習得次序粵拼zaap6 dak1 ci3 zeoi6英文order of acquisition)係語言習得嘅一個概念,指緊一個人學一隻語言嗰時,硬係傾向會以某個特定嘅次序嚟學識隻語言嘅文法嘅唔同部份。



喺 1970 年代嗰陣,有語言學家搵咗幾個以英文L1 嘅細路返嚟研究,想分析吓佢哋學英文嗰時係咪「硬係會以某啲次序學識英文嘅唔同文法特徵」,佢發覺班細路學英文嗰啲構詞形態素嗰陣,實係會跟以下噉嘅次序:

  1. 首先會學識進行式 -ing
  2. 跟住學識 in裏面)同 on上面)呢兩隻介詞
  3. 跟住學識表達眾數詞形變化
  4. 跟住學識唔跟規律(唔係就噉加 -ed)嘅過去式
  5. 跟住學識擁有式嘅 's

... 等,呢度唔列晒出嚟[1][2]

打後嘅研究仲有將習得次序嘅概念廣義化,研究形態素以外嘅語言元件嘅習得次序、英文以外嘅語言嘅習得次序[3]、同埋係學 L2 嗰陣嘅習得次序。

學 L2 嗰陣啲習得次序被指係會受到 L1 影響[4][5]




  • Brown, Roger (1973). A first language: The early stages. Harvard University Press.
  1. Brown, R.W. (1973). A first language: the early stages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  2. Brown's Stages of Syntactic and Morphological Development. Caroline Bowen.
  3. Evers-Vermeul, J., & Sanders, T. (2009). The emergence of Dutch connectives; how cumulative cognitive complexity explains the order of acquisition. Journal of Child Language, 36(4), 829-854,呢篇文講荷蘭話連接詞嘅習得次序。
  4. Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2016). L1 influence on the acquisition order of English grammatical morphemes: A learner corpus study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38(3), 365-401.
  5. Dulay, H. C., & Burt, M. K. (1974). Natural sequences in child second language acquisition 1. Language learning, 24(1), 37-53.