Pulvis caril


Pulvis caril[1][2] (Theodisce Currypulver; Anglice curry powder) est tritura sicca e variis aromatibus composita qua sapores soliti ferculorum caril recreantur. Saeculo XVIII ut videtur inventus est: pulvere cayennae iam diu in insulis Caribaeis et Europa Occidentali bene cognita ad sapores Caribicos recreandos adhibebatur. Ab hoc aevo pulvis caril, qui quantitatem capsici minorem comprehendit, aliis aromatibus additis, in ferculis Caribicis traditionis Indicae usitabantur,[3] etiamsi ad fercula Indica paranda saepius deprecabatur.[4]

Nuntius diarius anno 1784 editus, quo primum (ut censetur) pulvis caril emptoribus Anglicis oblatum sit.
Pulvis caril sicut olim in Africa Orientali Britannica venditabatur.
  1. Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
  2. "Curry pulvis" inter nomina pharmaceutica (p. 150 apud Google Books)
  3. C'est la base de la poudre de "carick" ("India currie powder") qui sert à préparer un mets composé d'une volaille découpée, d'écrevisses, de tourteaux ou de crabes, d'une sauce faite avec un coulis et la poudre de "carick", et séparément un pilau de riz cuit à la manière créole et que l'on mange en guise de pain: Descourtilz (1828)
  4. Instead . . . of using currie powder as obtained in shops, we would advise every cook to keep the several ingredients, each good of its kind, in well stopped vials, and to mix them when they are wanted, suiting the quantities of the various ingredients to the nature of the dish. Fish, for example, requires more acid than fowl. Some people like a great deal of Cayenne, others detest the taste and smell of turmeric, and some are all for ginger. To use currie powder mixed in the same proportions for every sort of viand and of taste, may do very well for those who entertain a mysterious veneration for the oriental characters inscribed on the packages, but will not suit a gourmand of any knowledge or experience: Margaret Dods, The Cook and Housewife's Manual (Edinburgi, 1826) p. 125.)


Pulvis caril (curry, köri) in macello aromatum Constantinopoli in urbe venditatus.
  • Michel Étienne Descourtilz, Flore médicale des Antilles fasc. 6 (1828) p. 173
  • "The Commercialization of Curry Powder" in Cecilia Leong-Salobir, Food Culture in Colonial Asia: a taste of empire (Londinii: Routledge, 2011. ISBN 978-0-415-60632-5) pp. 54-55
  • 1817 : William Kitchiner, Apicius Redivivus, or The Cook's Oracle (Londinii: Bagster) no. 454, 455 ("Curry powder, Cheap curry powder")
  • 1822 : "Currie powder" in Mary Eaton, The cook and housekeeper's complete and universal dictionary (Bungay, 1822) pp. 101-102
  • 1845 : Eliza Acton, Modern cookery in all its branches (Londinii: Longmans) pp. 344-345 "Mr. Arnott's currie powder")
  • 1888 : W. H. Dawe, The Wife's Help to Indian Cookery (Londinii: Elliot Stock, 1888) pp. 68-69 ("Kárhí [curry] powder, Madras kárhí powder, Delhi kárhí powder")
  • 1893 : Flora Annie Steel, Grace Gardiner, The complete Indian housekeeper and cook, tertia ed. (Edinburgi: Edinburgh Press) pp. 397-398 ("Madras curry powder, Malay curry powder")
  • 1900 : P. O. P., The Nabob's Cookery Book: a manual of East and West Indian recipes (Londinii: Warne) no. 22-24
  • 1906 : Charles Herman Senn, ed., Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management (Londinii: Ward, Lock, 1906) p. 1606
  • 1911 : Robert H. Christie, Banquets of the Nations: eighty-six dinners characteristic and typical each of its own country (Edinburgi: Gray) pp. 247, 355 ("Bombay [Brahmin]: Curry powder; Punjab [Mussulman]: Curry powder")

Nexus externi
