Argentina–Serbia relations

Argentina–Serbia relations refers to the diplomatic relations between Argentina and Serbia. Both nations were founding members of the Group of 77 and the United Nations.

Argentine-Serbian relations
Map indicating locations of Argentina and Serbia





In 1870, the first registered Serbian migrants arrived and settled in Argentina. In 1914, is estimated that over 38,000 Serbians had immigrated to Argentina since the arrival of the first migrants.[1] In 1928, Argentina and Serbia established diplomatic relation.[2] In 1918, Serbia became an integral part of Yugoslavia until its dissolution in 1992.

Argentine position on Kosovo


In 2008, after Kosovo declared independence as a Republic of Kosovo, Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana said "if we were to recognise Kosovo, which has declared its independence unilaterally, without an agreement with Serbia, we would set a dangerous precedent that would seriously threaten our chances of a political settlement in the case of the Falkland Islands". Argentina will not recognize also because it "supports the principle of territorial integrity". Additionally, he stressed that the 1999 UN Resolution 1244 called for the mutual agreement of all parties to solve the dispute. He said that President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner would not give any official statement on the issue, reiterating that there would be no recognition of Kosovo.[3][4]



On April 14, 2008 Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremić visited Argentina, and agreed with Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana, on a series of joint steps within international multilateral institutions related to Serbia's diplomatic approach to Kosovo. Argentina will support the initiative of Serbia within the UN General Assembly to ask the opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of recognising Kosovo's unilateral independence and will actively advocate that this initiative is supported by Latin America countries and within the Non-Aligned Movement and Mercosur. During the visit it was agreed that Taiana will visit Belgrade in June and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in 2009.[5]

Bilateral treaties

October 8, 1928Convention on reciprocity in the payment of compensation for industrial accidentsBuenos AiresJanuary 9, 1935
September 19, 1946Agreement establishing diplomatic and trade relationsBuenos AiresSeptember 19, 1946
June 19, 1965Commercial AgreementBuenos AiresMay 10, 1967
July 19, 1974Draft Agreement on Economic CooperationBuenos Aires
September 21, 1977Final Act of the II Meeting of the Joint Argentine-Yugoslav CommissionBelgrade
September 21, 1977Agreement on Scientific and Technical CooperationBelgradeAugust 10, 1979
September 21, 1977Convention on Economic and Technical CooperationBelgradeNovember 3, 1978
August 4, 1981Agreement on abolishing visas for diplomatic and official passportsBelgradeAugust 31, 1981
October 26, 1987Agreement on abolishing visas for ordinary passportsBuenos AiresOctober 16, 1988
October 27, 1987Veterinary and Sanitary AgreementBuenos AiresJune 27, 1988
October 27, 1987Convention on Cultural CooperationBuenos AiresJune 20, 1996
November 26, 2014Agreement on Scientific and Technological CooperationBuenos AiresNovember 26, 2014
November 26, 2014Agreement in Educational and Cultural CooperationBuenos AiresNovember 26, 2014

Resident diplomatic missions


See also


