, base_url});-- add the appropriate iconendreturn base_url;end--[[--------------------------< D E P R E C A T E D _ P A R A M E T E R >--------------------------------------Categorize and emit an error message when the citation contains one or more deprecated parameters.  The function includes theoffending parameter name to the error message.  Only one error message is emitted regardless of the number of deprecatedparameters in the citation.added_deprecated_cat is a Boolean declared in page scope variables above]]local function deprecated_parameter(name)if not added_deprecated_cat thenadded_deprecated_cat = true;-- note that we've added this categoryutilities.set_message ('err_deprecated_params', {name});-- add error messageendend--[=[-------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the module and a leading or trailing quotemark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.This function will positive kern either single or double quotes:"'Unkerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks'"" 'Kerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks' " (in real life the kerning isn't as wide as this example)Double single quotes (italic or bold wiki-markup) are not kerned.Replaces Unicode quote marks in plain text or in the label portion of a [[L|D]] style wikilink with typewriterquote marks regardless of the need for kerning.  Unicode quote marks are not replaced in simple [[D]] wikilinks.Call this function for chapter titles, for website titles, etc.; not for book titles.]=]local function kern_quotes (str)local cap = '';local wl_type, label, link;wl_type, label, link = utilities.is_wikilink (str);-- wl_type is: 0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]if 1 == wl_type then-- [[D]] simple wikilink with or without quote marksif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then-- leading and trailing quote marksstr = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], str);str = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], str);elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+%]%]')then-- leading quote marksstr = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], str);elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[.+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then-- trailing quote marksstr = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], str);endelse-- plain text or [[L|D]]; text in label variablelabel = mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[“”]', '\"');-- replace “” (U+201C & U+201D) with " (typewriter double quote mark)label = mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[‘’]', '\'');-- replace ‘’ (U+2018 & U+2019) with ' (typewriter single quote mark)cap = mw.ustring.match (label, "^([\"\'][^\'].+)");-- match leading double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)if utilities.is_set (cap) thenlabel = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], cap);endcap = mw.ustring.match (label, "^(.+[^\'][\"\'])$")-- match trailing double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)if utilities.is_set (cap) thenlabel = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], cap);endif 2 == wl_type thenstr = utilities.make_wikilink (link, label);-- reassemble the wikilinkelsestr = label;endendreturn str;end--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ S C R I P T _ V A L U E >----------------------------------------|script-title= holds title parameters that are not written in Latin-based scripts: Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc. These scripts shouldnot be italicized and may be written right-to-left.  The value supplied by |script-title= is concatenated onto Title after Title has been wrappedin italic markup.Regardless of language, all values provided by |script-title= are wrapped in <bdi>...</bdi> tags to isolate RTL languages from the English left to right.|script-title= provides a unique feature.  The value in |script-title= may be prefixed with a two-character ISO 639-1 language code and a colon:|script-title=ja:*** *** (where * represents a Japanese character)Spaces between the two-character code and the colon and the colon and the first script character are allowed:|script-title=ja : *** ***|script-title=ja: *** ***|script-title=ja :*** ***Spaces preceding the prefix are allowed: |script-title = ja:*** ***The prefix is checked for validity.  If it is a valid ISO 639-1 language code, the lang attribute (lang="ja") is added to the <bdi> tag so that browsers canknow the language the tag contains.  This may help the browser render the script more correctly.  If the prefix is invalid, the lang attributeis not added.  At this time there is no error message for this condition.Supports |script-title=, |script-chapter=, |script-<periodical>=]]local function format_script_value (script_value, script_param)local lang='';-- initialize to empty stringlocal name;if script_value:match('^%l%l%l?%s*:') then-- if first 3 or 4 non-space characters are script language prefixlang = script_value:match('^(%l%l%l?)%s*:%s*%S.*');-- get the language prefix or nil if there is no scriptif not utilities.is_set (lang) thenutilities.set_message ('err_script_parameter', {script_param, cfg.err_msg_supl['missing title part']});-- prefix without 'title'; add error messagereturn '';-- script_value was just the prefix so return empty stringend-- if we get this far we have prefix and script--#modified for fastername = cfg.lang_tag_remap[lang] or cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t[lang];-- get language name so that we can use it to categorizeif utilities.is_set (name) then-- is prefix a proper ISO 639-1 language code?script_value = script_value:gsub ('^%l+%s*:%s*', '');-- strip prefix from script-- is prefix one of these language codes?if utilities.in_array (lang, cfg.script_lang_codes) thenutilities.add_prop_cat ('script', {name, lang})elseutilities.set_message ('err_script_parameter', {script_param, cfg.err_msg_supl['unknown language code']});-- unknown script-language; add error messageendlang = ' lang="' .. lang .. '" ';-- convert prefix into a lang attributeelseutilities.set_message ('err_script_parameter', {script_param, cfg.err_msg_supl['invalid language code']});-- invalid language code; add error messagelang = '';-- invalid so set lang to empty stringendelseutilities.set_message ('err_script_parameter', {script_param, cfg.err_msg_supl['missing prefix']});-- no language code prefix; add error messageendscript_value = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['bdi'], {lang, script_value});-- isolate in case script is RTLreturn script_value;end--[[--------------------------< S C R I P T _ C O N C A T E N A T E >------------------------------------------Initially for |title= and |script-title=, this function concatenates those two parameter values after the scriptvalue has been wrapped in <bdi> tags.]]local function script_concatenate (title, script, script_param)if utilities.is_set (script) thenscript = format_script_value (script, script_param);-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; returns empty string on errorif utilities.is_set (script) thentitle = title .. ' ' .. script;-- concatenate title and script titleendendreturn title;end--[[--------------------------< W R A P _ M S G >--------------------------------------------------------------Applies additional message text to various parameter values. Supplied string is wrapped using a message_listconfiguration taking one argument.  Supports lower case text for {{citation}} templates.  Additional text takenfrom citation_config.messages - the reason this function is similar to but separate from wrap_style().]]local function wrap_msg (key, str, lower)if not utilities.is_set ( str ) thenreturn "";endif true == lower thenlocal msg;msg = cfg.messages[key]:lower();-- set the message to lower case before return utilities.substitute ( msg, str );-- including template textelsereturn utilities.substitute ( cfg.messages[key], str );endend--[[----------------< W I K I S O U R C E _ U R L _ M A K E >-------------------Makes a Wikisource URL from Wikisource interwiki-link.  Returns the URL and appropriatelabel; nil else.str is the value assigned to |chapter= (or aliases) or |title= or |title-link=]]local function wikisource_url_make (str)local wl_type, D, L;local ws_url, ws_label;local wikisource_prefix = table.concat ({'https://', cfg.this_wiki_code, ''});wl_type, D, L = utilities.is_wikilink (str);-- wl_type is 0 (not a wikilink), 1 (simple wikilink), 2 (complex wikilink)if 0 == wl_type then-- not a wikilink; might be from |title-link=str = D:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or D:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)');-- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespaceif utilities.is_set (str) thenws_url = table.concat ({-- build a Wikisource URLwikisource_prefix,-- prefixstr,-- article title});ws_label = str;-- label for the URLendelseif 1 == wl_type then-- simple wikilink: [[Wikisource:ws article]]str = D:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or D:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)');-- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespaceif utilities.is_set (str) thenws_url = table.concat ({-- build a Wikisource URLwikisource_prefix,-- prefixstr,-- article title});ws_label = str;-- label for the URLendelseif 2 == wl_type then-- non-so-simple wikilink: [[Wikisource:ws article|displayed text]] ([[L|D]])str = L:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or L:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)');-- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespaceif utilities.is_set (str) thenws_label = D;-- get ws article name from display portion of interwiki linkws_url = table.concat ({-- build a Wikisource URLwikisource_prefix,-- prefixstr,-- article title without namespace from link portion of wikilink});endendif ws_url thenws_url = mw.uri.encode (ws_url, 'WIKI');-- make a usable URLws_url = ws_url:gsub ('%%23', '#');-- undo percent-encoding of fragment markerendreturn ws_url, ws_label, L or D;-- return proper URL or nil and a label or nilend--[[----------------< F O R M A T _ P E R I O D I C A L >-----------------------Format the three periodical parameters: |script-<periodical>=, |<periodical>=,and |trans-<periodical>= into a single Periodical meta-parameter.]]local function format_periodical (script_periodical, script_periodical_source, periodical, trans_periodical)if not utilities.is_set (periodical) thenperiodical = '';-- to be safe for concatenationelseperiodical = utilities.wrap_style ('italic-title', periodical);-- style endperiodical = script_concatenate (periodical, script_periodical, script_periodical_source);-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after title is wrappedif utilities.is_set (trans_periodical) thentrans_periodical = utilities.wrap_style ('trans-italic-title', trans_periodical);if utilities.is_set (periodical) thenperiodical = periodical .. ' ' .. trans_periodical;else-- here when trans-periodical without periodical or script-periodicalperiodical = trans_periodical;utilities.set_message ('err_trans_missing_title', {'periodical'});endendreturn periodical;end--[[------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >---------------Format the four chapter parameters: |script-chapter=, |chapter=, |trans-chapter=,and |chapter-url= into a single chapter meta- parameter (chapter_url_source usedfor error messages).]]local function format_chapter_title (script_chapter, script_chapter_source, chapter, chapter_source, trans_chapter, trans_chapter_source, chapter_url, chapter_url_source, no_quotes, access)local ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (chapter);-- make a wikisource URL and label from a wikisource interwiki linkif ws_url thenws_label = ws_label:gsub ('_', ' ');-- replace underscore separators with space characterschapter = ws_label;endif not utilities.is_set (chapter) thenchapter = '';-- to be safe for concatenationelseif false == no_quotes thenchapter = kern_quotes (chapter);-- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from module provided quote markschapter = utilities.wrap_style ('quoted-title', chapter);endendchapter = script_concatenate (chapter, script_chapter, script_chapter_source);-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after title is wrappedif utilities.is_set (chapter_url) thenchapter = external_link (chapter_url, chapter, chapter_url_source, access);-- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriateelseif ws_url thenchapter = external_link (ws_url, chapter .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in chapter');-- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate; space char to move icon away from chap text; TODO: better way to do this?chapter = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, chapter});endif utilities.is_set (trans_chapter) thentrans_chapter = utilities.wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', trans_chapter);if utilities.is_set (chapter) thenchapter = chapter .. ' ' .. trans_chapter;else-- here when trans_chapter without chapter or script-chapterchapter = trans_chapter;chapter_source = trans_chapter_source:match ('trans%-?(.+)');-- when no chapter, get matching name from trans-<param>utilities.set_message ('err_trans_missing_title', {chapter_source});endendreturn chapter;end--[[----------------< H A S _ I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R S >-------------------This function searches a parameter's value for non-printable or invisible characters.The search stops at the first match.This function will detect the visible replacement character when it is part of the Wikisource.Detects but ignores nowiki and math stripmarkers.  Also detects other named stripmarkers(gallery, math, pre, ref) and identifies them with a slightly different error message.See also coins_cleanup().Output of this function is an error message that identifies the character or theUnicode group, or the stripmarker that was detected along with its position (or,for multi-byte characters, the position of its first byte) in the parameter value.]]local function has_invisible_chars (param, v)local position = '';-- position of invisible char or starting position of stripmarkerlocal capture;-- used by stripmarker detection to hold name of the stripmarkerlocal stripmarker;-- boolean set true when a stripmarker is foundcapture = string.match (v, '[%w%p ]*');-- test for values that are simple ASCII text and bypass other tests if trueif capture == v then-- if same there are no Unicode charactersreturn;endfor _, invisible_char in ipairs (cfg.invisible_chars) dolocal char_name = invisible_char[1];-- the character or group namelocal pattern = invisible_char[2];-- the pattern used to find itposition, _, capture = mw.ustring.find (v, pattern);-- see if the parameter value contains characters that match the patternif position and (cfg.invisible_defs.zwj == capture) then-- if we found a zero-width joiner characterif mw.ustring.find (v, cfg.indic_script) then-- it's ok if one of the Indic scriptsposition = nil;-- unset positionelseif cfg.emoji_t[mw.ustring.codepoint (v, position+1)] then-- is zwj followed by a character listed in emoji{}?position = nil;-- unset positionendendif position thenif 'nowiki' == capture or 'math' == capture or-- nowiki and math stripmarkers (not an error condition)('templatestyles' == capture and utilities.in_array (param, {'id', 'quote'})) then-- templatestyles stripmarker allowed in these parametersstripmarker = true;-- set a flagelseif true == stripmarker and cfg.invisible_defs.del == capture then-- because stripmakers begin and end with the delete char, assume that we've found one end of a stripmarkerposition = nil;-- unsetelselocal err_msg;if capture and not (cfg.invisible_defs.del == capture or cfg.invisible_defs.zwj == capture) thenerr_msg = capture .. ' ' .. char_name;elseerr_msg = char_name .. ' ' .. 'character';endutilities.set_message ('err_invisible_char', {err_msg, utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', param), position});-- add error messagereturn;-- and done with this parameterendendendend--[[-------------------< A R G U M E N T _ W R A P P E R >----------------------Argument wrapper.  This function provides support for argument mapping definedin the configuration file so that multiple names can be transparently aliased tosingle internal variable.]]local function argument_wrapper ( args )local origin = {};return setmetatable({ORIGIN = function ( self, k )local dummy = self[k];-- force the variable to be loaded.return origin[k];end},{__index = function ( tbl, k )if origin[k] ~= nil thenreturn nil;endlocal args, list, v = args, cfg.aliases[k];if type( list ) == 'table' thenv, origin[k] = utilities.select_one ( args, list, 'err_redundant_parameters' );if origin[k] == nil thenorigin[k] = '';-- Empty string, not nilendelseif list ~= nil thenv, origin[k] = args[list], list;else-- maybe let through instead of raising an error?-- v, origin[k] = args[k], k;error( cfg.messages['unknown_argument_map'] .. ': ' .. k);end-- Empty strings, not nil;if v == nil thenv = '';origin[k] = '';endtbl = rawset( tbl, k, v );return v;end,});end--[[--------------------------< N O W R A P _ D A T E >-------------------------When date is YYYY-MM-DD format wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>YYYY-MM-DD</span>.When date is DD MMMM YYYY or is MMMM DD, YYYY then wrap in nowrap span:<span ...>DD MMMM</span> YYYY or <span ...>MMMM DD,</span> YYYYDOES NOT yet support MMMM YYYY or any of the date ranges.]]local function nowrap_date (date)local cap = '';local cap2 = '';if date:match("^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") thendate = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap1'], date);elseif date:match("^%a+%s*%d%d?,%s+%d%d%d%d$") or date:match ("^%d%d?%s*%a+%s+%d%d%d%d$") thencap, cap2 = string.match (date, "^(.*)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$");date = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap2'], {cap, cap2});endreturn date;end--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >---------------------This function sets default title types (equivalent to the citation including|type=<default value>) for those templates that have defaults. Also handles thespecial case where it is desirable to omit the title type from the rendered citation(|type=none).]]local function set_titletype (cite_class, title_type)if utilities.is_set (title_type) thenif 'none' == cfg.keywords_xlate[title_type] thentitle_type = '';-- if |type=none then type parameter not displayedendreturn title_type;-- if |type= has been set to any other value use that valueendreturn cfg.title_types [cite_class] or '';-- set template's default title type; else empty string for concatenationend--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ J O I N >-----------------------------Joins a sequence of strings together while checking for duplicate separation characters.]]local function safe_join( tbl, duplicate_char )local f = {};-- create a function table appropriate to type of 'duplicate character'if 1 == #duplicate_char then-- for single byte ASCII characters use the string library functionsf.gsub = string.gsubf.match = string.matchf.sub = string.subelse-- for multi-byte characters use the ustring library functionsf.gsub = mw.ustring.gsubf.match = mw.ustring.matchf.sub = mw.ustring.subendlocal str = '';-- the output stringlocal comp = '';-- what does 'comp' mean?local end_chr = '';local trim;for _, value in ipairs( tbl ) doif value == nil then value = ''; endif str == '' then-- if output string is emptystr = value;-- assign value to it (first time through the loop)elseif value ~= '' thenif value:sub(1, 1) == '<' then-- special case of values enclosed in spans and other markup.comp = value:gsub( "%b<>", "" );-- remove HTML markup (<span>string</span> -> string)elsecomp = value;end-- typically duplicate_char is sepcif f.sub(comp, 1, 1) == duplicate_char then-- is first character same as duplicate_char? why test first character?--   Because individual string segments often (always?) begin with terminal punct for the--   preceding segment: 'First element' .. 'sepc next element' .. etc.?trim = false;end_chr = f.sub(str, -1, -1);-- get the last character of the output string-- str = str .. "<HERE(enchr=" .. end_chr .. ")"-- debug stuff?if end_chr == duplicate_char then-- if same as separatorstr = f.sub(str, 1, -2);-- remove itelseif end_chr == "'" then-- if it might be wiki-markupif f.sub(str, -3, -1) == duplicate_char .. "''" then-- if last three chars of str are sepc'' str = f.sub(str, 1, -4) .. "''";-- remove them and add back ''elseif  f.sub(str, -5, -1) == duplicate_char .. "]]''" then-- if last five chars of str are sepc]]'' trim = true;-- why? why do this and next differently from previous?elseif f.sub(str, -4, -1) == duplicate_char .. "]''" then-- if last four chars of str are sepc]'' trim = true;-- same questionendelseif end_chr == "]" then-- if it might be wiki-markupif f.sub(str, -3, -1) == duplicate_char .. "]]" then-- if last three chars of str are sepc]] wikilink trim = true;elseif f.sub(str, -3, -1) == duplicate_char .. '"]' then-- if last three chars of str are sepc"] quoted external link trim = true;elseif  f.sub(str, -2, -1) == duplicate_char .. "]" then-- if last two chars of str are sepc] external linktrim = true;elseif f.sub(str, -4, -1) == duplicate_char .. "'']" then-- normal case when |url=something & |title=Title.trim = true;endelseif end_chr == " " then-- if last char of output string is a spaceif f.sub(str, -2, -1) == duplicate_char .. " " then-- if last two chars of str are <sepc><space>str = f.sub(str, 1, -3);-- remove them bothendendif trim thenif value ~= comp then -- value does not equal comp when value contains HTML markuplocal dup2 = duplicate_char;if f.match(dup2, "%A" ) then dup2 = "%" .. dup2; end-- if duplicate_char not a letter then escape itvalue = f.gsub(value, "(%b<>)" .. dup2, "%1", 1 )-- remove duplicate_char if it follows HTML markupelsevalue = f.sub(value, 2, -1 );-- remove duplicate_char when it is first characterendendendstr = str .. value; -- add it to the output stringendendreturn str;end--[[--------------------------< I S _ S U F F I X >-----------------------------returns true if suffix is properly formed Jr, Sr, or ordinal in the range 1–9.Puncutation not allowed.]]local function is_suffix (suffix)if utilities.in_array (suffix, {'Jr', 'Sr', 'Jnr', 'Snr', '1st', '2nd', '3rd'}) or suffix:match ('^%dth$') thenreturn true;endreturn false;end--[[--------------------< I S _ G O O D _ V A N C _ N A M E >-------------------For Vancouver style, author/editor names are supposed to be rendered in Latin(read ASCII) characters.  When a name uses characters that contain diacriticalmarks, those characters are to be converted to the corresponding Latincharacter. When a name is written using a non-Latin alphabet or logogram, thatname is to be transliterated into Latin characters. The module doesn't do thisso editors may/must.This test allows |first= and |last= names to contain any of the letters definedin the four Unicode Latin character sets[ C0 Controls and Basic Latin] 0041–005A, 0061–007A[ C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement] 00C0–00D6, 00D8–00F6, 00F8–00FF[ Latin Extended-A] 0100–017F[ Latin Extended-B] 0180–01BF, 01C4–024F|lastn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes.(|firstn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periodsThis original test:if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%']*$")or nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%'%.]