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/* * <nowiki> * This script is a fork of https: * which was forked from https: *//* * Documentation of CSS classes. * * .arky-span is the main custom class of the script. * Inside a .arky-span is an archive link, which triggers selection. * .arky-span tags also store data (not visible in the UI) associated with * corresponding sections: the index of the section and heading level * (i.e. ==2==, ===3===, etc) * Tags with .arky-span class are also called "archive spans". * * .arky-selected-section is put onto the whole semantic heading * of a section, selected by user for archiving. * During selection the class is used for styling (a light-blue background). * After clicking "archive ... selected threads" the class is used to * find all the archive spans, which live inside the semantic heading. */const USERSCRIPT_NAME = "Archiver";function notifyUser(notificationMessage) {mw.notify(notificationMessage, {title: USERSCRIPT_NAME});}const LOG_PREFIX = `[${USERSCRIPT_NAME}]:`;function error(...toLog) {console.error(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function warn(...toLog) {console.warn(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function info(...toLog) {, ...toLog);}function debug(...toLog) {console.debug(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function constructAd() {// TODO maybe also introduce versions + include version in the ad?return `using [[User:Andrybak/Archiver|${USERSCRIPT_NAME}]]`;}function constructEditSummary(mainEditSummary) {return `${mainEditSummary} (${constructAd()})`;}$.when( mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util','mediawiki.api']), $.ready).done( function () {/* * Reference documentation about keys and values in mw.config: * */if (!mw.config.get('wgIsArticle')) { // This variable is badly named -- it is not related to a page being a main namespace "article".info('Not a wiki page. Aborting.');return;}if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId') === 0 || mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') === 0) {info('Either the page does not exist yet or it is a diffonly=yes view. Aborting.');return;}if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") % 2 == 0 && mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") != 4) {// not a talk page and not project namespaceinfo('Not a discussion namespace. Aborting.');return;}if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1) {// is a special pageinfo('This is a "Special:" page. Aborting.');return;}const parserOutput = document.querySelector('#mw-content-text .mw-parser-output');if (!parserOutput || $(parserOutput).find(':header').length === 0) {info('Nothing to archive here. Aborting.');return;}if (mw.config.get('wgDiffNewId') != null || mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId') != null) {info('Detected diff view. Aborting.');return;}mw.util.addCSS(".arky-selected-section { background-color:#D9E9FF } .arky-selected-section .arky-span a { font-weight:bold }");var sectionCodepointOffsets = new Object();var wikiText = "";var revStamp; // The timestamp when we originally got the page contents - we pass it to the "edit" API call for edit conflict detectionvar portletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "#", "ⵙCA", "ca-oecaAndrybak", "Enter/exit the archival process", null, null);var archiveButton = $(document.createElement("button"));let highestArchiveSubpagePromise = null;$(portletLink).click(function(e) {$(".arky-selected-section").removeClass('.arky-selected-section');$(".arky-span").toggle();archiveButton.toggle();if (highestArchiveSubpagePromise == null) {/* * Start searching for the archive subpage with highest number immediately. * Then the click listener on `archiveButton` will wait for this `Promise`. */highestArchiveSubpagePromise = findHighestArchiveSubpage();} else {// TODO: if "Loading..." was already shown to the user via the button, we need to reset the text here.