+[2-6%a]*$") thenwas written outside of the code editor and pasted here because the code editorgets confused between character insertion point and cursor position. The test hasbeen rewritten to use decimal character escape sequence for the individual bytesof the Unicode characters so that it is not necessary to use an external editorto maintain this code.\195\128-\195\150 – À-Ö (U+00C0–U+00D6 – C0 controls)\195\152-\195\182 – Ø-ö (U+00D8-U+00F6 – C0 controls)\195\184-\198\191 – ø-ƿ (U+00F8-U+01BF – C0 controls, Latin extended A & B)\199\132-\201\143 – DŽ-ɏ (U+01C4-U+024F – Latin extended B)]]local function is_good_vanc_name (last, first, suffix, position)if not suffix thenif first:find ('[,%s]') then-- when there is a space or comma, might be first name/initials + generational suffixfirst = first:match ('(.-)[,%s]+');-- get name/initialssuffix = first:match ('[,%s]+(.+)$');-- get generational suffixendendif utilities.is_set (suffix) thenif not is_suffix (suffix) thenadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl.suffix, position);return false;-- not a name with an appropriate suffixendendif nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143\225\184\128-\225\187\191%-%s%']*$") ornil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143\225\184\128-\225\187\191%-%s%'%.]*$") thenadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl['non-Latin char'], position);return false;-- not a string of Latin characters; Vancouver requires Romanizationend;return true;end--[[--------------------------< R E D U C E _ T O _ I N I T I A L S >------------------------------------------Attempts to convert names to initials in support of |name-list-style=vanc.  Names in |firstn= may be separated by spaces or hyphens, or for initials, a period.See style requires family rank designations (Jr, II, III, etc.) to be renderedas Jr, 2nd, 3rd, etc.  See code only accepts and understands generational suffix in the Vancouver formatbecause Roman numerals look like, and can be mistaken for, initials.This function uses ustring functions because firstname initials may be any of theUnicode Latin characters accepted by is_good_vanc_name ().]]local function reduce_to_initials (first, position)if first:find (',', 1, true) thenreturn first;-- commas not allowed; abandonendlocal name, suffix = mw.ustring.match (first, "^(%u+) ([%dJS][%drndth]+)$");if not name then-- if not initials and a suffixname = mw.ustring.match (first, "^(%u+)$");-- is it just initials?endif name then-- if first is initials with or without suffixif 3 > mw.ustring.len (name) then-- if one or two initialsif suffix then-- if there is a suffixif is_suffix (suffix) then-- is it legitimate?return first;-- one or two initials and a valid suffix so nothing to doelseadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl.suffix, position);-- one or two initials with invalid suffix so error messagereturn first;-- and return first unmolestedendelsereturn first;-- one or two initials without suffix; nothing to doendendend-- if here then name has 3 or more uppercase letters so treat them as a wordlocal initials_t, names_t = {}, {};-- tables to hold name parts and initialslocal i = 1;-- counter for number of initialsnames_t = mw.text.split (first, '[%s%-]+');-- split into a sequence of names and possible suffixwhile names_t[i] do-- loop through the sequenceif 1 < i and names_t[i]:match ('[%dJS][%drndth]+%.?$') then-- if not the first name, and looks like a suffix (may have trailing dot)names_t[i] = names_t[i]:gsub ('%.', '');-- remove terminal dot if presentif is_suffix (names_t[i]) then-- if a legitimate suffixtable.insert (initials_t, ' ' .. names_t[i]);-- add a separator space, insert at end of initials sequencebreak;-- and done because suffix must fall at the end of a nameend-- no error message if not a suffix; possibly because of Romanizationendif 3 > i thentable.insert (initials_t, mw.ustring.sub (names_t[i], 1, 1));-- insert the initial at end of initials sequenceendi = i + 1;-- bump the counterendreturn table.concat (initials_t);-- Vancouver format does not include spaces.end--[[--------------------------< I N T E R W I K I _ P R E F I X E N _ G E T >----------------------------------extract interwiki prefixen from <value>.  Returns two one or two values:false – no prefixennil – prefix exists but not recognizedproject prefix, language prefix – when value has either of::<project>:<language>:<article>:<language>:<project>:<article>project prefix, nil – when <value> has only a known single-letter prefixnil, language prefix – when <value> has only a known language prefixaccepts single-letter project prefixen: 'd' (wikidata), 's' (wikisource), and 'w' (wikipedia) prefixes; at thiswriting, the other single-letter prefixen (b (wikibook), c (commons), m (meta), n (wikinews), q (wikiquote), andv (wikiversity)) are not supported.]]local function interwiki_prefixen_get (value, is_link)if not value:find (':%l+:') then-- if no prefixreturn false;-- abandon; boolean here to distinguish from nil fail returns laterendlocal prefix_patterns_linked_t = {-- sequence of valid interwiki and inter project prefixen'^%[%[:([dsw]):(%l%l+):',-- wikilinked; project and language prefixes'^%[%[:(%l%l+):([dsw]):',-- wikilinked; language and project prefixes'^%[%[:([dsw]):',-- wikilinked; project prefix'^%[%[:(%l%l+):',-- wikilinked; language prefix}local prefix_patterns_unlinked_t = {-- sequence of valid interwiki and inter project prefixen'^:([dsw]):(%l%l+):',-- project and language prefixes'^:(%l%l+):([dsw]):',-- language and project prefixes'^:([dsw]):',-- project prefix'^:(%l%l+):',-- language prefix}local cap1, cap2;for _, pattern in ipairs ((is_link and prefix_patterns_linked_t) or prefix_patterns_unlinked_t) docap1, cap2 = value:match (pattern);if cap1 thenbreak;-- found a match so stop lookingendendif cap1 and cap2 then-- when both then :project:language: or :language:project: (both forms allowed)if 1 == #cap1 then-- length == 1 then :project:language:if cfg.inter_wiki_map[cap2] then-- is language prefix in the interwiki map?return cap1, cap2;-- return interwiki project and interwiki languageendelse-- here when :language:project:if cfg.inter_wiki_map[cap1] then-- is language prefix in the interwiki map?return cap2, cap1;-- return interwiki project and interwiki languageendendreturn nil;-- unknown interwiki languageelseif not (cap1 or cap2) then-- both are nil?return nil;-- we got something that looks like a project prefix but isn't; return failelseif 1 == #cap1 then-- here when one capturereturn cap1, nil;-- length is 1 so return project, nil languageelse-- here when one capture and its length it more than 1if cfg.inter_wiki_map[cap1] then-- is language prefix in the interwiki map?return nil, cap1;-- return nil project, languageendendend--[[--------------------------< L I S T _ P E O P L E >--------------------------Formats a list of people (authors, contributors, editors, interviewers, translators) names in the list will be linked when|<name>-link= has a value|<name>-mask- does NOT have a value; masked names are presumed to have beenrendered previously so should have been linked therewhen |<name>-mask=0, the associated name is not rendered]]local function list_people (control, people, etal)local sep;local namesep;local format = control.format;local maximum = control.maximum;local name_list = {};if 'vanc' == format then-- Vancouver-like name styling?sep = cfg.presentation['sep_nl_vanc'];-- name-list separator between names is a commanamesep = cfg.presentation['sep_name_vanc'];-- last/first separator is a spaceelsesep = cfg.presentation['sep_nl'];-- name-list separator between names is a semicolonnamesep = cfg.presentation['sep_name'];-- last/first separator is <comma><space>endif sep:sub (-1, -1) ~= " " then sep = sep .. " " endif utilities.is_set (maximum) and maximum < 1 then return "", 0; end-- returned 0 is for EditorCount; not used for other namesfor i, person in ipairs (people) doif utilities.is_set (person.last) thenlocal mask = person.mask;local one;local sep_one = sep;if utilities.is_set (maximum) and i > maximum thenetal = true;break;endif mask thenlocal n = tonumber (mask);-- convert to a number if it can be converted; nil elseif n thenone = 0 ~= n and string.rep("&mdash;", n) or nil;-- make a string of (n > 0) mdashes, nil else, to replace = nil;-- don't create link to name if name is replaces with mdash string or has been set nilelseone = mask;-- replace name with mask text (must include name-list separator)sep_one = " ";-- modify name-list separatorendelseone = person.last;-- get surnamelocal first = person.first-- get given nameif utilities.is_set (first) thenif ("vanc" == format) then-- if Vancouver formatone = one:gsub ('%.', '');-- remove periods from surnames ( not person.corporate and is_good_vanc_name (one, first, nil, i) then-- and name is all Latin characters; corporate authors not testedfirst = reduce_to_initials (first, i);-- attempt to convert first name(s) to initialsendendone = one .. namesep .. first;endendif utilities.is_set ( thenone = utilities.make_wikilink (, one);-- link author/editorendif one then-- if <one> has a value (name, mdash replacement, or mask text replacement)local proj, tag = interwiki_prefixen_get (one, true);-- get the interwiki prefixen if presentif 'w' == proj and ('Wikipedia' ==['name']) thenproj = nil;-- for stuff like :w:de:<article>, :w is unnecessary TODO: maint cat?endif proj thenproj = ({['d'] = 'ويكي بيانات', ['s'] = 'ويكي مصدر', ['w'] = 'ويكيبيديا'})[proj];-- :w (wikipedia) for linking from a non-wikipedia projectif proj then one = one .. utilities.wrap_style ('interproj', proj);-- add resized leading space, brackets, static text, language nametag = nil;-- unset; don't do both project and languageendendif tag == cfg.this_wiki_code thentag = nil;-- stuff like :en:<article> at is pointless TODO: maint cat?endif tag thenlocal lang = cfg.lang_tag_remap[tag] or cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t[tag];if lang then-- error messaging done in extract_names() where we know parameter namesone = one .. utilities.wrap_style ('interwiki', lang);-- add resized leading space, brackets, static text, language nameendendtable.insert (name_list, one);-- add it to the list of namestable.insert (name_list, sep_one);-- add the proper name-list separatorendendendlocal count = #name_list / 2;-- (number of names + number of separators) divided by 2if 0 < count then if 1 < count and not etal thenif 'amp' == format thenname_list[#name_list-2] = " & ";-- replace last separator with ampersand textelseif 'and' == format thenif 2 == count thenname_list[#name_list-2] = cfg.presentation.sep_nl_and;-- replace last separator with 'and' textelsename_list[#name_list-2] = cfg.presentation.sep_nl_end;-- replace last separator with '(sep) and' textendendendname_list[#name_list] = nil;-- erase the last separatorendlocal result = table.concat (name_list);-- construct listif etal and utilities.is_set (result) then-- etal may be set by |display-authors=etal but we might not have a last-first listresult = result .. sep .. cfg.messages['et al'];-- we've got a last-first list and etal so add et al.endreturn result, count;-- return name-list string and count of number of names (count used for editor names only)end--[[--------------------< M A K E _ C I T E R E F _ I D >-----------------------Generates a CITEREF anchor ID if we have at least one name or a date.  Otherwisereturns an empty string.namelist is one of the contributor-, author-, or editor-name lists chosen in thatorder.  year is Year or anchor_year.]]local function make_citeref_id (namelist, year)local names={};-- a table for the one to four names and yearfor i,v in ipairs (namelist) do-- loop through the list and take up to the first four last namesnames[i] = v.lastif i == 4 then break end-- if four then doneendtable.insert (names, year);-- add the year at the endlocal id = table.concat(names);-- concatenate names and year for CITEREF idif utilities.is_set (id) then-- if concatenation is not an empty stringreturn "CITEREF" .. id;-- add the CITEREF portionelsereturn '';-- return an empty string; no reason to include CITEREF id in this citationendend--[[--------------------------< C I T E _ C L A S S _A T T R I B U T E _M A K E >------------------------------construct <cite> tag class attribute for this citation.<cite_class> – config.CitationClass from calling template<mode> – value from |mode= parameter]]local function cite_class_attribute_make (cite_class, mode)local class_t = {};table.insert (class_t, 'citation');-- required for blue highlightif 'citation' ~= cite_class thentable.insert (class_t, cite_class);-- identify this template for user csstable.insert (class_t, utilities.is_set (mode) and mode or 'cs1');-- identify the citation style for user css or javascriptelsetable.insert (class_t, utilities.is_set (mode) and mode or 'cs2');-- identify the citation style for user css or javascriptendfor _, prop_key in ipairs (z.prop_keys_t) dotable.insert (class_t, prop_key);-- identify various properties for user css or javascriptendreturn table.concat (class_t, ' ');-- make a big string and doneend--[[---------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E T A L >--------------------------Evaluates the content of name parameters (author, editor, etc.) for variations onthe theme of et al.  If found, the et al. is removed, a flag is set to true andthe function returns the modified name and the flag.This function never sets the flag to false but returns its previous state becauseit may have been set by previous passes through this function or by the associated|display-<names>=etal parameter]]local function name_has_etal (name, etal, nocat, param)if utilities.is_set (name) then-- name can be nil in which case just returnlocal patterns = cfg.et_al_patterns; -- get patterns from configurationfor _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do-- loop through all of the patternsif name:match (pattern) then-- if this 'et al' pattern is found in namename = name:gsub (pattern, '');-- remove the offending textetal = true;-- set flag (may have been set previously here or by |display-<names>=etal)if not nocat then-- no categorization for |vauthors=utilities.set_message ('err_etal', {param});-- and set an error if not addedendendendendreturn name, etal;end--[[---------------------< N A M E _ I S _ N U M E R I C >----------------------Add an error message and category when <name> parameter value does not contain letters.  Add a maintenance category when <name> parameter value has numeric characters mixed with characters that are not numeric characters; could be letters and/or punctuation characters.This function will only emit one error and one maint message for the current template.  Does not emit both errorand maint messages/categories for the same parameter value.returns nothing]]local function name_is_numeric (name, name_alias, list_name)local patterns = {'^%D+%d',-- <name> must have digits preceded by other characters'^%D*%d+%D+',-- <name> must have digits followed by other characters}if not added_numeric_name_errs and mw.ustring.match (name, '^[%A]+$') then-- if we have not already set an error message and <name> does not have any alpha charactersutilities.set_message ('err_numeric_names', name_alias);-- add an error messageadded_numeric_name_errs = true;-- set the flag so we emit only one error messagereturn;-- when here no point in further testing; abandonendif not added_numeric_name_maint then-- if we have already set a maint messagefor _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do-- spin through list of patternsif mw.ustring.match (name, pattern) then-- digits preceded or followed by anything but digits; %D+ includes punctuationutilities.set_message ('maint_numeric_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]);-- add a maint cat for this templateadded_numeric_name_maint = true;-- set the flag so we emit only one maint messagereturn;-- when here no point in further testing; abandonendendendend--[[-----------------< N A M E _ H A S _ M U L T _ N A M E S >------------------Evaluates the content of last/surname (authors etc.) parameters for multiple names.Multiple names are indicated if there is more than one comma or any "unescaped"semicolons. Escaped semicolons are ones used as part of selected HTML entities.If the condition is met, the function adds the multiple name maintenance category.Same test for first except that commas should not appear in given names (MOS:JR saysthat the generational suffix does not take a separator character).  Titles, degrees,postnominals, affiliations, all normally comma separated don't belong in a citation.<name> – name parameter value<list_name> – AuthorList, EditorList, etc<limit> – number of allowed commas; 1 (default) for surnames; 0 for given namesreturns nothing]]local function name_has_mult_names (name, list_name, limit)local _, commas, semicolons, nbsps;limit = limit and limit or 1;if utilities.is_set (name) then_, commas = name:gsub (',', '');-- count the number of commas_, semicolons = name:gsub (';', '');-- count the number of semicolons-- nbsps probably should be its own separate count rather than merged in-- some way with semicolons because Lua patterns do not support the-- grouping operator that regex does, which means there is no way to add-- more entities to escape except by adding more counts with the new-- entities_, nbsps = name:gsub ('&nbsp;','');-- count nbsps-- There is exactly 1 semicolon per &nbsp; entity, so subtract nbsps-- from semicolons to 'escape' them. If additional entities are added,-- they also can be subtracted.if limit < commas or 0 < (semicolons - nbsps) thenutilities.set_message ('maint_mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]);-- add a maint messageendendend--[=[-------------------------< I S _ G E N E R I C >----------------------------------------------------------Compares values assigned to various parameters according to the string provided as <item> in the function call.<item> can have on of two values:'generic_names' – for name-holding parameters: |last=, |first=, |editor-last=, etc'generic_titles' – for |title=There are two types of generic tests.  The 'accept' tests look for a pattern that should not be rejected by the'reject' test.  For example,|author=[[John Smith (author)|Smith, John]]would be rejected by the 'author' reject test.  But piped wikilinks with 'author' disambiguation should not berejected so the 'accept' test prevents that from happening.  Accept tests are always performed before rejecttests.Each of the 'accept' and 'reject' sequence tables hold tables for (['en']) and (['local'])that each can hold a test sequence table  The sequence table holds, at index [1], a test pattern, and, at index[2], a boolean control value.  The control value tells string.find() or mw.ustring.find() to do plain-text search (true)or a pattern search (false).  The intent of all this complexity is to make these searches as fast as possible sothat we don't run out of processing time on very large articles.Returnstrue when a reject test finds the pattern or stringfalse when an accept test finds the pattern or stringnil else]=]local function is_generic (item, value, wiki)local test_val;local str_lower = {-- use string.lower() for (['en']) and use mw.ustring.lower() or (['local'])['en'] = string.lower,['local'] = mw.ustring.lower,}local str_find = {-- use string.find() for (['en']) and use mw.ustring.find() or (['local'])['en'] = string.find,['local'] = mw.ustring.find,}local function test (val, test_t, wiki)-- local function to do the testing; <wiki> selects lower() and find() functionsval = test_t[2] and str_lower[wiki](value) or val;-- when <test_t[2]> set to 'true', plaintext search using lowercase valuereturn str_find[wiki] (val, test_t[1], 1, test_t[2]);-- return nil when not found or matchedendlocal test_types_t = {'accept', 'reject'};-- test accept patterns first, then reject patternslocal wikis_t = {'en', 'local'};-- do tests for each of these keys; first, secondfor _, test_type in ipairs (test_types_t) do-- for each test typefor _, generic_value in pairs (cfg.special_case_translation[item][test_type]) do-- spin through the list of generic value fragments to accept or rejectfor _, wiki in ipairs (wikis_t) doif generic_value[wiki] thenif test (value, generic_value[wiki], wiki) then-- go do the testreturn ('reject' == test_type);-- param value rejected, return true; false elseendendendendendend--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ I S _ G E N E R I C >------------------------------------------------calls is_generic() to determine if <name> is a 'generic name' listed in cfg.generic_names; <name_alias> is theparameter name used in error messaging]]local function name_is_generic (name, name_alias)if not added_generic_name_errs  and is_generic ('generic_names', name) thenutilities.set_message ('err_generic_name', name_alias);-- set an error messageadded_generic_name_errs = true;endend--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ C H E C K S >--------------------------------------------------------This function calls various name checking functions used to validate the content of the various name-holding parameters.]]local function name_checks (last, first, list_name, last_alias, first_alias)local accept_name;if utilities.is_set (last) thenlast, accept_name = utilities.has_accept_as_written (last);-- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of <last>if not accept_name then-- <last> not wrapped in accept-as-written markupname_has_mult_names (last, list_name);-- check for multiple names in the parametername_is_numeric (last, last_alias, list_name);-- check for names that have no letters or are a mix of digits and other charactersname_is_generic (last, last_alias);-- check for names found in the generic names listendendif utilities.is_set (first) thenfirst, accept_name = utilities.has_accept_as_written (first);-- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of <first>if not accept_name then-- <first> not wrapped in accept-as-written markupname_has_mult_names (first, list_name, 0);-- check for multiple names in the parameter; 0 is number of allowed commas in a given namename_is_numeric (first, first_alias, list_name);-- check for names that have no letters or are a mix of digits and other charactersname_is_generic (first, first_alias);-- check for names found in the generic names listendlocal wl_type, D = utilities.is_wikilink (first);if 0 ~= wl_type thenfirst = D;utilities.set_message ('err_bad_paramlink', first_alias);endendreturn last, first;-- doneend--[[----------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >-------------------------Gets name list from the input argumentsSearches through args in sequential order to find |lastn= and |firstn= parameters(or their aliases), and their matching link and mask parameters. Stops searchingwhen both |lastn= and |firstn= are not found in args after two sequential attempts:found |last1=, |last2=, and |last3= but doesn't find |last4= and |last5= then thesearch is done.This function emits an error message when there is a |firstn= without a matching|lastn=.  When there are 'holes' in the list of last names, |last1= and |last3=are present but |last2= is missing, an error message is emitted. |lastn= is notrequired to have a matching |firstn=.When an author or editor parameter contains some form of 'et al.', the 'et al.'is stripped from the parameter and a flag (etal) returned that will cause list_people()to add the static 'et al.' text from Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration.  This keeps'et al.' out of the template's metadata.  When this occurs, an error is emitted.]]local function extract_names(args, list_name)local names = {};-- table of nameslocal last;-- individual name componentslocal first;local link;local mask;local i = 1;-- loop counter/indexerlocal n = 1;-- output table indexerlocal count = 0;-- used to count the number of times we haven't found a |last= (or alias for authors, |editor-last or alias for editors)local etal = false;-- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. in an author parameterlocal last_alias, first_alias, link_alias;-- selected parameter aliases used in error messagingwhile true dolast, last_alias = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i );-- search through args for name components beginning at 1first, first_alias = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i );link, link_alias = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Link'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i );mask = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i );if last then-- error check |lastn= alias for unknown interwiki link prefix; done here because this is where we have the parameter namelocal project, language = interwiki_prefixen_get (last, true);-- true because we expect interwiki links in |lastn= to be wikilinkedif nil == project and nil == language then-- when both are nilutilities.set_message ('err_bad_paramlink', last_alias);-- not known, emit an error message-- TODO: err_bad_interwiki?last = utilities.remove_wiki_link (last);-- remove wikilink markup; show display value onlyendendif link then-- error check |linkn= alias for unknown interwiki link prefixlocal project, language = interwiki_prefixen_get (link, false);-- false because wiki links in |author-linkn= is an errorif nil == project and nil == language then-- when both are nilutilities.set_message ('err_bad_paramlink', link_alias);-- not known, emit an error message-- TODO: err_bad_interwiki?link = nil;-- unset so we don't linklink_alias = nil;endendlast, etal = name_has_etal (last, etal, false, last_alias);-- find and remove variations on et al.first, etal = name_has_etal (first, etal, false, first_alias);-- find and remove variations on et al.last, first = name_checks (last, first, list_name, last_alias, first_alias);-- multiple names, extraneous annotation, etc. checks--#Modified Localizedif first and not last then-- if there is a firstn without a matching lastnlocal alias = first_alias:find ('اول', 1, true) and 'اول' or 'أول';-- get first or given form of the aliasutilities.set_message ('err_first_missing_last', {first_alias,-- param name of alias missing its matefirst_alias:gsub (alias, {['أول'] ='أخير', ['اول'] = 'اخير'}),-- make param name appropriate to the alias form});-- add this error messageelseif not first and not last then-- if both firstn and lastn aren't found, are we done?count = count + 1;-- number of times we haven't found last and firstif 2 <= count then-- two missing names and we give upbreak;-- normal exit or there is a two-name hole in the list; can't tell whichendelse-- we have last with or without a firstlocal result;link = link_title_ok (link, link_alias, last, last_alias);-- check for improper wiki-markupif first thenlink = link_title_ok (link, link_alias, first, first_alias);-- check for improper wiki-markupendnames[n] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask, corporate = false};-- add this name to our names list (corporate for |vauthors= only)n = n + 1;-- point to next location in the names tableif 1 == count then-- if the previous name was missingutilities.set_message ('err_missing_name', {list_name:match ("(%w+)List"):lower(), i - 1});-- add this error messageendcount = 0;-- reset the counter, we're looking for two consecutive missing namesendi = i + 1;-- point to next args locationendreturn names, etal;-- all done, return our list of names and the etal flagend--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ T A G _ G E T >------------------------------------------------------attempt to decode |language=<lang_param> and return language name and matching tag; nil else.This function looks for:<lang_param> as a tag in cfg.lang_tag_remap{}<lang_param> as a name in cfg.lang_name_remap{}<lang_param> as a name in cfg.mw_languages_by_name_t<lang_param> as a tag in cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_twhen those fail, presume that <lang_param> is an IETF-like tag that MediaWiki does not recognize.  Strip allscript, region, variant, whatever subtags from <lang_param> to leave just a two or three character language tagand look for the new <lang_param> in cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t{}on success, returns name (in properly capitalized form) and matching tag (in lowercase); on failure returns nil]]local function name_tag_get (lang_param)local lang_param_lc = mw.ustring.lower (lang_param);-- use lowercase as an index into the various tableslocal name;local tag;name = cfg.lang_tag_remap[lang_param_lc];-- assume <lang_param_lc> is a tag; attempt to get remapped language name if name then-- when <name>, <lang_param> is a tag for a remapped language nameif cfg.lang_name_remap[name:lower()][2] ~= lang_param_lc thenutilities.set_message ('maint_unknown_lang');-- add maint category if not already addedreturn name, cfg.lang_name_remap[name:lower()][2];-- so return name and tag from lang_name_remap[name]; special case to xlate sr-ec and sr-el to sr-cyrl and sr-latnendreturn name, lang_param_lc;-- so return <name> from remap and <lang_param_lc>end--#Modifed patterntag = lang_param_lc:match ('^(%a%a%a?)[%-_].*');-- still assuming that <lang_param_lc> is a tag; strip script, region, variant subtagsname = cfg.lang_tag_remap[tag];-- attempt to get remapped language name with language subtag onlyif name then-- when <name>, <tag> is a tag for a remapped language namereturn name, tag;-- so return <name> from remap and <tag>endif cfg.lang_name_remap[lang_param_lc] then-- not a remapped tag, assume <lang_param_lc> is a name; attempt to get remapped language tag return cfg.lang_name_remap[lang_param_lc][1], cfg.lang_name_remap[lang_param_lc][2];-- for this <lang_param_lc>, return a (possibly) new name and appropriate tagendname = cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t[lang_param_lc];-- assume that <lang_param_lc> is a tag; attempt to get its matching language nameif name thenreturn name, lang_param_lc;-- <lang_param_lc> is a tag so return it and <name>endtag = cfg.mw_languages_by_name_t[lang_param_lc];-- assume that <lang_param_lc> is a language name; attempt to get its matching tagif tag thenreturn cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t[tag], tag;-- <lang_param_lc> is a name so return the name from the table and <tag>end--#Modifed patterntag = lang_param_lc:match ('^(%a%a%a?)%[%-_].*');-- is <lang_param_lc> an IETF-like tag that MediaWiki doesn't recognize? <tag> gets the language subtag; nil elseif tag thenname = cfg.mw_languages_by_tag_t[tag];-- attempt to get a language name using the shortened <tag>if name thenreturn name, tag;-- <lang_param_lc> is an unrecognized IETF-like tag so return <name> and language subtagendendend--[[-------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------Gets language name from a provided two- or three-character ISO 639 code.  If a codeis recognized by MediaWiki, use the returned name; if not, then use the value thatwas provided with the language parameter.When |language= contains a recognized language (either code or name), the page isassigned to the category for that code: Category:Norwegian-language sources (no).For valid three-character code languages, the page is assigned to the single categoryfor '639-2' codes: Category:CS1 ISO 639-2 language sources.Languages that are the same as the local wiki are not categorized.  MediaWiki doesnot recognize three-character equivalents of two-character codes: code 'ar' isrecognized but code 'ara' is not.This function supports multiple languages in the form |language=nb, French, thwhere the language names or codes are separated from each other by commas withoptional space characters.]]local function language_parameter (lang)local tag;-- some form of IETF-like language tag; language subtag with optional region, sript, vatiant, etc subtagslocal lang_subtag;-- ve populates |language= with mostly unecessary region subtags the MediaWiki does not recognize; this is the base language subtaglocal name;-- the language namelocal language_list = {};-- table of language names to be renderedlocal names_t = {};-- table made from the value assigned to |language=local this_wiki_name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName (cfg.this_wiki_code, cfg.this_wiki_code);-- get this wiki's language namenames_t = mw.text.split (lang, '%s*,%s*');-- names should be a comma separated listfor _, lang in ipairs (names_t) do-- reuse lang here because we don't yet know if lang is a language name or a language tagname, tag = name_tag_get (lang);-- attempt to get name/tag pair for <lang>; <name> has proper capitalization; <tag> is lowercaseif utilities.is_set (tag) then--#Modifed patternlang_subtag = tag:gsub ('^(%a%a%a?)[%-_].*', '%1');-- for categorization, strip any IETF-like tags from language tagif cfg.this_wiki_code ~= lang_subtag then-- when the language is not the same as this wiki's languageif 2 == lang_subtag:len() then-- and is a two-character tagutilities.add_prop_cat ('foreign-lang-source', {name, tag}, lang_subtag);-- categorize it; tag appended to allow for multiple language categorizationelse-- or is a recognized language (but has a three-character tag)utilities.add_prop_cat ('foreign-lang-source-2', {lang_subtag}, lang_subtag);-- categorize it differently TODO: support multiple three-character tag categories per cs1|2 template?endelseif cfg.local_lang_cat_enable then-- when the language and this wiki's language are the same and categorization is enabledutilities.add_prop_cat ('local-lang-source', {name, lang_subtag});-- categorize itendelsename = lang;-- return whatever <lang> has so that we show somethingutilities.set_message ('maint_unknown_lang');-- add maint category if not already addedendtable.insert (language_list, name);name = '';-- so we can reuse itend --#Modified اللغات تظهر بالعربية دائمًاname = utilities.make_sep_list (#language_list, language_list, " و", " و", " و");if (1 == #language_list) and (lang_subtag == cfg.this_wiki_code) then-- when only one language, find lang name in this wiki lang name; for |language=en-us, 'English' in 'American English'return '';-- if one language and that language is this wiki's return an empty string (no annotation)endreturn (" " .. wrap_msg ('language', name));-- otherwise wrap with '(in ...)'--[[ TODO: should only return blank or name rather than full listso we can clean up the bunched parenthetical elements Language, Type, Format]]end--[[-----------------------< S E T _ C S _ S T Y L E >--------------------------Gets the default CS style configuration for the given mode.Returns default separator and either postscript as passed in or the default.In CS1, the default postscript and separator are '.'.In CS2, the default postscript is the empty string and the default separator is ','.]]local function set_cs_style (postscript, mode)if utilities.is_set(postscript) then-- emit a maintenance message if user postscript is the default cs1 postscript-- we catch the opposite case for cs2 in set_styleif mode == 'cs1' and postscript == cfg.presentation['ps_' .. mode] thenutilities.set_message ('maint_postscript');endelsepostscript = cfg.presentation['ps_' .. mode];endreturn cfg.presentation['sep_' .. mode], postscript;end--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >-----------------------------Sets the separator and postscript styles. Checks the |mode= first and the#invoke CitationClass second. Removes the postscript if postscript == none.]]local function set_style (mode, postscript, cite_class)local sep;if 'cs2' == mode thensep, postscript = set_cs_style (postscript, 'cs2');elseif 'cs1' == mode thensep, postscript = set_cs_style (postscript, 'cs1');elseif 'citation' == cite_classthensep, postscript = set_cs_style (postscript, 'cs2');elsesep, postscript = set_cs_style (postscript, 'cs1');endif cfg.keywords_xlate[postscript:lower()] == 'none' then-- emit a maintenance message if user postscript is the default cs2 postscript-- we catch the opposite case for cs1 in set_cs_styleif 'cs2' == mode or ('cs1' ~= mode and 'citation' == cite_class) then-- {{citation |title=Title |mode=cs1 |postscript=none}} should not emit maint messageutilities.set_message ('maint_postscript');endpostscript = '';endreturn sep, postscriptend--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P D F >-----------------------------------Determines if a URL has the file extension that is one of the PDF file extensionsused by [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] when applying the PDF icon to external links.returns true if file extension is one of the recognized extensions, else false]=]local function is_pdf (url)return url:match ('%.pdf$') or url:match ('%.PDF$') orurl:match ('%.pdf[%?#]') or url:match ('%.PDF[%?#]') orurl:match ('%.PDF&#035') or url:match ('%.pdf&#035');end--[[--------------------------< S T Y L E _ F O R M A T >-----------------------Applies CSS style to |format=, |chapter-format=, etc.  Also emits an error messageif the format parameter does not have a matching URL parameter.  If the format parameteris not set and the URL contains a file extension that is recognized as a PDF documentby MediaWiki's commons.css, this code will set the format parameter to (PDF) withthe appropriate styling.]]local function style_format (format, url, fmt_param, url_param)if utilities.is_set (format) thenformat = utilities.wrap_style ('format', format);-- add leading space, parentheses, resizeif not utilities.is_set (url) thenutilities.set_message ('err_format_missing_url', {fmt_param, url_param});-- add an error messageendelseif is_pdf (url) then-- format is not set so if URL is a PDF file thenformat = utilities.wrap_style ('format', 'PDF');-- set format to PDFelseformat = '';-- empty string for concatenationendreturn format;end--[[---------------------< G E T _ D I S P L A Y _ N A M E S >------------------Returns a number that defines the number of names displayed for author and editorname lists and a Boolean flag to indicate when et al. should be appended to the name list.When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is a number greater than or equal to zero,return the number and the previous state of the 'etal' flag (false by defaultbut may have been set to true if the name list contains some variant of the text 'et al.').When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is the keyword 'etal', return a numberthat is one greater than the number of authors in the list and set the 'etal' flag true.This will cause the list_people() to display all of the names in the name list followed by 'et al.'In all other cases, returns nil and the previous state of the 'etal' flag.inputs:max: A['DisplayAuthors'] or A['DisplayEditors'], etc; a number or some flavor of etalcount: #a or #elist_name: 'authors' or 'editors'etal: author_etal or editor_etalThis function sets an error message when |display-xxxxors= value greater than or equal to number of names butnot when <max> comes from {{cs1 config}} global settings.  When using global settings, <param> is set to thekeyword 'cs1 config' which is used to supress the normal error.  Error is suppressed because it is to be expectedthat some citations in an article will have the same or fewer names that the limit specified in {{cs1 config}}.]]local function get_display_names (max, count, list_name, etal, param)if utilities.is_set (max) thenif 'etal' == max:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then-- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylingsmax = count + 1;-- number of authors + 1 so display all author name plus et al.etal = true;-- overrides value set by extract_names()elseif max:match ('^%d+$') then-- if is a string of numbersmax = tonumber (max);-- make it a numberif (max >= count) and ('cs1 config' ~= param) then-- error when local |display-xxxxors= value greater than or equal to number of names; not an error when using global settingutilities.set_message ('err_disp_name', {param, max});-- add error messagemax = nil;endelse-- not a valid keyword or numberutilities.set_message ('err_disp_name', {param, max});-- add error messagemax = nil;-- unset; as if |display-xxxxors= had not been setendendreturn max, etal;end--[[----------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ P A G E _ C H E C K >---------------Adds error if |page=, |pages=, |quote-page=, |quote-pages= has what appears to besome form of p. or pp. abbreviation in the first characters of the parameter content.check page for extraneous p, p., pp, pp., pg, pg. at start of parameter value:good pattern: '^P[^%.P%l]' matches when page begins PX or P# but not Px      where x and X are letters and # is a digitbad pattern:  '^[Pp][PpGg]' matches when page begins pp, pP, Pp, PP, pg, pG, Pg, PG]]local function extra_text_in_page_check (val, name)if not val:match (cfg.vol_iss_pg_patterns.good_ppattern) thenfor _, pattern in ipairs (cfg.vol_iss_pg_patterns.bad_ppatterns) do-- spin through the selected sequence table of patternsif val:match (pattern) then-- when a match, error soutilities.set_message ('err_extra_text_pages', name); -- add error messagereturn;-- and doneendendendend--[[--------------------------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ V O L _ I S S _ C H E C K >------------------------Adds error if |volume= or |issue= has what appears to be some form of redundant 'type' indicator.  Applies toboth; this function looks for issue text in both |issue= and |volume= and looks for volume-like text in |voluem=and |issue=.For |volume=:'V.', or 'Vol.' (with or without the dot) abbreviations or 'Volume' in the first characters of the parametercontent (all case insensitive). 'V' and 'v' (without the dot) are presumed to be roman numerals soare allowed.For |issue=:'No.', 'I.', 'Iss.' (with or without the dot) abbreviations, or 'Issue' in the first characters of theparameter content (all case insensitive); numero styling: 'n°' with degree sign U+00B0, and № precomposednumero sign U+2116.Single character values ('v', 'i', 'n') allowed when not followed by separator character ('.', ':', '=', orwhitespace character) – param values are trimmed of whitespace by MediaWiki before delivered to the module.<val> is |volume= or |issue= parameter value<name> is |volume= or |issue= parameter name for error message<selector> is 'v' for |volume=, 'i' for |issue=sets error message on failure; returns nothing]]local function extra_text_in_vol_iss_check (val, name, selector)if not utilities.is_set (val) thenreturn;endlocal handler = 'v' == selector and 'err_extra_text_volume' or 'err_extra_text_issue';val = val:lower();-- force parameter value to lower casefor _, pattern in ipairs (cfg.vol_iss_pg_patterns.vi_patterns_t) do-- spin through the sequence table of patternsif val:match (pattern) then-- when a match, error soutilities.set_message (handler, name);-- add error messagereturn;-- and doneendendend--[=[-------------------------< G E T _ V _ N A M E _ T A B L E >----------------------------------------------split apart a |vauthors= or |veditors= parameter.  This function allows for corporate names, wrapped in doubledparentheses to also have commas; in the old version of the code, the doubled parentheses were included in therendered citation and in the metadata.  Individual author names may be wikilinked|vauthors=Jones AB, [[E. B. White|White EB]], ((Black, Brown, and Co.))]=]local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table, output_link_table)--#Modified: next linelocal name_table = mw.text.split(vparam or "", "%s*,%s*")local wl_type, label, link;-- wl_type not used here; just a placeholderlocal i = 1;while name_table[i] doif name_table[i]:match ('^%(%(.*[^%)][^%)]$') then-- first segment of corporate with one or more commas; this segment has the opening doubled parentheseslocal name = name_table[i];i = i + 1;-- bump indexer to next segmentwhile name_table[i] doname = name .. ', ' .. name_table[i];-- concatenate with previous segmentsif name_table[i]:match ('^.*%)%)$') then-- if this table member has the closing doubled parenthesesbreak;-- and done reassembling soendi = i + 1;-- bump indexerendtable.insert (output_table, name);-- and add corporate name to the output tabletable.insert (output_link_table, '');-- no wikilinkelsewl_type, label, link = utilities.is_wikilink (name_table[i]);-- wl_type is: 0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]table.insert (output_table, label);-- add this nameif 1 == wl_type thentable.insert (output_link_table, label);-- simple wikilink [[D]]elsetable.insert (output_link_table, link);-- no wikilink or [[L|D]]; add this link if there is one, else empty stringendendi = i + 1;endreturn output_table;end--[[--------------------------< P A R S E _ V A U T H O R S _ V E D I T O R S >--------------------------------This function extracts author / editor names from |vauthors= or |veditors= and finds matching |xxxxor-maskn= and|xxxxor-linkn= in args.  It then returns a table of assembled names just as extract_names() does.Author / editor names in |vauthors= or |veditors= must be in Vancouver system style. Corporate or institutional namesmay sometimes be required and because such names will often fail the is_good_vanc_name() and other format compliancetests, are wrapped in doubled parentheses ((corporate name)) to suppress the format tests.Supports generational suffixes Jr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th–6th.This function sets the Vancouver error when a required comma is missing and when there is a space between an author's initials.]]local function parse_vauthors_veditors (args, vparam, list_name)local names = {};-- table of names assembled from |vauthors=, |author-maskn=, |author-linkn=local v_name_table = {};local v_link_table = {};-- when name is wikilinked, targets go in this tablelocal etal = false;-- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. vauthors parameterlocal last, first, link, mask, suffix;local corporate = false;vparam, etal = name_has_etal (vparam, etal, true);-- find and remove variations on et al. do not categorize (do it here because et al. might have a period)v_name_table = get_v_name_table (vparam, v_name_table, v_link_table);-- names are separated by commasfor i, v_name in ipairs(v_name_table) dofirst = '';-- set to empty string for concatenation and because it may have been set for previous author/editorlocal accept_name;v_name, accept_name = utilities.has_accept_as_written (v_name);-- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of <v_name>if accept_name thenlast = v_name;corporate = true;-- flag used in list_people()elseif string.find(v_name, "%s") thenif v_name:find('[;%.]') then-- look for commonly occurring punctuation characters; add_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl.punctuation, i);endlocal lastfirstTable = {}lastfirstTable = mw.text.split(v_name, "%s+")first = table.remove(lastfirstTable);-- removes and returns value of last element in table which should be initials or generational suffixif not mw.ustring.match (first, '^%u+$') then-- mw.ustring here so that later we will catch non-Latin characterssuffix = first;-- not initials so assume that whatever we got is a generational suffixfirst = table.remove(lastfirstTable);-- get what should be the initials from the tableendlast = table.concat(lastfirstTable, ' ')-- returns a string that is the concatenation of all other names that are not initials and generational suffixif not utilities.is_set (last) thenfirst = '';-- unsetlast = v_name;-- last empty because something wrong with firstadd_vanc_error (, i);endif mw.ustring.match (last, '%a+%s+%u+%s+%a+') thenadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl['missing comma'], i);-- matches last II last; the case when a comma is missingendif mw.ustring.match (v_name, ' %u %u$') then-- this test is in the wrong place TODO: move or replace with a more appropriate testadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl.initials, i);-- matches a space between two initialsendelselast = v_name;-- last name or single corporate name?  