}});archiveButton.html("archive all the selected threads").attr("id", 'arky-archive-button').css("position", 'sticky').css("bottom", 0).css("width", '100%').css("font-size", '200%');$(document.body).append(archiveButton);archiveButton.toggle(); {var selectedSections = $(".arky-selected-section .arky-span").map(function() {return $(this).data("section");}).toArray();if (selectedSections.length === 0) {return alert("No threads selected, aborting");}const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {/* * In case highestArchiveSubpagePromise is taking a long time, * show to the user that stuff is happening. */archiveButton.text("Loading...");}, 1000);highestArchiveSubpagePromise.then(result => {clearTimeout(timeoutId);info("Successful highestArchiveSubpagePromise:", result);doArchive(selectedSections, result);}, rejection => {info("Failed highestArchiveSubpagePromise:", rejection);const currentPageName = mw.config.get("wgPageName");doArchive(selectedSections, archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, "???"));});}); // end of archiveButton click handleraddArchiveLinks();function midPoint(lower, upper) {return Math.floor(lower + (upper - lower) / 2);}/* * Based on */async function exponentialSearch(testFunc, i, lower, upper) {if (await testFunc(i)) {if (i + 1 == upper) {return i;}lower = i;if (upper) {i = midPoint(lower, upper);} else {i = i * 2;}return exponentialSearch(testFunc, i, lower, upper);} else {upper = i;i = midPoint(lower, upper);return exponentialSearch(testFunc, i, lower, upper);}}function archiveSpacedSubpageName(pageName, archiveNumber) {return pageName + "/Archive " + archiveNumber;}function archiveSlashedSubpageName(pageName, archiveNumber) {return pageName + "/Archive/" + archiveNumber;}/* * Based on */async function pageExists(title) {const api = new mw.Api();const response = await api.get({"action": "query","format": "json","titles": title});const missing = "missing" in Object.values(response.query.pages)[0];return !missing;}/* * Find the subpage of this page, which will be used as destination/target of archiving. * It is just "Archive 1" by default, but can be increased by exponentialSearch. */function findHighestArchiveSubpage() {info("findHighestArchiveSubpage: start");// mw.config.get("wgPageName")return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {try {const currentPageName = mw.config.get("wgPageName");const currentYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear();let subpageFunc;/* * Check if "current year" subpage is a good candidate for * pages with * TODO: maybe implement checking if {{Archived annually}} is transcluded. */if (await pageExists(archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, currentYear - 1)) && !await pageExists(archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, currentYear + 1))) {resolve(archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, currentYear));return;} else if (await pageExists(archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, 1))) {subpageFunc = archiveSpacedSubpageName;} else if (await pageExists(archiveSlashedSubpageName(currentPageName, 1))) {subpageFunc = archiveSlashedSubpageName;} else {notifyUser("Cannot find the first archive subpage");info('Assuming zero archive subpages.');resolve(archiveSpacedSubpageName(currentPageName, 1));return;}async function checkArchiveSubpageExists(archiveNumber) {const archiveSubpageTitle = subpageFunc(currentPageName, archiveNumber);return pageExists(archiveSubpageTitle);}// see also highestNumber = await exponentialSearch(checkArchiveSubpageExists, 10, 1, null);const highestArchiveSubpage = subpageFunc(currentPageName, highestNumber);resolve(highestArchiveSubpage);} catch (e) {const msg = "Cannot find archive subpage with the highest number";error(msg, e);notifyUser(msg);reject(e);}});}function doArchive(selectedSections, highestArchiveSubpage) {// returns `s` without the substring starting at `start` and ending at `end`function cut(s, start, end) {return s.substr(0, start) + s.substring(end);}const archivePageName = prompt("Archiving " + selectedSections.length + " threads: where should we move them to? The latest archive number seems to be:", highestArchiveSubpage);if (!archivePageName || archivePageName == mw.config.get("wgPageName")) {return alert("No archive target selected, aborting");}// codepointToUtf16Idx maps codepoint idx (i.e. MediaWiki index into page text) to utf-16 idx (i.e. JavaScript index into wikiText)var codepointToUtf16Idx = {};// Initialize "important" (= either a section start or end) values to 0selectedSections.forEach(function(n) {codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].start] = 0;codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].end] = 0;});codepointToUtf16Idx[Infinity] = Infinity; // Because sometimes we'll have Infinity as an "end" value// fill in our mapping from codepoints (MediaWiki indices) to utf-16 (i.e. JavaScript).