Doesn't support multiword corporate names? do we need this?endif utilities.is_set (first) thenif not mw.ustring.match (first, "^%u?%u$") then-- first shall contain one or two upper-case letters, nothing elseadd_vanc_error (cfg.err_msg_supl.initials, i);-- too many initials; mixed case initials (which may be ok Romanization); hyphenated initialsendis_good_vanc_name (last, first, suffix, i);-- check first and last before restoring the suffix which may have a non-Latin digitif utilities.is_set (suffix) thenfirst = first .. ' ' .. suffix;-- if there was a suffix concatenate with the initialssuffix = '';-- unset so we don't add this suffix to all subsequent namesendelseif not corporate thenis_good_vanc_name (last, '', nil, i);endendlink = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Link'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i ) or v_link_table[i];mask = utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'err_redundant_parameters', i );names[i] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask, corporate = corporate};-- add this assembled name to our names listendreturn names, etal;-- all done, return our list of namesend--[[--------------------------< S E L E C T _ A U T H O R _ E D I T O R _ S O U R C E >------------------------Select one of |authors=, |authorn= / |lastn / firstn=, or |vauthors= as the source of the author name list orselect one of |editorn= / editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= or |veditors= as the source of the editor name list.Only one of these appropriate three will be used.  The hierarchy is: |authorn= (and aliases) highest and |authors= lowest;|editorn= (and aliases) highest and |veditors= lowest (support for |editors= withdrawn)When looking for |authorn= / |editorn= parameters, test |xxxxor1= and |xxxxor2= (and all of their aliases); stops after the secondtest which mimicks the test used in extract_names() when looking for a hole in the author name list.  There may be a betterway to do this, I just haven't discovered what that way is.Emits an error message when more than one xxxxor name source is provided.In this function, vxxxxors = vauthors or veditors; xxxxors = authors as appropriate.]]local function select_author_editor_source (vxxxxors, xxxxors, args, list_name)local lastfirst = false;if utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 1 ) or-- do this twice in case we have a |first1= without a |last1=; this ...utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'none', 1 ) or-- ... also catches the case where |first= is used with |vauthors=utilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 2 ) orutilities.select_one ( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'none', 2 ) thenlastfirst = true;endif (utilities.is_set (vxxxxors) and true == lastfirst) or-- these are the three error conditions(utilities.is_set (vxxxxors) and utilities.is_set (xxxxors)) or(true == lastfirst and utilities.is_set (xxxxors)) thenlocal err_name;if 'AuthorList' == list_name then-- figure out which name should be used in error messageerr_name = 'author';elseerr_name = 'editor';endutilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', err_name .. '-name-list parameters');-- add error messageendif true == lastfirst then return 1 end;-- return a number indicating which author name source to useif utilities.is_set (vxxxxors) then return 2 end;if utilities.is_set (xxxxors) then return 3 end;return 1;-- no authors so return 1; this allows missing author name test to run in case there is a first without last end--[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ P A R A M E T E R _ V A L U E >------------------------------This function is used to validate a parameter's assigned value for those parameters that have only a limited numberof allowable values (yes, y, true, live, dead, etc.).  When the parameter value has not been assigned a value (missingor empty in the source template) the function returns the value specified by ret_val.  If the parameter value is oneof the list of allowed values returns the translated value; else, emits an error message and returns the valuespecified by ret_val.TODO: explain <invert>]]local function is_valid_parameter_value (value, name, possible, ret_val, invert)if not utilities.is_set (value) thenreturn ret_val;-- an empty parameter is okendif (not invert and utilities.in_array (value, possible)) then-- normal; <value> is in <possible> tablereturn cfg.keywords_xlate[value];-- return translation of parameter keywordelseif invert and not utilities.in_array (value, possible) then-- invert; <value> is not in <possible> tablereturn value;-- return <value> as it iselseutilities.set_message ('err_invalid_param_val', {name, value});-- not an allowed value so add error messagereturn ret_val;endend--[[--------------------------< T E R M I N A T E _ N A M E _ L I S T >----------------------------------------This function terminates a name list (author, contributor, editor) with a separator character (sepc) and a spacewhen the last character is not a sepc character or when the last three characters are not sepc followed by twoclosing square brackets (close of a wikilink).  When either of these is true, the name_list is terminated with asingle space character.]]local function terminate_name_list (name_list, sepc)if (string.sub (name_list, -3, -1) == sepc .. '. ') then-- if already properly terminatedreturn name_list;-- just return the name listelseif (string.sub (name_list, -1, -1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list, -3, -1) == sepc .. ']]') then-- if last name in list ends with sepc charreturn name_list .. " ";-- don't add anotherelsereturn name_list .. sepc .. ' ';-- otherwise terminate the name listendend--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ V O L U M E _ I S S U E >-----------------------------------------returns the concatenation of the formatted volume and issue (or journal article number) parameters as a singlestring; or formatted volume or formatted issue, or an empty string if neither are set.]]local function format_volume_issue (volume, issue, article, cite_class, origin, sepc, lower)if not utilities.is_set (volume) and not utilities.is_set (issue) and not utilities.is_set (article) thenreturn '';end-- same condition as in format_pages_sheets()local is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (utilities.in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map', 'interview'}) and 'journal' == origin);local is_numeric_vol = volume and (volume:match ('^[MDCLXVI]+$') or volume:match ('^%d+$'));-- is only uppercase roman numerals or only digits?local is_long_vol = volume and (4 < mw.ustring.len(volume));-- is |volume= value longer than 4 characters?if volume and (not is_numeric_vol and is_long_vol) then-- when not all digits or Roman numerals, is |volume= longer than 4 characters?utilities.add_prop_cat ('long-vol');-- yes, add properties catendif is_journal then-- journal-style formattinglocal vol = '';if utilities.is_set (volume) thenif is_numeric_vol then-- |volume= value all digits or all uppercase Roman numerals?vol = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, volume});-- render in bold faceelseif is_long_vol then-- not all digits or Roman numerals; longer than 4 characters?vol = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-vol'], {sepc, utilities.hyphen_to_dash (volume)});-- not boldelse-- four or fewer charactersvol = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, utilities.hyphen_to_dash (volume)});-- boldendendvol = vol .. (utilities.is_set (issue) and utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-issue'], issue) or '')vol = vol .. (utilities.is_set (article) and utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-article-num'], article) or '')return vol;endif 'podcast' == cite_class and utilities.is_set (issue) thenreturn wrap_msg ('issue', {sepc, issue}, lower);endif 'conference' == cite_class and utilities.is_set (article) then-- |article-number= supported only in journal and conference citesif utilities.is_set (volume) and utilities.is_set (article) then-- both volume and article numberreturn wrap_msg ('vol-art', {sepc, utilities.hyphen_to_dash (volume), article}, lower);elseif utilities.is_set (article) then-- article number alone; when volume alone, handled belowreturn wrap_msg ('art', {sepc, article}, lower);endend-- all other types of citationif utilities.is_set (volume) and utilities.is_set (issue) thenreturn wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, utilities.hyphen_to_dash (volume), issue}, lower);elseif utilities.is_set (volume) thenreturn wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, utilities.hyphen_to_dash (volume)}, lower);elsereturn wrap_msg ('issue', {sepc, issue}, lower);endend--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ P A G E S _ S H E E T S >-----------------------------------------adds static text to one of |page(s)= or |sheet(s)= values and returns it with all of the others set to empty strings.The return order is:page, pages, sheet, sheetsSingular has priority over plural when both are provided.]]local function format_pages_sheets (page, pages, sheet, sheets, cite_class, origin, sepc, nopp, lower)if 'map' == cite_class then-- only cite map supports sheet(s) as in-source locatorsif utilities.is_set (sheet) thenif 'journal' == origin thenreturn '', '', wrap_msg ('j-sheet', sheet, lower), '';elsereturn '', '', wrap_msg ('sheet', {sepc, sheet}, lower), '';endelseif utilities.is_set (sheets) thenif 'journal' == origin thenreturn '', '', '', wrap_msg ('j-sheets', sheets, lower);elsereturn '', '', '', wrap_msg ('sheets', {sepc, sheets}, lower);endendendlocal is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (utilities.in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map', 'interview'}) and 'journal' == origin);if utilities.is_set (page) thenif is_journal thenreturn utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-page(s)'], page), '', '', '';elseif not nopp thenreturn utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, page}), '', '', '';elsereturn utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, page}), '', '', '';endelseif utilities.is_set (pages) thenif is_journal thenreturn utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-page(s)'], pages), '', '', '';elseif tonumber(pages) ~= nil and not nopp then-- if pages is only digits, assume a single page numberreturn '', utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';elseif not nopp thenreturn '', utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['pp-prefix'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';elsereturn '', utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';endendreturn '', '', '', '';-- return empty stringsend--[[--------------------------< I N S O U R C E _ L O C _ G E T >----------------------------------------------returns one of the in-source locators: page, pages, or at. If any of these are interwiki links to Wikisource, returns the label portion of the interwiki-link as plain textfor use in COinS.  This COinS thing is done because here we convert an interwiki-link to an external link andadd an icon span around that; get_coins_pages() doesn't know about the span.  TODO: should it?  TODO: add support for sheet and sheets?; streamline;TODO: make it so that this function returns only one of the three as the single in-source (the return value assignedto a new name)?]]local function insource_loc_get (page, page_orig, pages, pages_orig, at)local ws_url, ws_label, coins_pages, L;-- for Wikisource interwiki-links; TODO: this corrupts page metadata (span remains in place after cleanup; fix there?)if utilities.is_set (page) thenif utilities.is_set (pages) or utilities.is_set (at) thenpages = '';-- unset the othersat = '';endextra_text_in_page_check (page, page_orig);-- emit error message when |page= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (page);-- make ws URL from |page= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tooltip labelif ws_url thenpage = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in page');-- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?page = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, page});coins_pages = ws_label;endelseif utilities.is_set (pages) thenif utilities.is_set (at) thenat = '';-- unsetendextra_text_in_page_check (pages, pages_orig);-- emit error message when |page= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (pages);-- make ws URL from |pages= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tooltip labelif ws_url thenpages = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in pages');-- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?pages = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, pages});coins_pages = ws_label;endelseif utilities.is_set (at) thenws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (at);-- make ws URL from |at= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tooltip labelif ws_url thenat = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in at');-- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?at = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, at});coins_pages = ws_label;endendreturn page, pages, at, coins_pages;end--[[--------------------------< I S _ U N I Q U E _ A R C H I V E _ U R L >------------------------------------add error message when |archive-url= value is same as |url= or chapter-url= (or alias...) value]]local function is_unique_archive_url (archive, url, c_url, source, date)if utilities.is_set (archive) thenif archive == url or archive == c_url thenutilities.set_message ('err_bad_url', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', source)});-- add error messagereturn '', '';-- unset |archive-url= and |archive-date= because same as |url= or |chapter-url=endendreturn archive, date;end--[=[-------------------------< A R C H I V E _ U R L _ C H E C K >--------------------------------------------Check URLs to make sure they at least look like they are pointing at valid archives and not to the save snapshot URL or to calendar pages.  When the archive URL is '' (or http://...) saves a snapshot of the target page in the URL.  That is something that Wikipedia should not allowunwitting readers to do.When the URL does not have a complete timestamp, chooses a snapshot according to its ownalgorithm or provides a calendar 'search' result.  [[WP:ELNO]] discourages links to search results.This function looks at the value assigned to |archive-url= and returns empty strings for |archive-url= and|archive-date= and an error message when:|archive-url= holds an save command URL|archive-url= is an URL that does not have a complete timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss 14 digits) in thecorrect placeotherwise returns |archive-url= and |archive-date=There are two mostly compatible URLs://<timestamp>...-- the old form//<timestamp>...-- the new formThe old form does not support or map to the new form when it contains a display flag.  There are four identified flags('id_', 'js_', 'cs_', 'im_') but since ignores others following the same form (two letters and an underscore)we don't check for these specific flags but we do check the form.This function supports a preview mode.  When the article is rendered in preview mode, this function may return a modifiedarchive URL:for save command errors, return undated wildcard (/*/)for timestamp errors when the timestamp has a wildcard, return the URL unmodifiedfor timestamp errors when the timestamp does not have a wildcard, return with timestamp limited to six digits plus wildcard (/yyyymm*/)A secondary function is to return an archive-url timestamp from those urls that have them (  The timestamp is used by validation.archive_date_check() to see if the value in |archive-date=matches the timestamp in the archive url.]=]local function archive_url_check (url, date)local err_msg = '';-- start with the error message emptylocal path, timestamp, flag;-- portions of the URLtimestamp = url:match ('//') or-- get timestamp from urlsurl:match ('//');-- this timestamp needs cleanupif timestamp then-- if this was an url ...return url, date, timestamp:gsub ('[%.%-]', '');-- return ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate, and timestamp (dots and dashes removed) from |archive-url=, and doneend-- here for urlsif (not url:match('//')) and (not url:match('//')) then-- also deprecated liveweb Wayback machine URLreturn url, date;-- not an archive, return ArchiveURL and ArchiveDateendif url:match('//') then-- if a save command URL, we don't want to allow saving of the target page err_msg =;url = url:gsub ('(//', '%1/*/', 1);-- for preview mode: modify ArchiveURLelseif url:match('//') thenerr_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.liveweb;elsepath, timestamp, flag = url:match('//[^%d]*)(%d+)([^/]*)/');-- split out some of the URL parts for evaluationif not path then-- malformed in some way; pattern did not matcherr_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.timestamp;elseif 14 ~= timestamp:len() then-- path and flag optional, must have 14-digit timestamp hereerr_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.timestamp;if '*' ~= flag thenlocal replacement = timestamp:match ('^%d%d%d%d%d%d') or timestamp:match ('^%d%d%d%d');-- get the first 6 (YYYYMM) or first 4 digits (YYYY)if replacement then-- nil if there aren't at least 4 digits (year)replacement = replacement .. string.rep ('0', 14 - replacement:len());-- year or yearmo (4 or 6 digits) zero-fill to make 14-digit timestampurl=url:gsub ('(//[^%d]*)%d[^/]*', '%1' .. replacement .. '*', 1)-- for preview, modify ts to 14 digits plus splat for calendar displayendendelseif utilities.is_set (path) and 'web/' ~= path then-- older archive URLs do not have the extra 'web/' path elementerr_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.path;elseif utilities.is_set (flag) and not utilities.is_set (path) then-- flag not allowed with the old form URL (without the 'web/' path element)err_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.flag;elseif utilities.is_set (flag) and not flag:match ('%a%a_') then-- flag if present must be two alpha characters and underscore (requires 'web/' path element)err_msg = cfg.err_msg_supl.flag;elsereturn url, date, timestamp;-- return ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate, and timestamp from |archive-url=endend-- if here, something not right soutilities.set_message ('err_archive_url', {err_msg});-- add error message andif is_preview_mode thenreturn url, date, timestamp;-- preview mode so return ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate, and timestamp from |archive-url=elsereturn '', '';-- return empty strings for ArchiveURL and ArchiveDateendend--[[--------------------------< P L A C E _ C H E C K >--------------------------------------------------------check |place=, |publication-place=, |location= to see if these params include digits.  This function added becausemany editors misuse location to specify the in-source location (|page(s)= and |at= are supposed to do that)returns the original parameter value without modification; added maint cat when parameter value contains digits]]local function place_check (param_val)if not utilities.is_set (param_val) then-- parameter empty or omittedreturn param_val;-- return that empty stateendif mw.ustring.find (param_val, '%d') then-- not empty, are there digits in the parameter valueutilities.set_message ('maint_location');-- yep, add maint catendreturn param_val;-- and doneend--[[--------------------------< I S _ A R C H I V E D _ C O P Y >----------------------------------------------compares |title= to 'Archived copy' (placeholder added by bots that can't find proper title); if matches, return true; nil else]]local function is_archived_copy (title)title = mw.ustring.lower(title);-- switch title to lower caseif title:find (cfg.special_case_translation.archived_copy.en) then-- if title is 'Archived copy'return true;elseif cfg.special_case_translation.archived_copy['local'] thenif mw.ustring.find (title, cfg.special_case_translation.archived_copy['local']) then-- mw.ustring() because might not be Latin scriptreturn true;endendend--[[--------------------------< D I S P L A Y _ N A M E S _ S E L E C T >--------------------------------------for any of the |display-authors=, |display-editors=, etc parameters, select either the local or global setting.When both are present, look at <local_display_names> value.  When the value is some sort of 'et al.'string,special handling is required.When {{cs1 config}} has |display-<namelist>= AND this template has |display-<namelist>=etal AND:the number of names specified by <number_of_names> is:greater than the number specified in the global |display-<namelist>= parameter (<global_display_names>)use global |display-<namelist>= parameter valueset overridden maint categoryless than or equal to the number specified in the global |display-<namelist>=  parameteruse local |display-<namelist>= parameter valueThe purpose of this function is to prevent categorizing a template that has fewer names than the global settingto keep the etal annotation specified by <local_display_names>.]]local function display_names_select (global_display_names, local_display_names, param_name, number_of_names, test)if global_display_names and utilities.is_set (local_display_names) then-- when bothif 'etal' == local_display_names:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then-- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylingsnumber_of_names = tonumber (number_of_names);-- convert these to numbers for comparisonlocal global_display_names_num = tonumber (global_display_names);-- <global_display_names> not set when parameter value is not digitsif number_of_names > global_display_names_num then-- template has more names than global config allows to be displayed?utilities.set_message ('maint_overridden_setting');-- set a maint message because global is overriding local |display-<namelist>=etalreturn global_display_names, 'cs1 config';-- return global with spoof parameter name (for get_display_names())elsereturn local_display_names, param_name;-- return local because fewer names so let <local_display_names> controlendend-- here when <global_display_names> and <local_display_names> both numbers; <global_display_names> controlsutilities.set_message ('maint_overridden_setting');-- set a maint messagereturn global_display_names, 'cs1 config';-- return global with spoof parameter name (for get_display_names())end-- here when only one of <global_display_names> or <local_display_names> setif global_display_names thenreturn global_display_names, 'cs1 config';-- return global with spoof parameter name (for get_display_names())elsereturn local_display_names, param_name;-- return localendend--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N 0 >------------------------------------------------------------This is the main function doing the majority of the citation formatting.]]local function citation0( config, args )--[[ Load Input ParametersThe argument_wrapper facilitates the mapping of multiple aliases to single internal variable.]]local A = argument_wrapper ( args );local i -- Pick out the relevant fields from the arguments.  Different citation templates-- define different field names for the same underlying things.local author_etal;local a= {};-- authors list from |lastn= / |firstn= pairs or |vauthors=local Authors;local NameListStyle;if cfg.global_cs1_config_t['NameListStyle'] then-- global setting in {{cs1 config}} overrides local |name-list-style= parameter value; nil when empty or assigned value invalidNameListStyle = is_valid_parameter_value (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['NameListStyle'], 'cs1 config: name-list-style', cfg.keywords_lists['name-list-style'], '');-- error messaging 'param' here is a hoaxelseNameListStyle = is_valid_parameter_value (A['NameListStyle'], A:ORIGIN('NameListStyle'), cfg.keywords_lists['name-list-style'], '');endif cfg.global_cs1_config_t['NameListStyle'] and utilities.is_set (A['NameListStyle']) then-- when template has |name-list-style=<something> which global setting has overriddenutilities.set_message ('maint_overridden_setting');-- set a maint messageendlocal Collaboration = A['Collaboration'];do-- to limit scope of selectedlocal selected = select_author_editor_source (A['Vauthors'], A['Authors'], args, 'AuthorList');if 1 == selected thena, author_etal = extract_names (args, 'AuthorList');-- fetch author list from |authorn= / |lastn= / |firstn=, |author-linkn=, and |author-maskn=elseif 2 == selected thenNameListStyle = 'vanc';-- override whatever |name-list-style= might bea, author_etal = parse_vauthors_veditors (args, A['Vauthors'], 'AuthorList');-- fetch author list from |vauthors=, |author-linkn=, and |author-maskn=elseif 3 == selected thenAuthors = A['Authors'];-- use content of |people= or |credits=; |authors= is deprecated; TODO: constrain |people= and |credits= to cite av media, episode, serial?endif utilities.is_set (Collaboration) thenauthor_etal = true;-- so that |display-authors=etal not requiredendendlocal editor_etal;local e= {};-- editors list from |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= pairs or |veditors=do-- to limit scope of selectedlocal selected = select_author_editor_source (A['Veditors'], nil, args, 'EditorList');-- support for |editors= withdrawnif 1 == selected thene, editor_etal = extract_names (args, 'EditorList');-- fetch editor list from |editorn= / |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=elseif 2 == selected thenNameListStyle = 'vanc';-- override whatever |name-list-style= might bee, editor_etal = parse_vauthors_veditors (args, args.veditors, 'EditorList');-- fetch editor list from |veditors=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=endendlocal Chapter = A['Chapter'];-- done here so that we have access to |contribution= from |chapter= aliaseslocal Chapter_origin = A:ORIGIN ('Chapter');local Contribution;-- because contribution is required for contributor(s)if 'contribution' == Chapter_origin thenContribution = Chapter;-- get the name of the contributionendlocal c = {};-- contributors list from |contributor-lastn= / contributor-firstn= pairsif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {"book", "citation"}) and not utilities.is_set (A['Periodical']) then-- |contributor= and |contribution= only supported in book citesc = extract_names (args, 'ContributorList');-- fetch contributor list from |contributorn= / |contributor-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=if 0 < #c thenif not utilities.is_set (Contribution) then-- |contributor= requires |contribution=utilities.set_message ('err_contributor_missing_required_param', 'contribution');-- add missing contribution error messagec = {};-- blank the contributors' table; it is used as a flag laterendif 0 == #a then-- |contributor= requires |author=utilities.set_message ('err_contributor_missing_required_param', 'author');-- add missing author error messagec = {};-- blank the contributors' table; it is used as a flag laterendendelse-- if not a book citeif utilities.select_one (args, cfg.aliases['ContributorList-Last'], 'err_redundant_parameters', 1 ) then-- are there contributor name list parameters?utilities.set_message ('err_contributor_ignored');-- add contributor ignored error messageendContribution = nil;-- unsetendlocal Title = A['Title'];local TitleLink = A['TitleLink'];local auto_select = '';-- default is autolocal accept_link;TitleLink, accept_link = utilities.has_accept_as_written (TitleLink, true);-- test for accept-this-as-written markupif (not accept_link) and utilities.in_array (TitleLink, {'none', 'pmc', 'doi'}) then -- check for special keywordsauto_select = TitleLink;-- remember selection for laterTitleLink = '';-- treat as if |title-link= would have been emptyendTitleLink = link_title_ok (TitleLink, A:ORIGIN ('TitleLink'), Title, 'title');-- check for wiki-markup in |title-link= or wiki-markup in |title= when |title-link= is setlocal Section = '';-- {{cite map}} only; preset to empty string for concatenation if not usedif 'map' == config.CitationClass and 'section' == Chapter_origin thenSection = A['Chapter'];-- get |section= from |chapter= alias list; |chapter= and the other aliases not supported in {{cite map}}Chapter = '';-- unset for now; will be reset later from |map= if presentendlocal Periodical = A['Periodical'];local Periodical_origin = A:ORIGIN('Periodical');local ScriptPeriodical = A['ScriptPeriodical'];local ScriptPeriodical_origin = A:ORIGIN('ScriptPeriodical');local TransPeriodical =  A['TransPeriodical'];local TransPeriodical_origin =  A:ORIGIN ('TransPeriodical');if (utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'book', 'encyclopaedia'}) and (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical) or utilities.is_set (TransPeriodical))) thenlocal param;if utilities.is_set (Periodical) then-- get a parameter name from one of these periodical related meta-parametersPeriodical = '';-- unset because not valid {{cite book}} or {{cite encyclopedia}} parameters param = Periodical_origin-- get parameter name for error messagingelseif utilities.is_set (TransPeriodical) thenTransPeriodical = '';-- unset because not valid {{cite book}} or {{cite encyclopedia}} parameters param = TransPeriodical_origin;-- get parameter name for error messagingelseif utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical) thenScriptPeriodical = '';-- unset because not valid {{cite book}} or {{cite encyclopedia}} parameters param = ScriptPeriodical_origin;-- get parameter name for error messagingendif utilities.is_set (param) then-- if we found oneutilities.set_message ('err_periodical_ignored', {param});-- emit an error messageendendif utilities.is_set (Periodical) thenlocal i;Periodical, i = utilities.strip_apostrophe_markup (Periodical);-- strip apostrophe markup so that metadata isn't contaminated if i then-- non-zero when markup was stripped so emit an error messageutilities.set_message ('err_apostrophe_markup', {Periodical_origin});endendif 'mailinglist' == config.CitationClass then-- special case for {{cite mailing list}}if utilities.is_set (Periodical) and utilities.is_set (A ['MailingList']) then-- both set emit an error TODO: make a function for this and similar?utilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', Periodical_origin) .. cfg.presentation['sep_list_pair'] .. utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'mailinglist')});endPeriodical = A ['MailingList'];-- error or no, set Periodical to |mailinglist= value because this template is {{cite mailing list}}Periodical_origin = A:ORIGIN('MailingList');end-- web and news not tested for now because of -- Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard#Is_there_a_semi-automated_tool_that_could_fix_these_annoying_"Cite_Web"_errors?if not (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)) then-- 'periodical' templates require periodical parameter--local p = {['journal'] = 'journal', ['magazine'] = 'magazine', ['news'] = 'newspaper', ['web'] = 'website'};-- for error messagelocal p = {['journal'] = 'journal', ['magazine'] = 'magazine'};-- for error messageif p[config.CitationClass]  then--#Modifedutilities.set_message ('err_missing_periodical', {cfg.err_msg_supl[config.CitationClass], cfg.err_msg_supl[p[config.CitationClass]]});endendlocal Volume;if 'citation' == config.CitationClass thenif utilities.is_set (Periodical) thenif not utilities.in_array (Periodical_origin, cfg.citation_no_volume_t) then-- {{citation}} does not render |volume= when these parameters are usedVolume = A['Volume'];-- but does for all other 'periodicals'endelseif utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical) thenif 'script-website' ~= ScriptPeriodical_origin then-- {{citation}} does not render volume for |script-website=Volume = A['Volume'];-- but does for all other 'periodicals'endelseVolume = A['Volume'];-- and does for non-'periodical' citesendelseif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) then-- render |volume= for cs1 according to the configuration settingsVolume = A['Volume'];endextra_text_in_vol_iss_check (Volume, A:ORIGIN ('Volume'), 'v');local Issue;if 'citation' == config.CitationClass thenif utilities.is_set (Periodical) and utilities.in_array (Periodical_origin, cfg.citation_issue_t) then-- {{citation}} may render |issue= when these parameters are usedIssue = utilities.hyphen_to_dash (A['Issue']);endelseif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_issue) then-- conference & map books do not support issue; {{citation}} listed here because included in settings tableif not (utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'conference', 'map', 'citation'}) and not (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical))) thenIssue = utilities.hyphen_to_dash (A['Issue']);endendlocal ArticleNumber;if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'conference'}) or ('citation' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Periodical) and 'journal' == Periodical_origin) thenArticleNumber = A['ArticleNumber'];endextra_text_in_vol_iss_check (Issue, A:ORIGIN ('Issue'), 'i');local Page;local Pages;local At;local QuotePage;local QuotePages;if not utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_not_using_page) then-- TODO: rewrite to emit ignored parameter error message?Page = A['Page'];Pages = utilities.hyphen_to_dash (A['Pages']);At = A['At'];QuotePage = A['QuotePage'];QuotePages = utilities.hyphen_to_dash (A['QuotePages']);endlocal Edition = A['Edition'];local PublicationPlace = place_check (A['PublicationPlace'], A:ORIGIN('PublicationPlace'));local Place = place_check (A['Place'], A:ORIGIN('Place'));local PublisherName = A['PublisherName'];local PublisherName_origin = A:ORIGIN('PublisherName');if utilities.is_set (PublisherName) and (cfg.keywords_xlate['none'] ~= PublisherName) thenlocal i = 0;PublisherName, i = utilities.strip_apostrophe_markup (PublisherName);-- strip apostrophe markup so that metadata isn't contaminated; publisher is never italicizedif i and (0 < i) then-- non-zero when markup was stripped so emit an error messageutilities.set_message ('err_apostrophe_markup', {PublisherName_origin});endendif ('document' == config.CitationClass) and not utilities.is_set (PublisherName) thenutilities.set_message ('err_missing_publisher', {config.CitationClass, 'publisher'});endlocal Newsgroup = A['Newsgroup'];-- TODO: strip apostrophe markup?local Newsgroup_origin = A:ORIGIN('Newsgroup');if 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass thenif utilities.is_set (PublisherName) and (cfg.keywords_xlate['none'] ~= PublisherName) then-- general use parameter |publisher= not allowed in cite newsgrouputilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {PublisherName_origin});endPublisherName = nil;-- ensure that this parameter is unset for the time being; will be used again after COinSendlocal URL = A['URL'];-- TODO: better way to do this for URL, ChapterURL, and MapURL?local UrlAccess = is_valid_parameter_value (A['UrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN('UrlAccess'), cfg.keywords_lists['url-access'], nil);if not utilities.is_set (URL) and utilities.is_set (UrlAccess) thenUrlAccess = nil;utilities.set_message ('err_param_access_requires_param', 'url');endlocal ChapterURL = A['ChapterURL'];local ChapterUrlAccess = is_valid_parameter_value (A['ChapterUrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN('ChapterUrlAccess'), cfg.keywords_lists['url-access'], nil);if not utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) and utilities.is_set (ChapterUrlAccess) thenChapterUrlAccess = nil;utilities.set_message ('err_param_access_requires_param', {A:ORIGIN('ChapterUrlAccess'):gsub ('%-access', '')});endlocal MapUrlAccess = is_valid_parameter_value (A['MapUrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN('MapUrlAccess'), cfg.keywords_lists['url-access'], nil);if not utilities.is_set (A['MapURL']) and utilities.is_set (MapUrlAccess) thenMapUrlAccess = nil;utilities.set_message ('err_param_access_requires_param', {'map-url'});endlocal this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle();-- also used for COinS and for languagelocal no_tracking_cats = is_valid_parameter_value (A['NoTracking'], A:ORIGIN('NoTracking'), cfg.keywords_lists['yes_true_y'], nil);-- check this page to see if it is in one of the namespaces that cs1 is not supposed to add to the error categoriesif not utilities.is_set (no_tracking_cats) then-- ignore if we are already not going to categorize this pageif cfg.uncategorized_namespaces[this_page.namespace] then-- is this page's namespace id one of the uncategorized namespace ids?no_tracking_cats = "true";-- set no_tracking_catsendfor _, v in ipairs (cfg.uncategorized_subpages) do-- cycle through page name patternsif this_page.text:match (v) then-- test page name against each patternno_tracking_cats = "true";-- set no_tracking_catsbreak;-- bail out if one is foundendendend-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters. (also sheet and sheets while we're at it)utilities.select_one (args, {'page', 'p', 'pp', 'pages', 'at', 'sheet', 'sheets'}, 'err_redundant_parameters');-- this is a dummy call simply to get the error message and categorylocal coins_pages;Page, Pages, At, coins_pages = insource_loc_get (Page, A:ORIGIN('Page'), Pages, A:ORIGIN('Pages'), At);local NoPP = is_valid_parameter_value (A['NoPP'], A:ORIGIN('NoPP'), cfg.keywords_lists['yes_true_y'], nil);if utilities.is_set (PublicationPlace) and utilities.is_set (Place) then-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if differentutilities.add_prop_cat ('location-test');-- add property cat to evaluate how often PublicationPlace and Place are used togetherif PublicationPlace == Place thenPlace = '';-- unset; don't need both if they are the sameendelseif not utilities.is_set (PublicationPlace) and utilities.is_set (Place) then-- when only |place= (|location=) is set ...PublicationPlace = Place;-- promote |place= (|location=) to |publication-placeendif PublicationPlace == Place then Place = ''; end-- don't need both if they are the samelocal URL_origin = A:ORIGIN('URL');-- get name of parameter that holds URLlocal ChapterURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('ChapterURL');-- get name of parameter that holds ChapterURLlocal ScriptChapter = A['ScriptChapter'];local ScriptChapter_origin = A:ORIGIN ('ScriptChapter');local Format = A['Format'];local ChapterFormat = A['ChapterFormat'];local TransChapter = A['TransChapter'];local TransChapter_origin = A:ORIGIN ('TransChapter');local TransTitle = A['TransTitle'];local ScriptTitle = A['ScriptTitle'];--[[Parameter remapping for cite encyclopedia:When the citation has these parameters:|encyclopedia= and |title= then map |title= to |article= and |encyclopedia= to |title= for rendering|encyclopedia= and |article= then map |encyclopedia= to |title= for rendering|trans-title= maps to |trans-chapter= when |title= is re-mapped|url= maps to |chapter-url= when |title= is remappedAll other combinations of |encyclopedia=, |title=, and |article= are not modified]]local Encyclopedia = A['Encyclopedia'];-- used as a flag by this module and by ~/COinSlocal ScriptEncyclopedia = A['ScriptEncyclopedia'];local TransEncyclopedia = A['TransEncyclopedia'];if utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia) or utilities.is_set (ScriptEncyclopedia) then-- emit error message when Encyclopedia set but template is other than {{cite encyclopedia}} or {{citation}}if 'encyclopaedia' ~= config.CitationClass and 'citation' ~= config.CitationClass thenif utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia) thenutilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {A:ORIGIN ('Encyclopedia')});elseutilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {A:ORIGIN ('ScriptEncyclopedia')});endEncyclopedia = nil;-- unset these because not supported by this templateScriptEncyclopedia = nil;TransEncyclopedia = nil;endelseif utilities.is_set (TransEncyclopedia) thenutilities.set_message ('err_trans_missing_title', {'encyclopedia'});endif ('encyclopaedia' == config.CitationClass) or ('citation' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia)) thenif utilities.is_set (Periodical) and utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia) then-- when both parameters set emit an error message; {{citation}} only; Periodical not allowed in {{cite encyclopedia}}utilities.set_message ('err_periodical_ignored', {Periodical_origin});endif utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia) or utilities.is_set (ScriptEncyclopedia) thenPeriodical = Encyclopedia;-- error or no, set Periodical to Encyclopedia for rendering; {{citation}} could (not legitimately) have both; use EncyclopediaPeriodical_origin = A:ORIGIN ('Encyclopedia');ScriptPeriodical = ScriptEncyclopedia;ScriptPeriodical_origin = A:ORIGIN ('ScriptEncyclopedia');if utilities.is_set (Title) or utilities.is_set (ScriptTitle) thenif not utilities.is_set (Chapter) thenChapter = Title;-- |encyclopedia= and |title= are set so map |title= params to |article= params for renderingScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;ScriptChapter_origin = A:ORIGIN('ScriptTitle')TransChapter = TransTitle;ChapterURL = URL;ChapterURL_origin = URL_origin;ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;ChapterFormat = Format;if not utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) and utilities.is_set (TitleLink) thenChapter = utilities.make_wikilink (TitleLink, Chapter);endTitle = Periodical;-- now map |encyclopedia= params to |title= params for renderingScriptTitle = ScriptPeriodical or '';TransTitle = TransEncyclopedia or '';Periodical = '';-- redundant so unsetScriptPeriodical = '';URL = '';Format = '';TitleLink = '';endelseif utilities.is_set (Chapter) or utilities.is_set (ScriptChapter) then-- |title= not setTitle = Periodical;-- |encyclopedia= set and |article= set so map |encyclopedia= to |title= for renderingScriptTitle = ScriptPeriodical or '';TransTitle = TransEncyclopedia or '';Periodical = '';-- redundant so unsetScriptPeriodical = '';endendend-- special case for cite techreport.local ID = A['ID'];if (config.CitationClass == "techreport") then-- special case for cite techreportif utilities.is_set (A['Number']) then-- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations alias to 'issue'if not utilities.is_set (ID) then-- can we use ID for the "number"?ID = A['Number'];-- yes, use itelse-- ID has a value so emit error messageutilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'id') .. cfg.presentation['sep_list_pair'] .. utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'number')});endendend-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conference}}, before generation of COinS data.local ChapterLink -- = A['ChapterLink'];-- deprecated as a parameter but still used internally by cite episodelocal Conference = A['Conference'];local BookTitle = A['BookTitle'];local TransTitle_origin = A:ORIGIN ('TransTitle');if 'conference' == config.CitationClass thenif utilities.is_set (BookTitle) thenChapter = Title;Chapter_origin = 'title';--ChapterLink = TitleLink;-- |chapter-link= is deprecatedChapterURL = URL;ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;ChapterURL_origin = URL_origin;URL_origin = '';ChapterFormat = Format;TransChapter = TransTitle;TransChapter_origin = TransTitle_origin;Title = BookTitle;Format = '';--TitleLink = '';TransTitle = '';URL = '';endelseif 'speech' ~= config.CitationClass thenConference = '';-- not cite conference or cite speech so make sure this is empty stringend-- CS1/2 modelocal Mode;if cfg.global_cs1_config_t['Mode'] then-- global setting in {{cs1 config}} overrides local |mode= parameter value; nil when empty or assigned value invalidMode = is_valid_parameter_value (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['Mode'], 'cs1 config: mode', cfg.keywords_lists['mode'], '');-- error messaging 'param' here is a hoaxelseMode = is_valid_parameter_value (A['Mode'], A:ORIGIN('Mode'), cfg.keywords_lists['mode'], '');endif cfg.global_cs1_config_t['Mode'] and utilities.is_set (A['Mode']) then-- when template has |mode=<something> which global setting has overriddenutilities.set_message ('maint_overridden_setting');-- set a maint messageend-- separator character and postscriptlocal sepc, PostScript = set_style (Mode:lower(), A['PostScript'], config.CitationClass);-- controls capitalization of certain static textlocal use_lowercase = ( sepc == ',' );-- cite map odditieslocal Cartography = "";local Scale = "";local Sheet = A['Sheet'] or '';local Sheets = A['Sheets'] or '';if config.CitationClass == "map" thenif utilities.is_set (Chapter) then--TODO: make a function for this and similar?utilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'map') .. cfg.presentation['sep_list_pair'] .. utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', Chapter_origin)});-- add error messageendChapter = A['Map'];Chapter_origin = A:ORIGIN('Map');ChapterURL = A['MapURL'];ChapterURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('MapURL');TransChapter = A['TransMap'];ScriptChapter = A['ScriptMap']ScriptChapter_origin = A:ORIGIN('ScriptMap')ChapterUrlAccess = MapUrlAccess;ChapterFormat = A['MapFormat'];Cartography = A['Cartography'];if utilities.is_set ( Cartography ) thenCartography = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('cartography', Cartography, use_lowercase);endScale = A['Scale'];if utilities.is_set ( Scale ) thenScale = sepc .. " " .. Scale;endend-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite episode}} and {{cite serial}}, before generation of COinS data.local Series = A['Series'];if 'episode' == config.CitationClass or 'serial' == config.CitationClass thenlocal SeriesLink = A['SeriesLink'];SeriesLink = link_title_ok (SeriesLink, A:ORIGIN ('SeriesLink'), Series, 'series');-- check for wiki-markup in |series-link= or wiki-markup in |series= when |series-link= is setlocal Network = A['Network'];local Station = A['Station'];local s, n = {}, {};-- do common parameters firstif utilities.is_set (Network) then table.insert(n, Network); endif utilities.is_set (Station) then table.insert(n, Station); endID = table.concat(n, sepc .. ' ');if 'episode' == config.CitationClass then-- handle the oddities that are strictly {{cite episode}}local Season = A['Season'];local SeriesNumber = A['SeriesNumber'];if utilities.is_set (Season) and utilities.is_set (SeriesNumber) then-- these are mutually exclusive so if both are set TODO: make a function for this and similar?utilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'season') .. cfg.presentation['sep_list_pair'] .. utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'seriesno')});-- add error messageSeriesNumber = '';-- unset; prefer |season= over |seriesno=end-- assemble a table of parts concatenated later into Seriesif utilities.is_set (Season) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('season', Season, use_lowercase)); endif