// yes, this loops through every character in the wikitext. very unfortunate.var codepointPos = 0;for (var utf16Pos = 0; utf16Pos < wikiText.length; utf16Pos++, codepointPos++) {if (codepointToUtf16Idx.hasOwnProperty(codepointPos)) {codepointToUtf16Idx[codepointPos] = utf16Pos;}if ((0xD800 <= wikiText.charCodeAt(utf16Pos)) && (wikiText.charCodeAt(utf16Pos) <= 0xDBFF)) {// high surrogate! utf16Pos goes up by 2, but codepointPos goes up by only 1.utf16Pos++; // skip the low surrogate}}var newTextForArchivePage = {return wikiText.substring(codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].start],codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].end]);}).join("");selectedSections.reverse(); // go in reverse order so that we don't invalidate the offsets of earlier sectionsvar newWikiText = wikiText;selectedSections.forEach(function(n) {newWikiText = cut(newWikiText,codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].start],codepointToUtf16Idx[sectionCodepointOffsets[n].end]);});info("archive this:" + newTextForArchivePage);info("revised page:" + newWikiText);var pluralizedThreads = selectedSections.length + ' thread' + ((selectedSections.length === 1) ? '' : 's');new mw.Api().postWithToken("csrf", {action: 'edit',title: mw.config.get("wgPageName"),text: newWikiText,summary: constructEditSummary(`Removing ${pluralizedThreads}, will be on [[${archivePageName}]]`),basetimestamp: revStamp,starttimestamp: revStamp}).done(function(res1) {alert("Successfully removed threads from talk page");info(res1);new mw.Api().postWithToken("csrf", {action: 'edit',title: archivePageName,appendtext: "\n" + newTextForArchivePage,summary: constructEditSummary(`Adding ${pluralizedThreads} from [[${mw.config.get("wgPageName")}]]`)}).done(() => alert("Successfully added threads to archive page")).fail(() => alert("Failed to add threads to archive page. Manual inspection needed.")).always(function(res2) {info(res2);window.location.reload();});}).fail(function(res1) {alert("Failed to remove threads from talk page. Aborting archive process.");error(res1);window.location.reload();});} // end of doArchive()/* * Filters the result of the API query. * Plus, importantly, populates the global variable `sectionCodepointOffsets`. */function extractValidSections(apiResultSections) {const validSections = {};// generate the list/array$(apiResultSections)// For sections transcluded from other pages, s.index will look// like T-1 instead of just 1. Remove those..filter((i, s) => { return s.index == parseInt(s.index) }).each((i, s) => { validSections[s.index] = s });// record the offsets in the global variablefor (var i in validSections) {i = parseInt(i);// What MediaWiki calls "byteoffset" is actually a codepoint offset!! Drat!!sectionCodepointOffsets[i] = {start: validSections[i].byteoffset,end: validSections.hasOwnProperty(i+1)?validSections[i+1].byteoffset:Infinity};}return validSections;}/* * The convoluted way of "header" vs "headerContainer" is needed, because * there are different HTML layouts for "headings" in different skins. * In Vector 2022, layout of ==Second level== versus ===Third level=== * headings is different even for a _single_ skin. * * The HTML layout is either *    <div><h*></h*><edit section link /></div> * or *    <h*><edit section link /></h*> * * "headerContainer" is always the outer of the tags, it always contains the <edit section link /> tags. * "header" is always one of the <h*> tags. * Meaning that in some cases "header" and "headContainer" is the same HTML element. * * arky-span, aka archiveSpans are put inside the "<edit section link />". * * For details, see: *   - */// Returns a plain HTMLElementfunction findEditSectionForHeader(header) {// in Vector, the bracketed [edit] section link is a direct child element/nodeconst maybeVectorEditSection = header.querySelector('.mw-editsection');if (maybeVectorEditSection) {return maybeVectorEditSection;}// in other skins, the bracketed [edit] section link is a sibling of <h2> <h3> etcif (header.parentElement.classList.contains('mw-heading')) {const maybeEditSection = header.parentElement.querySelector('.mw-editsection');if (maybeEditSection) {return maybeEditSection;}}return null;}// Returns a jQuery objectfunction findHeaderContainerForArchiveSpan(archiveSpan) {const jQueryArchiveSpan = $(archiveSpan);const maybeDivMwHeading = jQueryArchiveSpan.parents('.mw-heading');if (maybeDivMwHeading.length > 0) {return maybeDivMwHeading;}const maybeHeaderParent = jQueryArchiveSpan.parents(':header');if (maybeHeaderParent.length > 0) {return maybeHeaderParent;}notifyUser("findHeaderContainerForArchiveSpan: Cannot parse section headings in this skin. Aborting.")error("findHeaderContainerForArchiveSpan: Tags for bug report:", archiveSpan, archiveSpan.parentElement);return null;}/* * We need to get the top-level element of the whole header. * In some cases it's a <div class="mw-heading ..."