utilities.is_set (SeriesNumber) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('seriesnum', SeriesNumber, use_lowercase)); endif utilities.is_set (Issue) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('episode', Issue, use_lowercase)); endIssue = '';-- unset because this is not a unique parameterChapter = Title;-- promote title parameters to chapterScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;ScriptChapter_origin = A:ORIGIN('ScriptTitle');ChapterLink = TitleLink;-- alias |episode-link=TransChapter = TransTitle;ChapterURL = URL;ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;ChapterURL_origin = URL_origin;ChapterFormat = Format;Title = Series;-- promote series to titleTitleLink = SeriesLink;Series = table.concat(s, sepc .. ' ');-- this is concatenation of season, seriesno, episode numberif utilities.is_set (ChapterLink) and not utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) then-- link but not URLChapter = utilities.make_wikilink (ChapterLink, Chapter);elseif utilities.is_set (ChapterLink) and utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) then-- if both are set, URL links episode;Series = utilities.make_wikilink (ChapterLink, Series);endURL = '';-- unsetTransTitle = '';ScriptTitle = '';Format = '';else-- now oddities that are cite serialIssue = '';-- unset because this parameter no longer supported by the citation/core version of cite serialChapter = A['Episode'];-- TODO: make |episode= available to cite episode someday?if utilities.is_set (Series) and utilities.is_set (SeriesLink) thenSeries = utilities.make_wikilink (SeriesLink, Series);endSeries = utilities.wrap_style ('italic-title', Series);-- series is italicizedendend-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default valueslocal TitleType = A['TitleType'];local Degree = A['Degree'];if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'AV-media-notes', 'document', 'interview', 'mailinglist', 'map', 'podcast', 'pressrelease', 'report', 'speech', 'techreport', 'thesis'}) thenTitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);if utilities.is_set (Degree) and "Thesis" == TitleType then-- special case for cite thesisTitleType = Degree .. ' ' .. cfg.title_types ['thesis']:lower();endendif utilities.is_set (TitleType) then-- if type parameter is specifiedTitleType = utilities.substitute ( cfg.messages['type'], TitleType);-- display it in parentheses-- TODO: Hack on TitleType to fix bunched parentheses problemend-- legacy: promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.local Date = A['Date']; local Date_origin;-- to hold the name of parameter promoted to Date; required for date error messaginglocal PublicationDate = A['PublicationDate'];local Year = A['Year'];if not utilities.is_set (Date) thenDate = Year;-- promote Year to DateYear = nil;-- make nil so Year as empty string isn't used for CITEREFif not utilities.is_set (Date) and utilities.is_set (PublicationDate) then-- use PublicationDate when |date= and |year= are not setDate = PublicationDate;-- promote PublicationDate to DatePublicationDate = '';-- unset, no longer neededDate_origin = A:ORIGIN('PublicationDate');-- save the name of the promoted parameterelseDate_origin = A:ORIGIN('Year');-- save the name of the promoted parameterendelseDate_origin = A:ORIGIN('Date');-- not a promotion; name required for error messagingendif PublicationDate == Date then PublicationDate = ''; end-- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation--[[Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is wherewe get the date used in the metadata.Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation]]local DF = is_valid_parameter_value (A['DF'], A:ORIGIN('DF'), cfg.keywords_lists['df'], '');if not utilities.is_set (DF) thenDF = cfg.global_df;-- local |df= if present overrides global df set by {{use xxx date}} templateendlocal ArchiveURL;local ArchiveDate;local ArchiveFormat = A['ArchiveFormat'];local archive_url_timestamp;-- timestamp from wayback machine url--#Added Block to add category for unarchived URLsif utilities.is_set(URL) and not utilities.is_set(A['ArchiveURL']) and not wikidatacite thenutilities.add_prop_cat ('no_archive');endArchiveURL, ArchiveDate, archive_url_timestamp = archive_url_check (A['ArchiveURL'], A['ArchiveDate'])ArchiveFormat = style_format (ArchiveFormat, ArchiveURL, 'archive-format', 'archive-url');ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate = is_unique_archive_url (ArchiveURL, URL, ChapterURL, A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL'), ArchiveDate);-- add error message when URL or ChapterURL == ArchiveURLlocal AccessDate = A['AccessDate'];local COinS_date = {};-- holds date info extracted from |date= for the COinS metadata by Module:Date verificationlocal DoiBroken = A['DoiBroken'];local Embargo = A['Embargo'];local anchor_year;-- used in the CITEREF identifierdo-- create defined block to contain local variables error_message, date_parameters_list, mismatchlocal error_message = '';-- AirDate has been promoted to Date so not necessary to check itlocal date_parameters_list = {['access-date'] = {val = AccessDate, name = A:ORIGIN ('AccessDate')},['archive-date'] = {val = ArchiveDate, name = A:ORIGIN ('ArchiveDate')},['date'] = {val = Date, name = Date_origin},['doi-broken-date'] = {val = DoiBroken, name = A:ORIGIN ('DoiBroken')},['pmc-embargo-date'] = {val = Embargo, name = A:ORIGIN ('Embargo')},['publication-date'] = {val = PublicationDate, name = A:ORIGIN ('PublicationDate')},['year'] = {val = Year, name = A:ORIGIN ('Year')},};local error_list = {};anchor_year, Embargo = validation.dates(date_parameters_list, COinS_date, error_list);if utilities.is_set (Year) and utilities.is_set (Date) then-- both |date= and |year= not normally needed; validation.year_date_check (Year, A:ORIGIN ('Year'), Date, A:ORIGIN ('Date'), error_list);endif 0 == #error_list then-- error free dates only; 0 when error_list is emptylocal modified = false;-- flagif utilities.is_set (DF) then-- if we need to reformat datesmodified = validation.reformat_dates (date_parameters_list, DF);-- reformat to DF format, use long month names if appropriateendif true == validation.date_hyphen_to_dash (date_parameters_list) then-- convert hyphens to dashes where appropriatemodified = true;utilities.set_message ('maint_date_format');-- hyphens were converted so add maint categoryend-- for those wikis that can and want to have English date names translated to the local language; not supported at en.wikiif cfg.date_name_auto_xlate_enable and validation.date_name_xlate (date_parameters_list, cfg.date_digit_auto_xlate_enable ) thenutilities.set_message ('maint_date_auto_xlated');-- add maint catmodified = true;endif modified then-- if the date_parameters_list values were modifiedAccessDate = date_parameters_list['access-date'].val;-- overwrite date holding parameters with modified valuesArchiveDate = date_parameters_list['archive-date'].val;Date = date_parameters_list['date'].val;DoiBroken = date_parameters_list['doi-broken-date'].val;PublicationDate = date_parameters_list['publication-date'].val;endif archive_url_timestamp and utilities.is_set (ArchiveDate) thenvalidation.archive_date_check (ArchiveDate, archive_url_timestamp, DF);-- does YYYYMMDD in archive_url_timestamp match date in ArchiveDateendelseutilities.set_message ('err_bad_date', {utilities.make_sep_list (#error_list, error_list)});-- add this error messageendend-- end of doif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'book', 'encyclopaedia'}) or-- {{cite book}}, {{cite encyclopedia}}; TODO: {{cite conference}} and others?('citation' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia)) or-- {{citation}} as an encylopedia citation('citation' == config.CitationClass and not utilities.is_set (Periodical)) then-- {{citation}} as a book citationif utilities.is_set (PublicationPlace) thenif not utilities.is_set (PublisherName) thenlocal date = COinS_date.rftdate and tonumber (COinS_date.rftdate:match ('%d%d%d%d'));-- get year portion of COinS date (because in Arabic numerals); convert string to numberif date and (1850 <= date) then-- location has no publisher; if date is 1850 or laterutilities.set_message ('maint_location_no_publisher');-- add maint catendelse-- PublisherName has a valueif cfg.keywords_xlate['none'] == PublisherName then-- if that value is 'none' (only for book and encyclopedia citations)PublisherName = '';-- unsetendendendendlocal ID_list = {};-- sequence table of rendered identifierslocal ID_list_coins = {};-- table of identifiers and their values from args; key is same as cfg.id_handlers's keylocal Class = A['Class'];-- arxiv class identifierlocal ID_support = {{A['ASINTLD'], 'ASIN', 'err_asintld_missing_asin', A:ORIGIN ('ASINTLD')},{DoiBroken, 'DOI', 'err_doibroken_missing_doi', A:ORIGIN ('DoiBroken')},{Embargo, 'PMC', 'err_embargo_missing_pmc', A:ORIGIN ('Embargo')},}ID_list, ID_list_coins = identifiers.identifier_lists_get (args, {DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = A['ASINTLD'], Embargo = Embargo, Class = Class}, ID_support);-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, {{cite medrxiv}}, {{cite ssrn}}, before generation of COinS data.if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, whitelist.preprint_template_list_t) then-- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv; |biorxiv=, |citeseerx=, |medrxiv=, |ssrn= required for their templatesif not (args[cfg.id_handlers[config.CitationClass:upper()].parameters[1]] or -- can't use ID_list_coins k/v table here because invalid parameters omittedargs[cfg.id_handlers[config.CitationClass:upper()].parameters[2]]) then-- which causes unexpected parameter missing error messageutilities.set_message ('err_' .. config.CitationClass .. '_missing');-- add error messageendPeriodical = ({['arxiv'] = 'arXiv', ['biorxiv'] = 'bioRxiv', ['citeseerx'] = 'CiteSeerX', ['medrxiv'] = 'medRxiv', ['ssrn'] = 'Social Science Research Network'})[config.CitationClass];end-- Link the title of the work if no |url= was provided, but we have a |pmc= or a |doi= with |doi-access=freeif config.CitationClass == "journal" and not utilities.is_set (URL) and not utilities.is_set (TitleLink) and not utilities.in_array (cfg.keywords_xlate[Title], {'off', 'none'}) then -- TODO: remove 'none' once existing citations have been switched to 'off', so 'none' can be used as token for "no title" insteadif 'none' ~= cfg.keywords_xlate[auto_select] then-- if auto-linking not disabled  if identifiers.auto_link_urls[auto_select] then-- manual selection URL = identifiers.auto_link_urls[auto_select];-- set URL to be the same as identifier's external link URL_origin = cfg.id_handlers[auto_select:upper()].parameters[1];-- set URL_origin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=elseif identifiers.auto_link_urls['pmc'] then-- auto-select PMCURL = identifiers.auto_link_urls['pmc'];-- set URL to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoedURL_origin = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1];-- set URL_origin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=elseif identifiers.auto_link_urls['doi'] then-- auto-select DOIURL = identifiers.auto_link_urls['doi'];URL_origin = cfg.id_handlers['DOI'].parameters[1];end  endif utilities.is_set (URL) then-- set when using an identifier-created URLif utilities.is_set (AccessDate) then-- |access-date= requires |url=; identifier-created URL is not |url=--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_accessdate_missing_url', A:ORIGIN('AccessDate'));-- add an error messageAccessDate = '';-- unsetendif utilities.is_set (ArchiveURL) then-- |archive-url= requires |url=; identifier-created URL is not |url=--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_archive_missing_url', {A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')});-- add an error messageArchiveURL = '';-- unsetendendend-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use.  We can use that fact.-- Test if citation has no titleifnot utilities.is_set (Title) and not utilities.is_set (TransTitle) and not utilities.is_set (ScriptTitle) then-- has special case for cite episode--#Modified Blockutilities.set_message (wikidatacite and 'err_wikidata_citation_missing_title' or 'err_citation_missing_title', {'episode' == config.CitationClass and 'series' or 'title'});endif utilities.in_array (cfg.keywords_xlate[Title], {'off', 'none'}) andutilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'citation'}) and(utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)) and('journal' == Periodical_origin or 'script-journal' == ScriptPeriodical_origin) then-- special case for journal citesTitle = '';-- set title to empty stringutilities.set_message ('maint_untitled');-- add maint catend-- COinS metadata (see <>) for automated parsing of citation information.-- handle the oddity that is cite encyclopedia and {{citation |encyclopedia=something}}. Here we presume that-- when Periodical, Title, and Chapter are all set, then Periodical is the book (encyclopedia) title, Title-- is the article title, and Chapter is a section within the article.  So, we remap local coins_chapter = Chapter;-- default assuming that remapping not requiredlocal coins_title = Title;-- et tuif 'encyclopaedia' == config.CitationClass or ('citation' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia)) thenif utilities.is_set (Chapter) and utilities.is_set (Title) and utilities.is_set (Periodical) then-- if all are used thencoins_chapter = Title;-- remapcoins_title = Periodical;endendlocal coins_author = a;-- default for coins if 0 < #c then-- but if contributor listcoins_author = c;-- use that insteadend-- this is the function call to COinS()local OCinSoutput = metadata.COinS({['Periodical'] = utilities.strip_apostrophe_markup (Periodical),-- no markup in the metadata['Encyclopedia'] = Encyclopedia,-- just a flag; content ignored by ~/COinS['Chapter'] = metadata.make_coins_title (coins_chapter, ScriptChapter),-- Chapter and ScriptChapter stripped of bold / italic / accept-as-written markup['Degree'] = Degree;-- cite thesis only['Title'] = metadata.make_coins_title (coins_title, ScriptTitle),-- Title and ScriptTitle stripped of bold / italic / accept-as-written markup['PublicationPlace'] = PublicationPlace,['Date'] = COinS_date.rftdate,-- COinS_date.* has correctly formatted date values if Date is valid;['Season'] = COinS_date.rftssn,['Quarter'] = COinS_date.rftquarter,['Chron'] =  COinS_date.rftchron,['Series'] = Series,['Volume'] = Volume,['Issue'] = Issue,['ArticleNumber'] = ArticleNumber,['Pages'] = coins_pages or metadata.get_coins_pages (first_set ({Sheet, Sheets, Page, Pages, At, QuotePage, QuotePages}, 7)),-- pages stripped of external links['Edition'] = Edition,['PublisherName'] = PublisherName or Newsgroup,-- any apostrophe markup already removed from PublisherName['URL'] = first_set ({ChapterURL, URL}, 2),['Authors'] = coins_author,['ID_list'] = ID_list_coins,['RawPage'] = this_page.prefixedText,}, config.CitationClass);-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, {{cite medrxiv}}, and {{cite ssrn}} AFTER generation of COinS data.if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, whitelist.preprint_template_list_t) then-- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, bioRxiv, CiteSeerX, medRxiv, or ssrn now unset so it isn't displayedPeriodical = '';-- periodical not allowed in these templates; if article has been published, use cite journalend-- special case for cite newsgroup.  Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static textif 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Newsgroup) thenPublisherName = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['newsgroup'], external_link( 'news:' .. Newsgroup, Newsgroup, Newsgroup_origin, nil ));endlocal Editors;local EditorCount;-- used only for choosing {ed.) or (eds.) annotation at end of editor name-listlocal Contributors;-- assembled contributors name listlocal contributor_etal;local Translators;-- assembled translators name listlocal translator_etal;local t = {};-- translators list from |translator-lastn= / translator-firstn= pairst = extract_names (args, 'TranslatorList');-- fetch translator list from |translatorn= / |translator-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=local Interviewers;local interviewers_list = {};interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList');-- process preferred interviewers parameterslocal interviewer_etal;-- Now perform various field substitutions.-- We also add leading spaces and surrounding markup and punctuation to the-- various parts of the citation, but only when they are non-nil.dolocal last_first_list;local control = { format = NameListStyle,-- empty string, '&', 'amp', 'and', or 'vanc'maximum = nil,-- as if display-authors or display-editors not setmode = Mode};do-- do editor name list first because the now unsupported coauthors used to modify control tablelocal display_names, param = display_names_select (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['DisplayEditors'], A['DisplayEditors'], A:ORIGIN ('DisplayEditors'), #e);control.maximum, editor_etal = get_display_names (display_names, #e, 'editors', editor_etal, param);Editors, EditorCount = list_people (control, e, editor_etal);if 1 == EditorCount and (true == editor_etal or 1 < #e) then-- only one editor displayed but includes etal then EditorCount = 2;-- spoof to display (eds.) annotationendenddo-- now do interviewerslocal display_names, param = display_names_select (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['DisplayInterviewers'], A['DisplayInterviewers'], A:ORIGIN ('DisplayInterviewers'), #interviewers_list);control.maximum, interviewer_etal = get_display_names (display_names, #interviewers_list, 'interviewers', interviewer_etal, param);Interviewers = list_people (control, interviewers_list, interviewer_etal);enddo-- now do translatorslocal display_names, param = display_names_select (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['DisplayTranslators'], A['DisplayTranslators'], A:ORIGIN ('DisplayTranslators'), #t);control.maximum, translator_etal = get_display_names (display_names, #t, 'translators', translator_etal, param);Translators = list_people (control, t, translator_etal);enddo-- now do contributorslocal display_names, param = display_names_select (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['DisplayContributors'], A['DisplayContributors'], A:ORIGIN ('DisplayContributors'), #c);control.maximum, contributor_etal = get_display_names (display_names, #c, 'contributors', contributor_etal, param);Contributors = list_people (control, c, contributor_etal);enddo-- now do authorslocal display_names, param = display_names_select (cfg.global_cs1_config_t['DisplayAuthors'], A['DisplayAuthors'], A:ORIGIN ('DisplayAuthors'), #a, author_etal);control.maximum, author_etal = get_display_names (display_names, #a, 'authors', author_etal, param);last_first_list = list_people (control, a, author_etal);if utilities.is_set (Authors) thenAuthors, author_etal = name_has_etal (Authors, author_etal, false, 'authors');-- find and remove variations on et al.if author_etal thenAuthors = Authors .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['et al'];-- add et al. to authors parameterendelseAuthors = last_first_list;-- either an author name list or an empty stringendend-- end of doif utilities.is_set (Authors) and utilities.is_set (Collaboration) thenAuthors = Authors .. ' (' .. Collaboration .. ')';-- add collaboration after et al.endendlocal ConferenceFormat = A['ConferenceFormat'];local ConferenceURL = A['ConferenceURL'];ConferenceFormat = style_format (ConferenceFormat, ConferenceURL, 'conference-format', 'conference-url');Format = style_format (Format, URL, 'format', 'url');-- special case for chapter format so no error message or cat when chapter not supportedif not (utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx', 'medrxiv', 'ssrn'}) or('citation' == config.CitationClass and (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)) and not utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia))) thenChapterFormat = style_format (ChapterFormat, ChapterURL, 'chapter-format', 'chapter-url');endif not utilities.is_set (URL) thenif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {"web", "podcast", "mailinglist"}) or-- |url= required for cite web, cite podcast, and cite mailinglist('citation' == config.CitationClass and ('website' == Periodical_origin or 'script-website' == ScriptPeriodical_origin)) then-- and required for {{citation}} with |website= or |script-website=utilities.set_message ('err_cite_web_url');end-- do we have |accessdate= without either |url= or |chapter-url=?if utilities.is_set (AccessDate) and not utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) then-- ChapterURL may be set when URL is not set;--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_accessdate_missing_url', A:ORIGIN('AccessDate'));AccessDate = '';endendlocal UrlStatus = is_valid_parameter_value (A['UrlStatus'], A:ORIGIN('UrlStatus'), cfg.keywords_lists['url-status'], '');local OriginalURLlocal OriginalURL_originlocal OriginalFormatlocal OriginalAccess;UrlStatus = UrlStatus:lower();-- used later when assembling archived textif utilities.is_set ( ArchiveURL ) thenif utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) then -- if chapter-url= is set apply archive url to itOriginalURL = ChapterURL;-- save copy of source chapter's url for archive textOriginalURL_origin = ChapterURL_origin;-- name of |chapter-url= parameter for error messagesOriginalFormat = ChapterFormat;-- and original |chapter-format=if 'live' ~= UrlStatus thenChapterURL = ArchiveURL-- swap-in the archive's URLChapterURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')-- name of |archive-url= parameter for error messagesChapterFormat = ArchiveFormat or '';-- swap in archive's formatChapterUrlAccess = nil;-- restricted access levels do not make sense for archived URLsendelseif utilities.is_set (URL) thenOriginalURL = URL;-- save copy of original source URLOriginalURL_origin = URL_origin;-- name of URL parameter for error messagesOriginalFormat = Format; -- and original |format=OriginalAccess = UrlAccess;if 'live' ~= UrlStatus then-- if URL set then |archive-url= applies to itURL = ArchiveURL-- swap-in the archive's URLURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')-- name of archive URL parameter for error messagesFormat = ArchiveFormat or '';-- swap in archive's formatUrlAccess = nil;-- restricted access levels do not make sense for archived URLsendendelseif utilities.is_set (UrlStatus) then-- if |url-status= is set when |archive-url= is not setutilities.set_message ('maint_url_status');-- add maint catend--*******if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx', 'medrxiv', 'ssrn'}) or-- if any of the 'periodical' cites except encyclopedia('citation' == config.CitationClass and (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)) and not utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia)) thenlocal chap_param;if utilities.is_set (Chapter) then-- get a parameter name from one of these chapter related meta-parameterschap_param = A:ORIGIN ('Chapter')elseif utilities.is_set (TransChapter) thenchap_param = A:ORIGIN ('TransChapter')elseif utilities.is_set (ChapterURL) thenchap_param = A:ORIGIN ('ChapterURL')elseif utilities.is_set (ScriptChapter) thenchap_param = ScriptChapter_origin;else utilities.is_set (ChapterFormat)chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('ChapterFormat')endif utilities.is_set (chap_param) then-- if we found oneutilities.set_message ('err_chapter_ignored', {chap_param});-- add error messageChapter = '';-- and set them to empty string to be safe with concatenationTransChapter = '';ChapterURL = '';ScriptChapter = '';ChapterFormat = '';endelse-- otherwise, format chapter / article titlelocal no_quotes = false;-- default assume that we will be quoting the chapter parameter valueif utilities.is_set (Contribution) and 0 < #c then-- if this is a contribution with contributor(s)if utilities.in_array (Contribution:lower(), cfg.keywords_lists.contribution) then-- and a generic contribution titleno_quotes = true;-- then render it unquotedendendChapter = format_chapter_title (ScriptChapter, ScriptChapter_origin, Chapter, Chapter_origin, TransChapter, TransChapter_origin, ChapterURL, ChapterURL_origin, no_quotes, ChapterUrlAccess);-- Contribution is also in Chapterif utilities.is_set (Chapter) thenChapter = Chapter .. ChapterFormat ;if 'map' == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (TitleType) thenChapter = Chapter .. ' ' .. TitleType;-- map annotation here; not after titleendChapter = Chapter .. sepc .. ' ';elseif utilities.is_set (ChapterFormat) then-- |chapter= not set but |chapter-format= is so ...Chapter = ChapterFormat .. sepc .. ' ';-- ... ChapterFormat has error message, we want to see itendend-- Format main titlelocal plain_title = false;local accept_title;Title, accept_title = utilities.has_accept_as_written (Title, true);-- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of <Title>if accept_title and ('' == Title) then-- only support forced empty for now "(())"Title = cfg.messages['notitle'];-- replace by predefined "No title" message-- TODO: utilities.set_message ( 'err_redundant_parameters', ...);-- issue proper error message instead of muting ScriptTitle = '';-- just mute for now TransTitle = '';-- just mute for nowplain_title = true;-- suppress text decoration for descriptive titleutilities.set_message ('maint_untitled');-- add maint catendif not accept_title then-- <Title> not wrapped in accept-as-written markupif '...' == Title:sub (-3) then-- if ellipsis is the last three characters of |title=Title = Title:gsub ('(%.%.%.)%.+$', '%1');-- limit the number of dots to threeelseif not mw.ustring.find (Title, '%.%s*%a%.$') and-- end of title is not a 'dot-(optional space-)letter-dot' initialism ...not mw.ustring.find (Title, '%s+%a%.$') then-- ...and not a 'space-letter-dot' initial (''Allium canadense'' L.)Title = mw.ustring.gsub(Title, '%' .. sepc .. '$', '');-- remove any trailing separator character; sepc and ms.ustring() here for languages that use multibyte separator charactersendif utilities.is_set (ArchiveURL) and is_archived_copy (Title) thenutilities.set_message ('maint_archived_copy');-- add maintenance category before we modify the content of Titleendif is_generic ('generic_titles', Title) thenutilities.set_message ('err_generic_title');-- set an error messageendendif (not plain_title) and (utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'document', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'mailinglist', 'interview', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx', 'medrxiv', 'ssrn'}) or('citation' == config.CitationClass and (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)) and not utilities.is_set (Encyclopedia)) or('map' == config.CitationClass and (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical)))) then-- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an articleTitle = kern_quotes (Title);-- if necessary, separate title's leading and trailing quote marks from module provided quote marksTitle = utilities.wrap_style ('quoted-title', Title);Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle, 'script-title');-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle = utilities.wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );elseif plain_title or ('report' == config.CitationClass) then-- no styling for cite report and descriptive titles (otherwise same as above)Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle, 'script-title');-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle = utilities.wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );-- for cite report, use this form for trans-titleelseTitle = utilities.wrap_style ('italic-title', Title);Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle, 'script-title');-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle = utilities.wrap_style ('trans-italic-title', TransTitle);endif utilities.is_set (TransTitle) thenif utilities.is_set (Title) thenTransTitle = " " .. TransTitle;elseutilities.set_message ('err_trans_missing_title', {'title'});endendif utilities.is_set (Title) then-- TODO: is this the right place to be making Wikisource URLs?if utilities.is_set (TitleLink) and utilities.is_set (URL) thenutilities.set_message ('err_wikilink_in_url');-- set an error message because we can't have bothTitleLink = '';-- unsetendif not utilities.is_set (TitleLink) and utilities.is_set (URL) thenTitle = external_link (URL, Title, URL_origin, UrlAccess) .. TransTitle .. Format;URL = '';-- unset these because no longer neededFormat = "";elseif utilities.is_set (TitleLink) and not utilities.is_set (URL) thenlocal ws_url;ws_url = wikisource_url_make (TitleLink);-- ignore ws_label return; not used hereif ws_url thenTitle = external_link (ws_url, Title .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in title-link');-- space char after Title to move icon away from italic text; TODO: a better way to do this?Title = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], TitleLink, Title});Title = Title .. TransTitle;elseTitle = utilities.make_wikilink (TitleLink, Title) .. TransTitle;endelselocal ws_url, ws_label, L;-- Title has italic or quote markup by the time we get here which causes is_wikilink() to return 0 (not a wikilink)ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (Title:gsub('^[\'"]*(.-)[\'"]*$', '%1'));-- make ws URL from |title= interwiki link (strip italic or quote markup); link portion L becomes tooltip labelif ws_url thenTitle = Title:gsub ('%b[]', ws_label);-- replace interwiki link with ws_label to retain markupTitle = external_link (ws_url, Title .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in title');-- space char after Title to move icon away from italic text; TODO: a better way to do this?Title = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, Title});Title = Title .. TransTitle;elseTitle = Title .. TransTitle;endendelseTitle = TransTitle;endif utilities.is_set (Place) thenPlace = " " .. wrap_msg ('written', Place, use_lowercase) .. sepc .. " ";endlocal ConferenceURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('ConferenceURL');-- get name of parameter that holds ConferenceURLif utilities.is_set (Conference) thenif utilities.is_set (ConferenceURL) thenConference = external_link( ConferenceURL, Conference, ConferenceURL_origin, nil );endConference = sepc .. " " .. Conference .. ConferenceFormat;elseif utilities.is_set (ConferenceURL) thenConference = sepc .. " " .. external_link( ConferenceURL, nil, ConferenceURL_origin, nil );endlocal Position = '';if not utilities.is_set (Position) thenlocal Minutes = A['Minutes'];local Time = A['Time'];if utilities.is_set (Minutes) thenif utilities.is_set (Time) then--TODO: make a function for this and similar?utilities.set_message ('err_redundant_parameters', {utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'minutes') .. cfg.presentation['sep_list_pair'] .. utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', 'time')});endPosition = " " .. Minutes .. " " .. cfg.messages['minutes'];elseif utilities.is_set (Time) thenlocal TimeCaption = A['TimeCaption']if not utilities.is_set (TimeCaption) thenTimeCaption = cfg.messages['event'];--#Commented line--if sepc ~= '.' then TimeCaption = TimeCaption:lower(); endendPosition = " " .. TimeCaption .. " " .. Time;endendelsePosition = " " .. Position;At = '';endPage, Pages, Sheet, Sheets = format_pages_sheets (Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, NoPP, use_lowercase);At = utilities.is_set (At) and (sepc .. " " .. At) or "";Position = utilities.is_set (Position) and (sepc .. " " .. Position) or "";if config.CitationClass == 'map' thenlocal Sections = A['Sections'];-- Section (singular) is an alias of Chapter so set earlierlocal Inset = A['Inset'];if utilities.is_set ( Inset ) thenInset = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('inset', Inset, use_lowercase);endif utilities.is_set ( Sections ) thenSection = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('sections', Sections, use_lowercase);elseif utilities.is_set ( Section ) thenSection = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('section', Section, use_lowercase);endAt = At .. Inset .. Section;endlocal Others = A['Others'];if utilities.is_set (Others) and 0 == #a and 0 == #e then-- add maint cat when |others= has value and used without |author=, |editor=if config.CitationClass == "AV-media-notes"or config.CitationClass == "audio-visual" then-- special maint for AV/M which has a lot of 'false' positives right nowutilities.set_message ('maint_others_avm')elseutilities.set_message ('maint_others');endendOthers = utilities.is_set (Others) and (sepc .. " " .. Others) or "";if utilities.is_set (Translators) thenOthers = safe_join ({sepc .. ' ', wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase), Others}, sepc);endif utilities.is_set (Interviewers) thenOthers = safe_join ({sepc .. ' ', wrap_msg ('interview', Interviewers, use_lowercase), Others}, sepc);endlocal TitleNote = A['TitleNote'];TitleNote = utilities.is_set (TitleNote) and (sepc .. " " .. TitleNote) or "";if utilities.is_set (Edition) thenif Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]d%n?%.?$') or Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]dition$') then -- Ed, ed, Ed., ed., Edn, edn, Edn., edn.utilities.set_message ('err_extra_text_edition'); -- add error messageendEdition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);elseEdition = '';endSeries = utilities.is_set (Series) and wrap_msg ('series', {sepc, Series}) or "";-- not the same as SeriesNumlocal Agency = A['Agency'] or '';-- |agency= only supported in {{cite news}}, {{cite press release}}, {{cite web}} and certain {{citation}} templatesif utilities.is_set (Agency) then-- this testing done here because {{citation}} supports 'news' citationsif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {'news', 'pressrelease', 'web'}) or ('citation' == config.CitationClass and utilities.in_array (Periodical_origin, {"newspaper", "work"})) thenAgency = wrap_msg ('agency', {sepc, Agency});-- format for renderingelseAgency = '';-- unset; not supportedutilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {'agency'});-- add error messageendendVolume = format_volume_issue (Volume, Issue, ArticleNumber, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, use_lowercase);if utilities.is_set (AccessDate) thenlocal retrv_text = " " .. cfg.messages['retrieved']AccessDate = nowrap_date (AccessDate);-- wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate format--#Commented line--if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end-- if mode is cs2, lower caseAccessDate = utilities.substitute (retrv_text, AccessDate);-- add retrieved textAccessDate = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['accessdate'], {sepc, AccessDate});-- allow editors to hide accessdatesendif utilities.is_set (ID) then ID = sepc .. " " .. ID; endlocal Docket = A['Docket'];   if "thesis" == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Docket) thenID = sepc .. " Docket " .. Docket .. ID;end   if "report" == config.CitationClass and utilities.is_set (Docket) then-- for cite report when |docket= is setID = sepc .. ' ' .. Docket;-- overwrite ID even if |id= is setendif utilities.is_set (URL) thenURL = " " .. external_link( URL, nil, URL_origin, UrlAccess );endlocal Quote = A['Quote'];local TransQuote = A['TransQuote'];local ScriptQuote = A['ScriptQuote'];if utilities.is_set (Quote) or utilities.is_set (TransQuote) or utilities.is_set (ScriptQuote) thenif utilities.is_set (Quote) thenif Quote:sub(1, 1) == '"' and Quote:sub(-1, -1) == '"' then-- if first and last characters of quote are quote marksQuote = Quote:sub(2, -2);-- strip them offendendQuote = kern_quotes (Quote);-- kern if neededQuote = utilities.wrap_style ('quoted-text', Quote );-- wrap in <q>...</q> tagsif utilities.is_set (ScriptQuote) thenQuote = script_concatenate (Quote, ScriptQuote, 'script-quote');-- <bdi> tags, lang attribute, categorization, etc.; must be done after quote is wrappedendif utilities.is_set (TransQuote) thenif TransQuote:sub(1, 1) == '"' and TransQuote:sub(-1, -1) == '"' then -- if first and last characters of |trans-quote are quote marksTransQuote = TransQuote:sub(2, -2); -- strip them offendQuote = Quote .. " " .. utilities.wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransQuote );endif utilities.is_set (QuotePage) or utilities.is_set (QuotePages) then-- add page prefixlocal quote_prefix = '';if utilities.is_set (QuotePage) thenextra_text_in_page_check (QuotePage, 'quote-page');-- add to maint cat if |quote-page= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.if not NoPP thenquote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, QuotePage}), '', '', '';elsequote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, QuotePage}), '', '', '';endelseif utilities.is_set (QuotePages) thenextra_text_in_page_check (QuotePages, 'quote-pages');-- add to maint cat if |quote-pages= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.if tonumber(QuotePages) ~= nil and not NoPP then-- if only digits, assume single pagequote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, QuotePages}), '', '';elseif not NoPP thenquote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['pp-prefix'], {sepc, QuotePages}), '', '';elsequote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, QuotePages}), '', '';endend                        Quote = quote_prefix .. ": " .. Quote;elseQuote = sepc .. " " .. Quote;endPostScript = "";-- cs1|2 does not supply terminal punctuation when |quote= is setend-- We check length of PostScript here because it will have been nuked by-- the quote parameters. We'd otherwise emit a message even if there wasn't-- a displayed postscript.-- TODO: Should the max size (1) be configurable?-- TODO: Should we check a specific pattern?if utilities.is_set(PostScript) and mw.ustring.len(PostScript) > 1 thenutilities.set_message ('maint_postscript')endlocal Archived;if utilities.is_set (ArchiveURL) thenif not utilities.is_set (ArchiveDate) then-- ArchiveURL set but ArchiveDate not set--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_archive_missing_date', {A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')});ArchiveURL = '';-- empty string for concatenationArchiveDate = '';-- empty string for concatenationendelseif utilities.is_set (ArchiveDate) then-- ArchiveURL not set but ArchiveDate is setutilities.set_message ('err_archive_date_missing_url');-- emit an error messageArchiveURL = '';-- empty string for concatenationArchiveDate = '';-- empty string for concatenationendendif utilities.is_set (ArchiveURL) thenlocal arch_text;if "live" == UrlStatus thenarch_text = cfg.messages['archived'];--#Commented line--if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endif utilities.is_set (ArchiveDate) thenArchived = sepc .. ' ' .. utilities.substitute ( cfg.messages['archived-live'],{external_link( ArchiveURL, arch_text, A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL'), nil) .. ArchiveFormat, ArchiveDate } );elseArchived = '';endif not utilities.is_set (OriginalURL) then--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_archive_missing_url', {A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')});Archived = '';-- empty string for concatenationendelseif utilities.is_set (OriginalURL) then-- UrlStatus is empty, 'dead', 'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'if utilities.in_array (UrlStatus, {'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'}) thenarch_text = cfg.messages['archived-unfit'];--#Commented line--if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endArchived = sepc .. ' ' .. arch_text .. ArchiveDate;-- format already styledif 'bot: unknown' == UrlStatus thenutilities.set_message ('maint_bot_unknown');-- and add a category if not already addedelseutilities.set_message ('maint_unfit');-- and add a category if not already addedendelse-- UrlStatus is empty, 'dead'arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-dead'];--#Commented line--if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endif utilities.is_set (ArchiveDate) thenArchived = sepc .. " " .. utilities.substitute ( arch_text,{ external_link( OriginalURL, cfg.messages['original'], OriginalURL_origin, OriginalAccess ) .. OriginalFormat, ArchiveDate } );-- format already styledelseArchived = '';-- unset for concatenationendendelse-- OriginalUrl not set--#Modifiedutilities.set_message ('err_archive_missing_url', {A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')});Archived = '';-- empty string for concatenationendelseif utilities.is_set (ArchiveFormat) thenArchived = ArchiveFormat;-- if set and ArchiveURL not set ArchiveFormat has error messageelseArchived = '';endlocal TranscriptURL = A['TranscriptURL']local TranscriptFormat = A['TranscriptFormat'];TranscriptFormat = style_format (TranscriptFormat, TranscriptURL, 'transcript-format', 'transcripturl');local Transcript = A['Transcript'];local TranscriptURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('TranscriptURL');-- get name of parameter that holds TranscriptURLif utilities.is_set (Transcript) thenif utilities.is_set (TranscriptURL) thenTranscript = external_link( TranscriptURL, Transcript, TranscriptURL_origin, nil );endTranscript = sepc .. ' ' .. Transcript .. TranscriptFormat;elseif utilities.is_set (TranscriptURL) thenTranscript = external_link( TranscriptURL, nil, TranscriptURL_origin, nil );endlocal Publisher;if utilities.is_set (PublicationDate) thenPublicationDate = wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);endif utilities.is_set (PublisherName) thenif utilities.is_set (PublicationPlace) thenPublisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;elsePublisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;  endelseif utilities.is_set (PublicationPlace) then Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;else Publisher = PublicationDate;end-- Several of the above rely upon detecting this as nil, so do it last.if (utilities.is_set (Periodical) or utilities.is_set (ScriptPeriodical) or utilities.is_set (TransPeriodical)) thenif utilities.is_set (Title) or utilities.is_set (TitleNote) then Periodical = sepc .. " " .. format_periodical (ScriptPeriodical, ScriptPeriodical_origin, Periodical, TransPeriodical, TransPeriodical_origin);else Periodical = format_periodical (ScriptPeriodical, ScriptPeriodical_origin, Periodical, TransPeriodical, TransPeriodical_origin);endendlocal Language = A['Language'];if utilities.is_set (Language) thenLanguage = language_parameter (Language);-- format, categories, name from ISO639-1, etc.elseLanguage='';-- language not specified so make sure this is an empty string;--[[ TODO: need to extract the wrap_msg from language_parameterso that we can solve parentheses bunching problem with Format/Language/TitleType]]end--[[Handle the oddity that is cite speech.  This code overrides whatever may be the value assigned to TitleNote (through |department=) and forces it to be " (Speech)" so thatthe annotation directly follows the |title= parameter value in the citation rather than the |event= parameter value (if provided).]]if "speech" == config.CitationClass then-- cite speech onlyTitleNote = TitleType;-- move TitleType to TitleNote so that it renders ahead of |event=TitleType = '';-- and unsetif utilities.is_set (Periodical) then-- if Periodical, perhaps because of an included |website= or |journal= parameter if utilities.is_set (Conference) then-- and if |event= is setConference = Conference .. sepc .. " ";-- then add appropriate punctuation to the end of the Conference variable before renderingendendend-- Piece all bits together at last.  Here, all should be non-nil.-- We build things this way because it is more efficient in LUA-- not to keep reassigning to the same string variable over and over.local tcommon;local tcommon2;-- used for book cite when |contributor= is setif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {"book", "citation"}) and not utilities.is_set (Periodical) then-- special cases for book citesif utilities.is_set (Contributors) then-- when we are citing foreword, preface, introduction, etc.tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote}, sepc);-- author and other stuff will come after this and before tcommon2--#Mdified Arabic style make vol lasttcommon2 = safe_join({TitleType, Series, Language, Others, Edition, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);else--#Mdified Arabic style make vol lasttcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Language, Others, Edition, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);endelseif 'map' == config.CitationClass then-- special cases for cite mapif utilities.is_set (Chapter) then-- map in a book; TitleType is part of Chaptertcommon = safe_join ({Title, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);elseif utilities.is_set (Periodical) then-- map in a periodicaltcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleType, Periodical, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);else-- a sheet or stand-alone maptcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleType, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher}, sepc);endelseif 'episode' == config.CitationClass then-- special case for cite episodetcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Publisher}, sepc);else-- all other CS1 templates--#Mdified Arabic style make vol lasttcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, TitleType, Series, Language, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc);endif #ID_list > 0 thenID_list = safe_join( { sepc .. " ",  table.concat( ID_list, sepc .. " " ), ID }, sepc );elseID_list = ID;endlocal Via = A['Via'];Via = utilities.is_set (Via) and  wrap_msg ('via', Via) or '';local idcommon;if 'audio-visual' == config.CitationClass or 'episode' == config.CitationClass then-- special case for cite AV media & cite episode position transcriptidcommon = safe_join( { ID_list, URL, Archived, Transcript, AccessDate, Via, Quote }, sepc );elseidcommon = safe_join( { ID_list, URL, Archived, AccessDate, Via, Quote }, sepc );endlocal text;local pgtext = Position .. Sheet .. Sheets .. Page .. Pages .. At;local OrigDate = A['OrigDate'];OrigDate = utilities.is_set (OrigDate) and wrap_msg ('origdate', OrigDate) or '';if utilities.is_set (Date) thenif utilities.is_set (Authors) or utilities.is_set (Editors) then-- date follows authors or editors when authors not setDate = " (" .. Date .. ")" .. OrigDate .. sepc .. " ";-- in parentheseselse-- neither of authors and editors setif (string.sub(tcommon, -1, -1) == sepc) then-- if the last character of tcommon is sepcDate = " " .. Date .. OrigDate;-- Date does not begin with sepcelseDate = sepc .. " " .. Date .. OrigDate;-- Date begins with sepcendendendif utilities.is_set (Authors) thenif (not utilities.is_set (Date)) then-- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors terminationAuthors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc);-- when no date, terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a spaceendif utilities.is_set (Editors) thenlocal in_text = '';local post_text = '';if utilities.is_set (Chapter) and 0 == #c thenin_text = cfg.messages['in'] .. ' ';--#Modified Commented Bock-- if (sepc ~= '.') then-- in_text = in_text:lower();-- lowercase for cs2-- endendif EditorCount <= 1 thenpost_text = ' (' .. cfg.messages['editor'] .. ')';-- be consistent with no-author, no-date caseelsepost_text = ' (' .. cfg.messages['editors'] .. ')';endEditors = terminate_name_list (in_text .. Editors .. post_text, sepc);-- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a spaceendif utilities.is_set (Contributors) then-- book cite and we're citing the intro, preface, etc.local by_text = sepc .