> * In other cases it's just a <h2>, <h3>, etc tag. * * Returns a plain HTML element. */function getHeaderContainer(header) {if (header.parentElement.classList.contains('mw-heading')) {return header.parentElement;}return header;}/* * Create the bracketed [archive] links next to the [edit] section links. * These [archive] links are used by a user to select sections for archival. */function addArchiveLinks() {// grab page sections and wikitext so we can add the "archive" links to appropriate sectionsnew mw.Api().get({action: 'parse', page: mw.config.get("wgPageName")}).done(function(parseApiResult) {new mw.Api().get({action: 'query', pageids: mw.config.get("wgArticleId"), prop: ['revisions'], rvprop: ['content', 'timestamp']}).done(function(revisionsApiResult) {var rv;rv = revisionsApiResult.query.pages[mw.config.get("wgArticleId")].revisions[0];wikiText = rv["*"];revStamp = rv['timestamp'];});const validSections = extractValidSections(parseApiResult.parse.sections);/* * The search for all section headings starts with * finding all <h*> tags, which aren't for the table of contents. * From the <h*> tags, we find the "[edit] section links" and * "header containers" (see big comment above). */const allHeaders = $("#mw-content-text .mw-parser-output").find(":header").filter(':not(#mw-toc-heading)');if (allHeaders.length == 0) {warn('Nothing to archive here. The script should have aborted earlier. Aborting.');return;}allHeaders.each(function(i, header) {var sectionNumber = undefined;const headerLevel = header.tagName.slice(1) * 1; // wtf javascriptconst editSection = findEditSectionForHeader(header);if (!editSection) {// we're either in an archived page ([edit] links are hidden with magic word __NOEDITSECTION__)return;}{const editSectionLink = editSection.querySelector('a');if (editSectionLink) {// Note: href may not be set.const sectionNumberMatch = editSectionLink.href && editSectionLink.href.match(/&section=(\d+)/);if (sectionNumberMatch) {sectionNumber = sectionNumberMatch[1];}}}// if the if statement fails, it might be something like <h2>not a real section</h2>if (validSections.hasOwnProperty(sectionNumber)) {const archiveLink = $('<a>').text('archive').click(function() {const correspondingHeaderContainer = $(getHeaderContainer(header));correspondingHeaderContainer.toggleClass('arky-selected-section');// now, click all sub-sections of this section// i.e. mark all needed header containers with our CSS class .arky-selected-sectionconst isThisSectionSelected = correspondingHeaderContainer.hasClass('arky-selected-section');const thisHeaderLevel = archiveLink.parents('.arky-span').data('header-level');// starting from the current section, loop through each sectionconst allArchiveSpans = $('.arky-span');const currSectionIdx = allArchiveSpans.index(archiveLink.parents('.arky-span'));for (var i = currSectionIdx + 1; i < allArchiveSpans.length; i++) {if ($(allArchiveSpans[i]).data('header-level') <= thisHeaderLevel) {// if this isn't a subsection, quitbreak;}const closestHeaderContainer = findHeaderContainerForArchiveSpan(allArchiveSpans[i]);if (closestHeaderContainer.hasClass('arky-selected-section') != isThisSectionSelected) {// if this section needs toggling, toggle itclosestHeaderContainer.toggleClass('arky-selected-section');}}// finally, update buttonconst selectedSectionCount = $('.arky-selected-section').length;archiveButton.prop('disabled', selectedSectionCount === 0).text('archive ' + selectedSectionCount + ' selected thread' +  ((selectedSectionCount === 1) ? '' : 's'));});const arkySpan = $("<span>", { "class": "arky-span" }).css({'display':'none'}).data({'header-level': headerLevel, 'section': sectionNumber}).append($('<span>', { 'class': 'mw-editsection-bracket' }).text('['),archiveLink,$('<span>', { 'class': 'mw-editsection-bracket' }).text(']'));$(editSection).append("&nbsp;", arkySpan);}});}).fail(() => warn('addArchiveLinks: Cannot download current page. Aborting.'));}}); // </nowiki>