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['by'] .. ' ';--#Modified Commented Line--if (sepc ~= '.') then by_text = by_text:lower() end-- lowercase for cs2Authors = by_text .. Authors;-- author follows title so tweak it hereif utilities.is_set (Editors) and utilities.is_set (Date) then-- when Editors make sure that Authors gets terminatedAuthors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc);-- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a spaceendif (not utilities.is_set (Date)) then-- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Contributors terminationContributors = terminate_name_list (Contributors, sepc);-- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a spaceendtext = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );elsetext = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );endelseif utilities.is_set (Editors) thenif utilities.is_set (Date) thenif EditorCount <= 1 thenEditors = Editors .. cfg.presentation['sep_name'] .. cfg.messages['editor'];elseEditors = Editors .. cfg.presentation['sep_name'] .. cfg.messages['editors'];endelseif EditorCount <= 1 thenEditors = Editors .. " (" .. cfg.messages['editor'] .. ")" .. sepc .. " "elseEditors = Editors .. " (" .. cfg.messages['editors'] .. ")" .. sepc .. " "endendtext = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );elseif utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, {"journal", "citation"}) and utilities.is_set (Periodical) thentext = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );elsetext = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );endendif utilities.is_set (PostScript) and PostScript ~= sepc thentext = safe_join( {text, sepc}, sepc ); -- Deals with italics, spaces, etc.if '.' == sepc then-- remove final seperator if presenttext = text:gsub ('%' .. sepc .. '$', '');-- dot must be escaped hereelsetext = mw.ustring.gsub (text, sepc .. '$', '');-- using ustring for non-dot sepc (likely a non-Latin character)endendtext = safe_join( {text, PostScript}, sepc );-- Now enclose the whole thing in a <cite> elementlocal options_t = {};options_t.class = cite_class_attribute_make (config.CitationClass, Mode);local Ref = is_valid_parameter_value (A['Ref'], A:ORIGIN('Ref'), cfg.keywords_lists['ref'], nil, true);-- nil when |ref=harv; A['Ref'] else--#Added Block auto add CITEREF if Ref and mw.ustring.sub(Ref,1,7) ~= 'CITEREF' thenRef = 'CITEREF' .. Refendif 'none' ~= cfg.keywords_xlate[(Ref and Ref:lower()) or ''] thenlocal namelist_t = {};-- holds selected contributor, author, editor name listlocal year = first_set ({Year, anchor_year}, 2);-- Year first for legacy citations and for YMD dates that require disambiguationif #c > 0 then-- if there is a contributor listnamelist_t = c;-- select itelseif #a > 0 then-- or an author listnamelist_t = a;elseif #e > 0 then-- or an editor listnamelist_t = e;endlocal citeref_id;if #namelist_t > 0 then-- if there are names in namelist_tciteref_id = make_citeref_id (namelist_t, year);-- go make the CITEREF anchorif mw.uri.anchorEncode (citeref_id) == ((Ref and mw.uri.anchorEncode (Ref)) or '') then-- Ref may already be encoded (by {{sfnref}}) so citeref_id must be encoded before comparisonutilities.set_message ('maint_ref_duplicates_default');endelseciteref_id = '';-- = Ref or citeref_id;endif string.len (text:gsub('%b<>', '')) <= 2 then-- remove html and html-like tags; then get length of what remains; z.error_cats_t = {};-- blank the categories listz.error_msgs_t = {};-- blank the error messages listOCinSoutput = nil;-- blank the metadata stringtext = '';-- blank the the citationutilities.set_message ('err_empty_citation');-- set empty citation message and categoryendlocal render_t = {};-- here we collect the final bits for concatenation into the rendered citationif utilities.is_set ( then-- here we wrap the rendered citation in <cite ...>...</cite> tagstable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['cite-id'], {mw.uri.anchorEncode(, mw.text.nowiki(options_t.class), text}));-- when |ref= is set or when there is a namelistelsetable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['cite'], {mw.text.nowiki(options_t.class), text}));-- when |ref=none or when namelist_t empty and |ref= is missing or is emptyendif OCinSoutput then-- blanked when citation is 'empty' so don't bother to add boilerplate metadata spantable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['ocins'], OCinSoutput));-- format and append metadata to the citationendlocal template_name = ('citation' == config.CitationClass) and 'citation' or 'cite ' .. (cfg.citation_class_map_t[config.CitationClass] or config.CitationClass);--#Added linetemplate_name = cfg.ar_temps_names[template_name:lower()] or template_namelocal template_link = '[[Template:' .. template_name .. '|' .. template_name .. ']]';local msg_prefix = '<code class="cs1-code">{{' .. template_link .. '}}</code>: ';if 0 ~= #z.error_msgs_t thenmw.addWarning (utilities.substitute (cfg.messages.warning_msg_e, template_link));table.insert (render_t, ' ');-- insert a space between citation and its error messagestable.sort (z.error_msgs_t);-- sort the error messages list; sorting includes wrapping <span> and <code> tags; hidden-error sorts ahead of visible-errorlocal hidden = true;-- presume that the only error messages emited by this template are hiddenfor _, v in ipairs (z.error_msgs_t) do-- spin through the list of error messagesif v:find ('cs1-visible-error', 1, true) then-- look for the visible error class namehidden = false;-- found one; so don't hide the error message prefixbreak;-- and done because no need to look furtherendendz.error_msgs_t[1] = table.concat ({utilities.error_comment (msg_prefix, hidden), z.error_msgs_t[1]});-- add error message prefix to first error message to prevent extraneous punctuation--#Modified table.insert (render_t, utilities.make_sep_error_list(#z.error_msgs_t, z.error_msgs_t));-- make a big string of error messages and add it to the renderingendif 0 ~= #z.maint_cats_t thenmw.addWarning (utilities.substitute (cfg.messages.warning_msg_m, template_link));table.sort (z.maint_cats_t);-- sort the maintenance messages listlocal maint_msgs_t = {};-- here we collect all of the maint messagesif 0 == #z.error_msgs_t then-- if no error messagestable.insert (maint_msgs_t, msg_prefix);-- insert message prefix in maint message liveryendfor _, v in ipairs( z.maint_cats_t ) do-- append maintenance categoriestable.insert (maint_msgs_t, -- assemble new maint message and add it to the maint_msgs_t tabletable.concat ({v, ' (', utilities.substitute (cfg.messages[':cat wikilink'], v), ')'}));endtable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['hidden-maint'], table.concat (maint_msgs_t, ' ')));-- wrap the group of maint messages with proper presentation and saveendif not no_tracking_cats thenlocal sort_key;local cat_wikilink = 'cat wikilink';if cfg.enable_sort_keys then-- when namespace sort keys enabledlocal namespace_number = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace;-- get namespace number for this wikitextsort_key = (0 ~= namespace_number and (cfg.name_space_sort_keys[namespace_number] or cfg.name_space_sort_keys.other)) or nil;-- get sort key character; nil for mainspacecat_wikilink = (not sort_key and 'cat wikilink') or 'cat wikilink sk';-- make <cfg.messages> keyendfor _, v in ipairs (z.error_cats_t) do-- append error categoriestable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.messages[cat_wikilink], {v, sort_key}));endfor _, v in ipairs (z.maint_cats_t) do-- append maintenance categoriestable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.messages[cat_wikilink], {v, sort_key}));endfor _, v in ipairs (z.prop_cats_t) do-- append properties categoriestable.insert (render_t, utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['cat wikilink'], v));-- no sort keysendendreturn table.concat (render_t);-- make a big string and doneend--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------Looks for a parameter's name in one of several whitelists.Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:true - active, supported parametersfalse - deprecated, supported parametersnil - unsupported parameters]]local function validate (name, cite_class, empty)local name = tostring (name);local enum_name;-- parameter name with enumerator (if any) replaced with '#'local state;local function state_test (state, name)-- local function to do testing of state valuesif true == state then return true; end-- valid actively supported parameterif false == state thenif empty then return nil; end-- empty deprecated parameters are treated as unknownsdeprecated_parameter (name);-- parameter is deprecated but still supportedreturn true;endif 'tracked' == state thenlocal base_name = name:gsub ('%d', '');-- strip enumerators from parameter names that have them to get the base nameutilities.add_prop_cat ('tracked-param', {base_name}, base_name);-- add a properties category; <base_name> modifies <key>return true;endreturn nil;endif name:find ('#') then-- # is a cs1|2 reserved character so parameters with # not permittedreturn nil;end-- replace wnumerator digit(s) with # (|last25= becomes |last#=) (mw.ustring because non-Western 'local' digits)enum_name = mw.ustring.gsub (name, '%d+$', '#');-- where enumerator is last charaters in parameter name (these to protect |s2cid=)enum_name = mw.ustring.gsub (enum_name, '%d+([%-l])', '#%1');-- where enumerator is in the middle of the parameter name; |author#link= is the oddityif 'document' == cite_class then-- special case for {{cite document}}state = whitelist.document_parameters_t[enum_name];-- this list holds enumerated and nonenumerated parametersif true == state_test (state, name) then return true; endreturn false;endif utilities.in_array (cite_class, whitelist.preprint_template_list_t) then-- limited parameter sets allowed for these templatesstate = whitelist.limited_parameters_t[enum_name];-- this list holds enumerated and nonenumerated parametersif true == state_test (state, name) then return true; endstate = whitelist.preprint_arguments_t[cite_class][name];-- look in the parameter-list for the template identified by cite_classif true == state_test (state, name) then return true; endreturn false;-- not supported because not found or name is set to nilend-- end limited parameter-set templatesif utilities.in_array (cite_class, whitelist.unique_param_template_list_t) then -- template-specific parameters for templates that accept parameters from the basic argument liststate = whitelist.unique_arguments_t[cite_class][name];-- look in the template-specific parameter-lists for the template identified by cite_classif true == state_test (state, name) then return true; endend-- if here, fall into general validationstate = whitelist.common_parameters_t[enum_name];-- all other templates; all normal parameters allowed; this list holds enumerated and nonenumerated parametersif true == state_test (state, name) then return true; endreturn false;-- not supported because not found or name is set to nilend--[=[-------------------------< I N T E R _ W I K I _ C H E C K >----------------------------------------------check <value> for inter-language interwiki-link markup.  <prefix> must be a MediaWiki-recognized languagecode.  when these values have the form (without leading colon):[[<prefix>:link|label]] return label as plain-text[[<prefix>:link]] return <prefix>:link as plain-textreturn value as is else]=]local function inter_wiki_check (parameter, value)local prefix = value:match ('%[%[(%a+):');-- get an interwiki prefix if one existslocal _;if prefix and cfg.inter_wiki_map[prefix:lower()] then-- if prefix is in the map, needs preceding colon soutilities.set_message ('err_bad_paramlink', parameter);-- emit an error message_, value, _ = utilities.is_wikilink (value);-- extract label portion from wikilinkendreturn value;end--[[--------------------------< M I S S I N G _ P I P E _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------Look at the contents of a parameter. If the content has a string of characters and digits followed by an equalsign, compare the alphanumeric string to the list of cs1|2 parameters.  If found, then the string is possibly aparameter that is missing its pipe.  There are two tests made:{{cite ... |title=Title access-date=2016-03-17}}-- the first parameter has a value and whitespace separates that value from the missing pipe parameter name{{cite ... |title=access-date=2016-03-17}}-- the first parameter has no value (whitespace after the first = is trimmed by MediaWiki)cs1|2 shares some parameter names with XML/HTML attributes: class=, title=, etc.  To prevent false positives XML/HTMLtags are removed before the search.If a missing pipe is detected, this function adds the missing pipe maintenance category.]]local function missing_pipe_check (parameter, value)local capture;value = value:gsub ('%b<>', '');-- remove XML/HTML tags because attributes: class=, title=, etc.capture = value:match ('%s+(%a[%w%-]+)%s*=') or value:match ('^(%a[%w%-]+)%s*=');-- find and categorize parameters with possible missing pipesif capture and validate (capture) then-- if the capture is a valid parameter nameutilities.set_message ('err_missing_pipe', parameter);endend--[[--------------------------< H A S _ E X T R A N E O U S _ P U N C T >--------------------------------------look for extraneous terminal punctuation in most parameter values; parameters listed in skip table are not checked]]local function has_extraneous_punc (param, value)if 'number' == type (param) thenreturn;endparam = param:gsub ('%d+', '#');-- enumerated name-list mask params allow terminal punct; normalize if cfg.punct_skip[param] thenreturn;-- parameter name found in the skip table so doneendif value:match ('[,;:]$') thenutilities.set_message ('maint_extra_punct');-- has extraneous punctuation; add maint catendif value:match ('^=') then-- sometimes an extraneous '=' character appears ...utilities.set_message ('maint_extra_punct');-- has extraneous punctuation; add maint catendend--[[--------------------------< H A S _ E X T R A N E O U S _ U R L >------------------------------------------look for extraneous url parameter values; parameters listed in skip table are not checked]]local function has_extraneous_url (url_param_t)local url_error_t = {};check_for_url (url_param_t, url_error_t);-- extraneous url checkif 0 ~= #url_error_t then-- non-zero when there are errorstable.sort (url_error_t);utilities.set_message ('err_param_has_ext_link', {utilities.make_sep_list (#url_error_t, url_error_t)});-- add this error messageendend--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N >--------------------------------------------------------------This is used by templates such as {{cite book}} to create the actual citation text.]]local function _citation(frame, config, allargs)Frame = frame;-- save a copy in case we need to display an error message in preview modelocal args = {};--#Modified linelocal sandbox = ((config.SandboxPath and '' ~= config.SandboxPath) and config.SandboxPath) or '/ملعب';-- sandbox path from {{#invoke:Citation/CS1/sandbox|citation|SandboxPath=/...}}is_sandbox = nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), sandbox, 1, true);-- is this invoke the sandbox module?sandbox = is_sandbox and sandbox or '';-- use i18n sandbox to load sandbox modules when this module is the sandox; live modules elselocal styles;--#Added for ltrlocal tmp_cfg;tmp_cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration' .. sandbox);-- load sandbox versions of support modules when {{#invoke:Citation/CS1/sandbox|...}}; live modules elsewhitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist' .. sandbox);utilities = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities' .. sandbox);validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation' .. sandbox);identifiers = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers' .. sandbox);metadata = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/COinS' .. sandbox);styles = 'Module:Citation/CS1' .. sandbox .. '/styles.css';--#Added block for ltrfor k,v in pairs(tmp_cfg) docfg[k] = vendutilities.set_selected_modules (cfg);-- so that functions in Utilities can see the selected cfg tablesidentifiers.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities);-- so that functions in Identifiers can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities modulevalidation.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities);-- so that functions in Date validataion can see selected cfg tables and the selected Utilities modulemetadata.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities);-- so that functions in COinS can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities modulez = utilities.z;-- table of error and category tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilitiesis_preview_mode = not utilities.is_set (frame:preprocess ('{{REVISIONID}}'));--local args = {};-- table where we store all of the template's argumentslocal suggestions = {};-- table where we store suggestions if we need to loadData themlocal error_text;-- used as a flag--#Added block for filtering some parametersif allargs['wikidatacite'] == '1' thenwikidatacite = trueallargs['wikidatacite'] = nilend-----------------------#Added block for ltrlocal ch_lang = allargs['اللغة'] or allargs['لغة'] or allargs['language'] or allargs['lang']if ch_lang and ch_lang ~='' thenlocal isltr = truelocal rtl_lang = {'ar', 'العربية','arabic','fa','الفارسية','persian','ur','urdu', 'الأردية','ku','kurdish', 'الكردية','he', 'hebrew','arc', 'aramaic','dv', 'divehi','ha', 'hausa','khw','khowar','ks','kashmiri','ps','pashto','yi','yiddish','ota', -- تركية عثمانية}local ch_langs = mw.text.split(ch_lang,'[,، ]')for k,v in pairs(ch_langs) dofor k2,v2 in pairs(rtl_lang) doif (mw.ustring.lower(v) == v2) thenisltr = falsebreakendendif (not isltr) then break endendif isltr thenlocal cfg2cfg2 = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration ltr' .. sandbox);for k,v in pairs(cfg2) docfg[k] = vendendend----------------------local capture;-- the single supported capture when matching unknown parameters using patternslocal empty_unknowns = {};-- sequence table to hold empty unknown params for error message listingfor k, v in pairs( allargs ) do-- get parameters from the parent (template) framev = mw.ustring.gsub (v, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1');-- trim leading/trailing whitespace; when v is only whitespace, becomes empty stringif v ~= '' thenif ('string' == type (k)) thenk = mw.ustring.gsub (k, '%d', cfg.date_names.local_digits);-- for enumerated parameters, translate 'local' digits to Western 0-9endif not validate( k, config.CitationClass ) thenif type (k) ~= 'string' then-- exclude empty numbered parametersif v:match("%S+") ~= nil thenerror_text = utilities.set_message ('err_text_ignored', {v});endelseif validate (k:lower(), config.CitationClass) then error_text = utilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()});-- suggest the lowercase version of the parameterelseif nil == suggestions.suggestions then-- if this table is nil then we need to load itsuggestions = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' .. sandbox);--load sandbox version of suggestion module when {{#invoke:Citation/CS1/sandbox|...}}; live module elseendfor pattern, param in pairs (suggestions.patterns) do-- loop through the patterns to see if we can suggest a proper parametercapture = k:match (pattern);-- the whole match if no capture in pattern else the capture if a matchif capture then-- if the pattern matches param = utilities.substitute (param, capture);-- add the capture to the suggested parameter (typically the enumerator)if validate (param, config.CitationClass) then-- validate the suggestion to make sure that the suggestion is supported by this template (necessary for limited parameter lists)error_text = utilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, param});-- set the suggestion error messageelseerror_text = utilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {k});-- suggested param not supported by this templatev = '';-- unsetendendendif not utilities.is_set (error_text) then-- couldn't match with a pattern, is there an explicit suggestion?if (suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ] ~= nil) and validate (suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ], config.CitationClass) thenutilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ]});elseutilities.set_message ('err_parameter_ignored', {k});v = '';-- unset value assigned to unrecognized parameters (this for the limited parameter lists)endendendendargs[k] = v;-- save this parameter and its valueelseif not utilities.is_set (v) then-- for empty parametersif not validate (k, config.CitationClass, true) then-- is this empty parameter a valid parameterk = ('' == k) and '(empty string)' or k;-- when k is empty string (or was space(s) trimmed to empty string), replace with descriptive texttable.insert (empty_unknowns, utilities.wrap_style ('parameter', k));-- format for error message and add to the listend-- crude debug support that allows us to render a citation from module {{#invoke:}} TODO: keep?--elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') then-- when args[k] has a value from {{#invoke}} frame (we don't normally do that)--args[k] = v;-- overwrite args[k] with empty string from pframe.args[k] (template frame); v is empty string hereend-- not sure about the postscript bit; that gets handled in parameter validation; historical artifact?endif 0 ~= #empty_unknowns then-- create empty unknown error messageutilities.set_message ('err_param_unknown_empty', {1 == #empty_unknowns and '' or 's',utilities.make_sep_list (#empty_unknowns, empty_unknowns)});endlocal url_param_t = {};for k, v in pairs( args ) doif 'string' == type (k) then-- don't evaluate positional parametershas_invisible_chars (k, v);-- look for invisible charactersendhas_extraneous_punc (k, v);-- look for extraneous terminal punctuation in parameter valuesmissing_pipe_check (k, v);-- do we think that there is a parameter that is missing a pipe?args[k] = inter_wiki_check (k, v);-- when language interwiki-linked parameter missing leading colon replace with wiki-link labelif 'string' == type (k) and not cfg.url_skip[k] then-- when parameter k is not positional and not in url skip tableurl_param_t[k] = v;-- make a parameter/value list for extraneous url checkendendhas_extraneous_url (url_param_t);-- look for url in parameter values where a url does not belongreturn table.concat ({frame:extensionTag ('templatestyles', '', {src=styles}),citation0( config, args)});endlocal function citation(frame)local allargs = {};local config = {};-- table to store parameters from the module {{#invoke:}}for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do-- get parameters from the {{#invoke}} frameconfig[k] = v;if k ~= "CitationClass" and k ~= "SandboxPath" thenallargs[k] = v;endendlocal pframe = frame:getParent()for k, v in pairs( pframe.args ) doif k ~= "وصلة مكسورة" thenallargs[k] = v;endendreturn _citation(frame, config, allargs)end--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------]]return {citation = citation,_citation = _citation};